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Kids in the Landtag – Interdisciplinary Project in the Context of Political Education Work

In a cooperation between the Brandenburg State Parliament and the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, everything in the summer semester 2019 revolved around the big picture: because in view of the extremely turbulent world political situation of recent years, the urgency of political education work will probably be obvious to everyone. However, the topic inevitably raises didactic questions. How do you teach preschool children abstract concepts like "democracy" or the difference between a government at the state or federal level?

Lachende Kinder schauen in die Kamera
© AdobeStock/Monkey Business
Cooperation project
Cooperation partners:

How much information is necessary, with what goal can political education work in this age group be implemented at all and what professional framework conditions are needed for this?

Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann and Robert Fischbach, a group of twelve students of childhood education and social work has taken on the task of finding answers to these and other questions on the topic. The interdisciplinary composition enables multidimensional theoretical references and allows both a developmental psychology perspective and social pedagogical expertise to flow into the group's work.

As a result, the basis for an application-oriented concept was created, by means of which the Brandenburg State Parliament can offer in-house guided tours for specific target groups. The project was developed in cooperation with the Transfer Laboratory of the Department of Social and Educational Sciences (FB1).

Bild des Landtags Brandenburgs, darüber in bunter Schrift der Satz "Kids im Landtag" und eine gemalte Sonne


Project management

Prof. Dr. Judith Ackermann
Research Professor for Digital Media and Performance in Social Work

Project management

Robert Fischbach
Academic staff member in the study programme Early Childhood Education