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Successful conclusion of the Summer School in Bukhara with final presentations

Gruppe vor der Moschee Bibi-Chanun in Samarkand
Teilnehmende der Summer School vor der Moschee Bibi-Chanun in Samarkand © Jan Raue

After almost two weeks in Uzbekistan with documentation work in the Medrese Kukeldash in Bukhara, the Summer School 2022 ended successfully with presentations of the interdisciplinary working groups.

At the end of the Summer School, the students demonstrated the results of their work at the Kukeldash Medrese with the participation of the local monument preservation authorities and representatives of the university administration of Bukhara University. The presentations were repeated and discussed one day later at the project partner in Samarkand. The Summer School ended with an excursion in Samarkand to the Gur-Emir mausoleum, the Registan and the Bibi-Chanum mosque.

On the last day of their stay in Uzbekistan on September 23, the teachers of the Summer School participated in the tourism conference "Tourism Opportunities and Cultural Heritage in Uzbekistan" of the Silk Road – International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in cooperation with the HTWG Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences in Samarkand with a lecture and a discussion round, where the importance of a sustainable preservation of historical buildings for tourism became clear once again.


Professor of Natural Sciences in the Conservation and Restoration programme