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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualität

    Filmdrehsituation: Filmemacher erklärt Achim Trautvetter die Drehszene
    Start-up Service


    Founding portrait of Achim Trautvetter: freiLand for Potsdam

    The degree programme Arts Management and Cultural Work, which is unique in Germany, offers a sound education not only in the field of culture and media, but also teaches the basics of business administration and management skills. These are ideal conditions for working successfully as an independent…

    prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund mit Vertreter*innen von Potsdam! bekennt Farbe
    President's Council
    University policy


    FHP meets Campaign Alliance "Potsdam! bekennt Farbe"

    On the 6th of February 2024, representatives of the campaign alliance "Potsdam! bekennt Farbe" came to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for an orientation meeting. The reason for this meeting was the university's upcoming membership of the alliance, which campaigns for democracy, tolerance…

    Zwei Hände schreiben in einem Notizbuch
    Further Education
    Further education


    Social Management – Practical and Inspiring: Interview with Christiane Biedermann

    Experience Social Management up close! In an exclusive series of interviews, our lecturers give you a look behind the scenes. Learn how practical seminars not only challenge students, but also encourage them. Discover why experienced experts have chosen the FH Potsdam and what insights they have to…

    Zwei Hände schreiben in einem Notizbuch
    Further Education
    Further education


    Social Management – Practical and Inspiring: Interview with Daniela Galetto

    Experience social management up close! In an exclusive series of interviews, our lecturers give you a look behind the scenes. Learn how practical seminars not only challenge students, but also encourage them. Discover why experienced experts have chosen the FH Potsdam and what insights they have to…

    Studierende vor dem Hauptgebäude der FH Potsdam im Sommer
    President's Council
    University policy

    Press release

    The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam convinces Science Council

    In a joint press conference with the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK), the Science Council today presented its report on the Brandenburg higher education system and made recommendations for further development. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is delighted with the…

    Zwei Hände schreiben in einem Notizbuch
    Further Education
    Further education


    Practical and inspiring: Lecturers of the Master's degree programme in Social Management provide insights into their expertise and teaching activities as well as their motivation – Marc Schlote

    Experience social management up close! In an exclusive series of interviews, our lecturers give you a look behind the scenes. Learn how practical seminars not only challenge students, but also encourage them. Discover why experienced experts have chosen the FH Potsdam and what insights they have to…

    Logo der Initiative Brandenburg zeigt Haltung
    President's Council
    University policy


    "Brandenburg shows a Stand!": FH Potsdam supports Call for Democracy and Cohesion

    Under the motto "Brandenburg shows a stand!", more than 110 organisations and 190 individuals launched a call for democracy and cohesion on Tuesday, 23/01/2024.

    Logo ForuM-Studie
    Social and Educational Sciences

    Press release

    ForuM Research Network presents Research Findings on Sexualised Violence in Protestant Churches and Social Welfare Organisations in Germany

    ForuM study: Results show a higher extent than previously known, serious consequences for those affected and a late and inadequate response to sexualised violence by the Protestant church.

    Portrait Felix Schäfer
    Information Sciences

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer

    On the occasion of his appointment as part-time professor for "Digitisation of Archives and Collections" at the Department of Information Science, Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer will give his inaugural lecture on the 29th of January 2024 entitled "What do we do with 1 million scans? Or: Open GLAMour at the…

    Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
    International Office
    Study & Teaching


    Fully Funded Scholarship Programmes in Virginia and Texas – Fulbright Germany

    Fulbright Germany is once again organising fully funded scholarship programmes in Virginia and Texas in summer 2024: A great opportunity for students to get to know American campus life while deepening their intercultural skills and study knowledge!

    Mehrere Bildschirme in einem Medienraum zeigen verschiedene Bilder und News
    Start-up Service


    Promoting Innovation in Journalism and Media

    The Media Innovation Centre in Babelsberg (MIZ) has a new funding programme for technically innovative projects in the field of media and journalism. Media experts, students, graduates and start-ups can apply until the 3rd of March.

    Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter

    On the occasion of her appointment as Honorary Professor of Culture and Management at the Department of CITY I BUILDING I CULTURE, Prof. Dr. Vera Allmanritter will give her inaugural lecture entitled "The cultural audience of the future. How can cultural institutions become sustainable 'places of…