Selected projects
DISA – Digital Inclusion in the Context of Social Anxiety Disorders
The project addresses digital inclusion in the context of social anxiety disorders.
PKKB: Postdigital Art Practices in Cultural Education – Aesthetic Encounters between Appropriation, Production and Mediation
Research into post-digital art scenes, their spaces of practice, appropriation and reception, and the development of artistic-aesthetic mediation concepts for cultural education in exchange with the research practices carried out.
Kids in the Landtag – Interdisciplinary Project in the Context of Political Education Work
In a cooperation between the Brandenburg State Parliament and the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, everything in the summer semester 2019 revolved around the big picture: because in view of the extremely turbulent world political situation of recent years, the urgency of political education work will probably be obvious to everyone…
News Appropriation in Times of Social Media
Over a period of one year, the project "Nachrichtenaneignung in Zeiten Sozialer Medien" looked at the news activities of young people aged 14 - 19 years on digital platforms.
Basics of Sustainability – Interdisciplinary Online Sustainability Course at FH Potsdam
The sustainFHP team is developing the first interdisciplinary online sustainability course at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The offer is also aimed at international students, as the course is in English and can be studied asynchronously.
FUX-XR@FH;P: Extended Reality (XR)
The aim of the project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, is to bring together virtual and real environments.
dpi Lab: Digital Participation and Inclusion Lab
The dpi-lab was installed in May 2020 at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to bundle the various research activities at the interface of digital technologies, social work and educational science.
WIM - Female Scientists in Media
Opportunities and challenges for women through the digital expansion of traditional science communication
Gaming for Sustainability
In an Interflex seminar, students developed online games on the topic of sustainability.
Innovative Digital Media as a Learning Environment for Challenging Forms of Conversation in Social Professions
In the "ConvoQuest" project, innovative digital media as learning environments are being investigated and tested. The project focuses on a course at the FH Potsdam from the summer term of 2023, in which students developed prototypical, innovative learning environments. In the future, these can be used as a source of knowledge for questions about conversation techniques.
Communicative Appropriation of Digital Sports
An explorative analysis of chat communication in eSports using the example of the Paris Major Blast 2023