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    Name Info
    Prof. Dr. Frank Früchtel
    Professor of Theory and Methods of Social Work
    Dean of the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences
    Dipl.-Chem. Christine Fuchs
    Laboratory Manager Natural Sciences in the Conservation and Restoration Degree Programme
    Research assistant in the research project "Test-based development of a design concept for crack repair in solid clay - ERiMa"
    Katrin Gabriel
    Staff Member Dean's Office
    Hansgeorg Gantert
    Honorary Professor for Childhood Education
    Profilfoto Franziska Geib
    Professor for inclusive work with people with disabilities and for diversity
    Anti-discrimination officer
    Dipl.-Inf. Ronny Gerlach
    Coordinator of MyCampus
    Administrator HISinOne Campus Management
    Anne-Kathrin Gerlieb
    Academic staff member in the project "Wissenschaftlerinnen in die Medien"
    Prof. Winfried Gerling
    Professor for Concept and Aesthetics of New Media
    Ramiro Glauer
    Member of the "EQUIP" project
    Honorary Professor for Preservation and Archive Management
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Gleich
    Professor for Solid Construction
    Head of Construction Laboratory for Structural Engineering (BKI)
    Deputy Chairman of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Audit Committee
    Prof. Dr. Julia Glesner
    Professor of Culture and Management
    Pro-Dean for Studies and Teaching
    Chairwoman of the Examination Board
    Member of the Institute for Building Research and Conservation
    Coordination & Finance ZEW
    Prof. Dr. des. Marion Godau-Deekeling
    Professor of Design, Cultural and Art History
    Specialist author and curator
    Friederike Goll
    Head of the Bookbinding Workshop
    Dipl.-Ing. Angela Goskowitz
    Staff member for software systems for student administration and examination organisation
    Deputy Administrator of MyCampus
    Dr. Baruch Bruce Edward Gottlieb
    Academic Staff Member of "P³Dual
    Henriette Greßler
    Head of Graphic AR Lab