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Student Representatives of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

AStA & StuRa

The student council has its offices in house 17. The AStA office is in house 17/room 011. The committee room is in house 17/room 013.

General Student Committee (AStA)

The General Student Committee (AStA) is the executive body of the student body. It consists of ten students from as many departments as possible, who are directly elected every year in the committee elections.

The AStA conducts the business of the student body on its own responsibility, promotes student projects, organises events and much more. It negotiates cooperation agreements in the interest of all students, such as the semester ticket with the VBB, Nextbike or university sports.

The AStA is the first point of contact for issues that affect everyone - whether it's discrimination, housing shortages, library opening hours or canteen food.

They perform their duties in accordance with the Brandenburg University Act (BBgHSG) §16. There are ten main areas and some tasks that they distribute among themselves. The AStA meetings are generally open to the public.

Student Councils (StuRa)

The Student Council (StuRa) represents the interests of the students in the department. It is the first point of contact for questions or problems and mediator between students, lecturers and the Dean's Office.

The StuRa promotes student projects and coordinates student activities and events in the department.

It consists of ten students who are directly elected every year in the committee elections. They perform their duties in accordance with the Brandenburg University Act (BBgHSG) §16. There are focal points and some tasks that they distribute among themselves. The StuRa meetings are generally open to the public.

Other Bodies

Students are also members of other committees at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, where they can have a say in studies, teaching and campus life.


Each department has its own departmental council (FBR), in which two student representatives sit. Topics that affect the entire department are discussed there. The FBR elects the deans and vice-deans, decides on study and examination regulations and on appointments.

The student representatives are elected by the student body of the department in the annual committee elections.

The FBR meets every second Wednesday of the month during the semester.

FBR 1 | FBR 2 | FBR 3 | FBR 4 | FBR 5

Examination Board

Each department has its own examination board, in which three student representatives sit. The examination board is responsible for the proper conduct of examinations and decides on examination matters. The examination board also makes decisions on applications for disadvantage compensation.

The student representatives are sent to the examination board by the respective StuRa.

The meetings usually take place once a month.

FB 1 | FB 2 | FB 3 | FB 4 | FB 5


Three members and three deputy members are elected annually from the student body to the senate.

Standing Committe on Studies and Teaching

Three students are represented in the permanent commission for studies and teaching. One is the student vice-president, one is a representative from the AStA (usually the focus of studies and teaching) and one is a student member who is proposed by the AStA. The Senate elects the representatives.

It discusses study and examination regulations for all degree programmes, study programme regulations, framework regulations and everything that concerns teaching.

The SKSL takes place every third Wednesday of the month.

Central Election Committee

The central election committee checks the work of the election committee.

The student member is elected in the senate by the student representatives for one year.

They usually meet twice a semester before and after the committee elections.

Electoral Board

The central election committee is responsible for preparing and conducting central elections, e.g. the general committee elections or the election of the president or chairperson of the senate.
The student member is elected by the student representatives in the senate for one year.

They usually meet twice a semester before and after the committee elections.

  • The election committee also exists decentrally, once per department. There, the members are responsible for preparing and conducting elections in the department.
    The student member is elected for one year by the student representatives in the departmental council.

Steering Committee Student Health Management,

The steering committee of the student health management is supervised by the health manager, the assistant to the chancellor. In exchange with the AStA and interested students, projects are conceived once a quarter and then implemented.

The student health management, like the company health management, was created in cooperation with the Techniker Krankenkasse health insurance company.


More events
No content available.


General Assembly of the Student Body

The general assembly is the highest decision-making body of the student body. All students can submit motions for speeches and projects there and are entitled to speak and vote. The AStA implements the decisions made at the plenary assembly.

According to §3 Paragraph 1 of the universities's basic regulations, there is freedom to hold lectures at the plenary assembly - and this also applies online! Teachers must cancel their course during this period. If there are any problems with this, students can contact the AStA by email.

Student plenary meetings are usually held in the second month of the semester. You can find out when the next one will take place in the dates section.

Committee Networking Meeting

The committee networking meeting is organised by the AStA and has the task of networking all student committee members and promoting communication.

The meeting usually takes place every month during the lecture period.

Interested students can contact the AStA to find out the next date.


Student Vice President

Vice President for Special Tasks / Student Vice President
AStA Officer for University Policy & Studies and Teaching