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Partner Universities – Using Established Channels

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The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam's international partner universities offer established networks and a wealth of experience with exchange programmes. It is worth taking a closer look at our partners!

Partner universities
Exchange places for students
Interaktive Karte mit Austauschplätzen

Study abroad: Interactive map with exchange places

You can find the exchange places for students at our partner universities on our interactive map. A semester abroad in one of our exchange programmes is only possible at these universities.

Open interactive map

Studying at a partner university


With the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union supports students of all disciplines in studying abroad in Europe.

Erasmus+ Studies

Study in Switzerland

To study at one of our partner universities in Switzerland, you can apply for the Swiss-European Mobility Programme.

Swiss-European Mobility Programme

Study outside Europe

You can spend time abroad at partner universities outside Europe through the bilateral exchange programme.

Bilateral exchange

Silhouette der Kontinente als Weltkarte

Overview of all partner universities of the FH Potsdam

Get an overview of all international partner institutions of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in the Mobility-Online Portal. If you have any questions about the contents of the cooperation, please contact the International Office.

To the Mobility-Online Portal

  • Taiwan – DAAD ISAP-Programms

    National Taipei University of Technology NTUT

    Since 2018, the DAAD has been funding the study and training partnership between the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Design Department) and the National Taipei University of Technology NTUT (College of Design). As a high-tech country, Taiwan is exemplary for a society that is largely open to the digital transformation. Numerous product and service innovations have already been successfully realised there, e.g. in the areas of "Smart City", "e-Mobility" or "e-Security". A stay in Taiwan makes it possible to observe the potentials of these developments (e.g. in the context of privacy), which are sometimes critically discussed from a European perspective.

  • Das Mausoleum Gur-Emir in Samarkand
    Das Mausoleum Gur-Emir in Samarkand

    Samarkand State Architecture and Construction Institute

    FH Potsdam has been cooperating with the State Institute of Architecture and Construction in Samarkand in Uzbekistan since 2020 in the field of conservation and restoration, architecture and building preservation. The partnership is currently funded by the DAAD. As part of the project Interdisciplinary on Monuments, a summer school for students took place in Uzbekistan in summer 2022.

Establishing international university partnerships

International cooperation serves to promote university relations worldwide. They support study and teaching through the promotion and exchange of students, lecturers and academics as well as through joint research activities.

The formalisation of international cooperation through contracts is an effective legal transaction with defined legal consequences and involves a mutual commitment. Contracts for international university cooperation must also be distinguished from contracts for the joint implementation of research projects (e.g. BMBF or DFG cooperation agreements).

The first step is to establish contact with the university abroad. Discuss what you agree on and how you would like to co-operate in the future.

  • What is the aim of the agreement and what are its benefits for the FH Potsdam?
  • Should the cooperation include student exchanges and if so, for which degree programmes and on what terms?
  • Would you like to exchange teaching ideas and design and run joint courses? Would you like to organise excursions and summer schools?
  • Is it about research cooperation? Do you have specific plans to submit a project proposal? 
  • What degree of concretisation is required for the operational implementation of the contractual objectives?
  • Are supplementary regulations/contracts such as student exchange agreements required?
  • Who is responsible for the fulfilment of the contract? 
  • Do the contents of the contract cause points of friction with applicable law (e.g. data protection) or with other relevant guidelines or programmes?

All of these questions should be clarified in advance in order to determine the appropriate type of contract. 

There are different levels of cooperation:

  • Cooperation at subject level/programme level (e.g. contracts for student exchange for a specific FHP degree programme in the Erasmus+ programme, Student Exchange Agreement)
  • Cooperation at department level (one FHP department, contracts with departments and faculties at a university abroad without allocation to individual degree programmes, Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange Agreement)
  • Cooperation at university level (if at least two departments express their explicit interest; e.g. Memorandum of Understanding, Student Exchange Agreement)

Please note that the designations for contract types differ internationally and therefore the content must always be checked.

Letter of Intent (LoI)

A partnership agreement is often preceded by the signing of a legally non-binding general letter of intent for cooperation, which can be concluded at all levels of cooperation. The conclusion of a letter of intent is not obligatory.

Partnership agreements: Cooperation Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Legally binding partnership agreements are concluded at different levels. The cooperation agreement at faculty level is recommended if only one faculty is interested in cooperating with another university. If necessary, this can be supplemented with specifics (such as a supplementary agreement on student exchange).

The partnership agreement at university level is a fully-fledged cooperation agreement between two universities with the aim of promoting existing contacts and cooperation with universities abroad on an interdisciplinary basis. For university-wide partnership agreements, at least two departments must express their explicit interest. The university partnership agreement can include the exchange of students and academics as well as the joint realisation and publication of research projects. It contains either very detailed or merely general agreements and can be supplemented with specifics (such as a supplementary agreement on student exchange) if required.

In order to ensure sustainability, the cooperation in this type of agreement should be geared towards a minimum duration of three to five years. The content should be concretised in work plans. In addition, at least a medium-term funding basis (project application) should be sought.

Inter-Institutional Agreement Erasmus+ and Swiss-European Mobility Programmes

This is a cooperation agreement for student and/or lecturer and staff exchanges. The regulations and contract templates of the Erasmus+ programme (2021 – 2027) and the Swiss-European Mobility Programme apply to the conclusion of contracts. The contract term is currently generally set until 2027.

Agreement on Student Exchange

The Agreement on Student Exchange (except Erasmus+ and Swiss-European Mobility programmes) exclusively regulates the exchange of students. For student exchange agreements, the relevant university regulations and framework conditions as well as the respective study regulations and examination regulations must be observed. Regulations on the charging or waiving of tuition fees and the regulation of clear supervision relationships must be defined.

Since 2021, contracts in the Erasmus+ programme have been exchanged digitally as part of Erasmus Without Paper. The International Office is responsible for this. The International Office must therefore be involved in the initiation of contracts and the negotiation of conditions.

The digital inter-institutional agreement is signed by the International Office exclusively digitally via the Mobility-Online database.

Please inform the International Office about the desired contract conditions:

  • exchange places by degree programme and number of places per academic year, in each case for students and/or staff mobility
  • required language of instruction and language level
  • other agreements. 

Counselling and sample contracts

Before concluding a contract, the intention to enter into international cooperation is reported to the department and the International Office is informed. The International Office supports and advises the departments in the preparation and implementation of the jointly agreed contractual objectives and content.

Legal review and model contracts

The legal review of the draft contract is carried out by Rainald Wurzer in consultation with the International Office. Send him the draft contract by e-mail. He and the International Office will also send you sample contracts if required.

Approval and signing

After a legal review and, if necessary, adjustments in consultation with the new partner university, the process is submitted to the President for signature. The signed contract is usually forwarded to the contractual partner by the person responsible for the contract or the International Office. The signed original remains with the university management.

Copy of the contract to the International Office

A copy of the contract must be sent by e-mail to the International Office in order to enter the cooperation in the exchange databases and overviews of the partner universities, as well as the HRK Kompass.

The International Office and – in the case of university-wide or interdepartmental contracts – the university management must be notified in writing by e-mail if cancellation or changes to the terms of the contract are desired.


Contact person for the legal review of draft contracts

Rainald Wurzer
Staff member for controlling, capacity concerns, resource allocation models, project and cooperation agreements