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Basics of Sustainability – Interdisciplinary Online Sustainability Course at FH Potsdam

The sustainFHP team is developing the first interdisciplinary online sustainability course at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The offer is also aimed at international students, as the course is in English and can be studied asynchronously.

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Interdisciplinary project (InterFlex)

The introductory course on the topic of "sustainable development" is developed together with students from different disciplines. Among other things, new podcasts, interviews or games for the Moodle course are produced by students for students.

The course gives an insight into today's global problems. At the same time, existing approaches to solutions are highlighted, ranging from the international level, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to the local level. Special attention is paid to the transfer to the Berlin-Brandenburg region and its diverse and important actors in the sustainability scene. Each topic also encourages students to reflect on their own thoughts and actions.

How can we promote sustainability at our own university? Inspiration and the necessary skills for implementing their own projects await the students in the last part of the course. This is because the final assignment includes a project outline in which the campus is to be made more sustainable.

Our work will be recorded on the Instagram channel @sustainfhp. This will feature local references to the Global Sustainability Goals, interesting sustainability knowledge from the course and tips for making the university more sustainable. Follow us for more updates!

Grünes Logo in Blattform mit dem grünen Schriftzug "Basics of Sustainability"

Project management

Research Professor for Digital Media and Performance in Social Work
Academic staff member in the study programme Early Childhood Education

Project participants