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    Name Info
    Honorary Professor in the Interface Design Degree Programme
    Dr. phil. Marit Cremer
    Academic staff member of "P³Dual"
    Deputy equal opportunities commissioner
    Professorship of Specialised Planning in Conservation and Restoration
    Ulf Damerow
    System administrator
    Diego Dametto, M.A.
    Academic Staff Member
    Staff member cataloguing and systematisation, information literacy and training, public relations, training
    Vice Chairperson General Staff Council
    Professor of Information Technologies, Databases
    Chairman of the Faculty Council
    Prof. Lucas de Groot
    Professor for Type Design
    Sabine de Günther
    Academic Assistant at UCLAB in the project "ReFa: Restaging Fashion - Digital Contextualization of Vestimental Sources".
    Andreas Dehne
    Master Carpenter Modelling Workshop
    Diana Deponte
    Staff member of Controlling, Separation Accounting, Taxes
    Profilbild Augusta Dienelt
    Employee FAMteam
    Decentralised student family representatives with welfare responsibilities
    Prof. Dr. Jan Distelmeyer
    Professor of History and Theory of Technical Media
    Pro-Dekan des Fachbereichs Design
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Doose
    Honorary Professor for Integration and Inclusion
    Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk
    Research professor for Information Visualization & Management
    Co-director of Urban Complexity Lab (UCLAB)
    Lennard Dose
    Academic Assistant for Design & Performance
    Support for Prof. Christina Poth's Teaching and the Guidance System Project at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
    Alexander Doss
    IT Administrator
    EDP/System Technician for CAD Lab, Plotter Room and Department
    Prof. Dr. Annette Dreier
    Professor of Pedagogy and Education in Childhood
    Member of the Faculty Council (Rep.)
    FB Representative for the establishment of a research kindergarten at the FH Potsdam
    Responsible for the research cooperation with the FRÖBEL day-care centre at Volkspark, Potsdam
    Administrator specialist applications
    SW systems for financial and personnel management
    Deputy Administrator HISinOne-RES
    Sandra Drews
    Staff member Chancellor's Office