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Emergency Contacts in the Event of Sexualised Violence

If you have been a victim or witness of sexualised violence, you can find initial support and further help here. In addition, the central Equal Opportunities Officer will support you by email or telephone - anonymously if you wish.

Violence against women*

Nationwide helpline

  • Telephone: 116 016
  • Availability: 24h, free of charge, anonymous
  • Website: Helpline


The BIG hotline is a contact for domestic violence against women.

Sexual abuse helpline

Telephone counselling for sexual abuse is anonymous, free of charge and available in several languages.

Counselling centres for women* and girls* in conflict and violent situations

Autonomes Frauenzentrum e.V. (Women centre)

The Women's Centre is a counselling centre for girls, women and senior citizens.

Counselling focus: psychological violence, sexualised violence/rape, sexual harassment and other experiences of violence, stalking, bullying

Counselling for victims and witnesses of crimes

Services: Trauma ambulance, counselling and support for all types of violence, stalking, human trafficking

Studierendenwerk West:Brandenburg

The psychotherapeutic counselling centre of the Studentenwerk Potsdam is a contact for mental health crises.


AndersARTIG offers counselling for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and queer people.

Women's shelter Potsdam

The Potsdam Women's Shelter offers counselling and protected accommodation in cases of domestic violence. In case of emergency, admission is possible around the clock.

Anonymous forensics & immediate medical aid

Anonymous forensics

The confidential evidence collection service is aimed at victims of sexualized violence. If possible, evidence should be collected within 72 hours of the crime (the sooner, the better!) and can be collected independently of the decision to file a police report. 
In Brandenburg, 12 clinics are now participating in the network and offer this possibility of securing evidence that can be used in court around the clock. Evidence is stored for up to 10 years. It is at the discretion of the person affected by the violence whether to file a charge and whether to get the police involved. 

More information on immediate medical assistance and confidential evidence collection after rape.

In Berlin, the Charité's violence protection outpatient clinic offers this possibility of securing evidence.

Partner Clinics/Contact Points in Potsdam

Klinikum Ernst von Bergmann: Central Emergency Department

Alexianer St. Josefs-Krankenhaus Potsdam

Contact points after a rape: immediate medical care and anonymous securing of evidence

Further Advice

Sexual health advice centre

The advice centre offers free and anonymous consultations and tests for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI).


Further information and practical tips can be found in the publication"Sexismus ist kein Kavaliersdelikt!" (in German)