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- Prof. Dr. jur. Ellen Euler, LL.M.
Prof. Dr. jur. Ellen Euler, LL.M.

By arrangement
Main fields of activity (research, teaching)
- Concepts, methods and models of open access, open data, open science,
- Electronic publishing including university repositories, university publishers, data journals
- Copyright and information law
- Personal rights and information ethics aspects in connection with publication processes
- Licensing models for the publication of articles, data etc. (e.g. Creative Commons )
- In addition: integrative courses on the basics of formal indexing with a view to current further development.
Prof. Dr. jur. Ellen Euler, LL.M. studied law in Halle/ Saale, Leipzig and Siena. She specialised in information law at an early stage and completed additional training in information, telecommunications and media law (Münster), as well as a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in IT law and intellectual property law (Hanover/ Bologna). She completed her doctorate on the topic of "Cultural Memory and its Law" at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg am Breisgau. As National Project Lead of Creative Commons, she was responsible for the German adaptation of the CC licences in version 1.0 at the chair of Prof. Dr. jur. Thomas Dreier M.C.J. In continuation of her activities on free licences and standardised information on the legal status, she is currently a member of the international rights statements working group and is involved in the further development of the rights statements, whose translation into German she has coordinated. Euler has completed additional training as a public affairs manager at Quadriga University Berlin and works in numerous statements and publications to improve the legal framework for the science and culture sector when communicating culture and knowledge online. From 2011 – 2017, Euler accompanied the development of the German Digital Library as head of the office and as deputy managing director, and in July 2017 she took over the professorship for Open Access/ Open Data at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Lectures and exhibitions
- 06/01/2020: Reden wir offen..... über Forschung zum Thema Open Access, interview with Holger Klein as part of the mini podcast series on Open Access by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, see: www.bildung-forschung.digital/de/open-access---der-podcast-zum-thema-2761.html
- 10/12/2019: Open Access in Brandenburg, lecture in the context of the Brandenburg Working Group on Information
- 27/11/2019 Talk with Deutschlandfunk "Der Tag" on #RechtaufVergessen, to listen to from min 20:25 here: https://podcast-mp3.dradio.de/podcast/2019/11/27/271119_bundestag_mehr_showroom_weniger_nachtsitzungen_dlf_20191127_1700_ba902054.mp3
- 26/09/2019 Participation in the red town hall at the invitation of the state of Berlin for an exchange on Open Access between the federal states and the BMBF
- 11/09/2019 The development of the Brandenburg Open Access Strategy as a best practice example of cooperative processes. Panel discussion at the 3rd Brandenburg Digital Information Day, see: https://perma.cc/XF54-D695
- 04/09/2019 "Neue Entwicklungen im Urheberrecht" together with Michael Scholz, training event for the regional office
- 15/08/2019 Network meeting Open Access Brandenburg. Topic: We are building the networking and competence centre for Open Access in Brandenburg. Use of the Lego Serious Play method
- 12/09/2019 Keynote: "Open Access Transformation in Brandenburg: Eine partizipativ erarbeitete Strategie", at the 17th KOBV Fachforum Berlin.
- 08/08/2019 Publication of the Brandenburg Open Access Strategy at the State Chancellery with Minister Münch, see: https://perma.cc/LA82-EE66
- 06/06/2019 "Open Access und Open Data Strategien in Museen - Was, Warum und Wie", keynote at the Lange Nacht der Ideen 2019, re:publica event on "Open – Museen im Wandel", Tresor Berlin, documentation available at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3240443
- 18/03/2019 "Best practices für Open Science-Lizenzierungen - Erfahrungsaustausch mit aktuellen Beispielen aus Open Access und digitalen Forschungsdaten"
Hands-On Lab analogue & digital at the 108th Deutscher Bibliothekartag in Leipzig 2019 = 7th Library Congress, documentation available at: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-bib-info/frontdoor/index/index/docId/16562 - 13/ – 15/03/2019 "Booksprint Open Access Strategie Brandenburg", organiser and input provider
Talk with WDR5 Netzkultur "Digitales Kulturerbe"
Talk with SWR2 "Das umstrittene Recht an fotografierten Kunstwerken"
Interview with WDR5 Meinungsmagazin on the question of whether museums should still have the sovereignty of interpretation over art in the digital age
Conversation with DLF Kultur on the 10th birthday of Europeana, available from minute 0.50 at: https://ondemand-mp3.dradio.de/file/dradio/2018/11/20/kompressor_die_ganze_sendung_drk_20181120_1405_d26d4320.mp3 - 27/10/2018 Panel discussion moderated by SZ editor Dirk von Gehlen "Kulturgut und Kulturinstitution in Zeiten der Digitalisierung – Chancen und Herausforderungen", Zündfunk Netzkongress München
- 26/09/2018 Open Access und Open Data – Handlungsfelder für Archive, contribution at the 88th German Archive Day 2018 in Rostock, documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1435940
- 15/09/2018 Visionen und Hoffnungen – Neue Formen der Gemeinfreiheit. Contribution at the 2-day symposium on the question "Wem gehören die Bilder? – Wege aus dem Streit um das Urheberrecht" at MARTa Herford Museum, Herford, Documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1420039
- 23/08/2018 "OpenGLAM – Voraussetzungen von Open Access & Open Data im Kulturbereich", presentation at Museum 4.0 conference, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz Berlin, documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1403201
- 13/06/2018 Panel discussion "Open Access als regionale Strategie", Berlin Bibliothekartag 2018
- 14/06/2018 TVermittlung von Open-Access Publikationskompetenz mit "The Publishing Trap", documentation at: https://perma.cc/KUH5-APRM
- 18/05/2018 "Das kulturelle Gedächtnis digital", Keynote at the annual conference of Open Commons Linz, recording available at: https://dorftv.at/video/29281
- 26/05/2018 Panel discussion "Wem gehört der digitale Wagner", Centre for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Documentation: https://blog.wikimedia.de/2018/06/07/wem-gehoert-der-digitale-wagner-im-wikimedia-salon-wurde-ueber-kunst-und-gemeinfreiheit-diskutiert/ Recording available at: https://youtu.be/YeVd5k15fqk
- 02/05/2018 Panel discussion "Music, Data and the city – Towards smart music data cities", Recording available at: https://youtu.be/woFfUhxjZ8Q
- 17/ – 20/04/2018 Participation in Foster Open Science Bootcam in Barcelona www.fosteropenscience.eu/bootcamp
- 16/04/2018 "Rights Statements – some remarks", at the annual meeting rights statements working group, Digital Public Library New York
- 21/03/2018 "Repositorien und ihre Bedeutung für die Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen", presentation at KOBV conference, Zuse Institute Berlin, slides available at: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1204920
- 30/01/2018 "Rechtliche Aspekte von Open Access – Brauchen wir eine Zusatzqualifikation zum Research – Data – Rights Manager?!", presentation at conference on the legal aspects of research data, at Viadrina University Frankfurt Oder www.forschungsdaten.org/index.php/Rechtliche_Aspekte_bei_digitalen_Forschungsdaten, slides available at: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1163677
- 04/12/ – 07/12/2017 Members Council europeana network association in Milan
- 29/11/2017 "Fit für die digitale Gesellschaft", Knowledge Cafè with Antje Michel and Heike Neuroth on the Day of Teaching, FH Potsdam
- 22/11/2017 Research Colloquium Input on Open Access at the FH Brandenburg
- 07/11/2017 "RightsStatements.org – International standardisierte Rechtshinweise für das digitale kulturelle Erbe", presentation at the conference on licences in dialogue, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt a.Main, slides available at: https://de.slideshare.net/eeuler/rights-statements-81724549
- 06/10/2017 Panel discussion "Digitaler Glaubenskrieg? – Zur Nutzbarkeit von Kunstwerken im Netz", Pinakothek Munich, recording available at: www.pinakothek.de/musmuc17
- 06/10/2017 "Museen und Open Access – Synonyme oder Gegensatzpaar?", lecture at the international conference on museums in the digital space, Pinakothek Munich, recording available at: www.pinakothek.de/musmuc17
- 19/09/2017 Open Access Stakeholder Meeting at the Federal Ministry of Research and Education Berlin
- 01/09/2017 Interview with Markus Beckedahl Netzpolitik.org., recording available at:
https://netzpolitik.org/2017/interview-mit-ellen-euler-freier-zugang-zum-digitalen-gedaechtnis/ - 01/09/2017 "Freier Zugang zum digitalen Gedächtnis?!", presentation at the fourth net conference "Das ist Netzpolitik", Kosmos Berlin, recording available at: https://netzpolitik.org/2017/np13-das-digitale-gedaechtnis-muss-frei-verfuegbar-sein/
- Ellen Euler. VG WORT und Open Access: Ein Balanceakt für Wissenschaftler*innen. LIBREAS - Library Ideas1-82024.
- Ellen Euler, Gabriele Beger. Urheberrecht in Bibliotheken: Eine Handreichung von A bis Z. 2023.
- Ute Blumentritt, Ellen Euler, Yuliya Fadeeva, Jörg Pohle, Fabian Rack. Urheberrecht und Datenschutz: Welche Grundlagen müssen wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften bei der freien Lizenzierung und Nutzung personenbezogener Daten beachten?. 19-342023.
- Ulrike Wuttke, Alexandra Claasen, Antje Michel, Heike Neuroth, Ellen Euler. Bibliothekswissenschaftliche Zukunftsfelder im Kontext der Neuausrichtung des Bachelorstudiengangs Bibliothekswissenschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis414-4212022.
- Christian Bracht, Klaus Bulle, Ellen Euler, Paul Klimpel. Open Access Policy: ein Leitfaden für Kulturerbe-Einrichtungen in Hessen. 2022.
- Ellen Euler, Heike Stadler.Umfrage ausgewertet: Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten bei akademischer Qualifizierung. BuB : Forum Bibliothek und Information88-882022.
- Ellen Euler.Geistiges Eigentum und Urheberrecht in Citizen-Science-Projekten: Kurzgutachten. 2020.
- Ellen Euler. Open Access in der Wissenschaft und die Realitäten des Rechts. Recht und Zugang56-822020.
- Andrea Wallace, Ellen Euler. Revisiting Access to Cultural Heritage in the Public Domain: EU and International Developments. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law823-8552020.
- Ellen Euler, Anita Eppelin. Factsheet zur Open-Access-Strategie des Landes Brandenburg. 1-42019.
- Ellen Euler, Linda Freyberg.OpenAccessDenken in Brandenburg : Strategische Überlegungen zu Offenheit in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur. 14-152019.
- Ellen Euler.Was das Recht auf Vergessen für das digitale Gedächtnis bedeutet: Besprechung der Bundesverfassungsgerichtsurteile BvR 16/13 & Az: 1 BvR 276/17. netzpolitik.org1-12019.