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    Name Info
    Marion Gretzler
    Third-party funding officer
    Ingrun Griesa
    Staff member for electronic media, university publications (OPUS)
    Journal editing
    Dr. Corinna Grimm-Remus
    Academic Staff Member of "P³Dual"
    Prof. Dr. Gerlind Große
    Research Professor for Early Childhood Studies
    Head of PINA Research Laboratory
    Head of the Master's programme Early Childhood Studies
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Senate
    Member of the Potsdam Research Institute für Early Learning and Pedagogical Interaction (PINA)
    Professor for Structural Engineering in Architecture
    Dorothee Gümpel, B.A.
    Editing/Social Media
    Member of the non-scientific staff council
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunar Gutzeit
    Professor for Infrastructure Planning Specialising in Water Supply Systems
    Dean of the Civil Engineering Department
    Jana Hack
    Research assistant in the project "QLCA – Analyse der ökologischen Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Siedlungstypen in Neubauquartieren über ihren Lebenszyklus"
    Sophie Hanenberg
    Employee Dean's Office
    Academic Staff Member of "P³Dual"
    Profilfoto Jonas Hantow
    Research Assistant in the KidRewi project (cultural change in jurisprudence)
    Deputy Head of Study and Examination Service
    Main administrator for the Examination Service
    Prof. Walter Hardt
    Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
    Profilfoto Johanna Hartmann
    Academic assistant in the project "Female scientists in Media"
    Dipl.-Geol. Matthias Hauf
    Head of the Research and Transfer Unit
    Member of the BGM steering committee
    Board member/treasurer for the Fördergesellschaft of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam e.V.
    Dipl.-Betriebsw. Gundula Häusler
    Social Work Coordination (B. A.), BASA Presence
    Curriculum planning
    Prof. Dr. Frank Heidmann
    Research Professor for Design of Software Interfaces
    Programme Director for Design (M. A.)
    Studiengangsleiter und Vorsitzender für den Masterstudiengang Design
    Prof. Dr. Friedrich Nicolaus Heise
    Professor for Media Law
    Peter Heisig
    Professor of Information and Knowledge Management
    Vice President for Research and Transfer
    Term of office: 07/07/2022 - 31/03/2025
    Björn Hennig
    staff member of IT Intercard/DMS
    Deputy Media Technology Officer