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Prof. Dr. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai

Research Professorship for Methods of Social Work and Social Work Research
Prof. Dr. phil. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai
Committees & Offices
Vice-dean for Special Affairs for Research and Transfer
Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officer
Office hours

Tuesday, 9:30 - 10:30 am

Selected projects

Research on Dealing with Sexualised Violence and Other Forms of Abuse in the Protestant Church (ForuM/TPB)

The project is a sub-study of the research network "Forschung zur Aufarbeitung von sexualisierter Gewalt und anderen Missbrauchsformen in der evangelischen Kirche" (ForuM).

Discomfort with History? Dealing with Contemporary Antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremism at Memorial Sites

The qualitative study is interested in finding out how current antisemitism and right-wing extremism manifest themselves in memorials and what challenges and needs arise from this.

Leaving Care – Experiences of Care Leavers in Poland and Germany

How do young people in Poland and Germany experience the process of transition from foster families and residential youth groups to independence?

Antisemitism in the Contexts of Schools and Police – Federal State Study Series

The research interest of the study series concerns the perceptions and interpretations of antisemitism in schools and within the police as well as the practices of dealing with antisemitic attacks.

Coming to Terms with the Violent Constellation in the Martinstift (Moers)

The research project aimed to systematically collect and evaluate the experiences of the persons involved in coming to terms with the constellation of violence in the Protestant alumnat Martinstift in the 1950s.

Self-help in the Context of Addiction, Penal System and Release from Prison

The study examines addiction self-help services in prison and after release from prison.

Prison Architecture – Use of Space and Everyday Experience in a Berlin Prison

The research interest of the ethnographic study concerns the perception of prison architecture as well as the practices of space use and space appropriation by prisoners and staff in a Berlin correctional facility.

Fatherhood in the Penal System

A pilot study on the construction of parenthood by fathers in prison.