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    Name Info
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Röder
    Professor for Building Conservation
    Study Advisor Ing-Bau – Structural Conservation and New Construction in Engineering and Building Construction (M. Sc.)
    Head of Construction Laboratory Structural Engineering (BKI)
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Chair of the Senate
    Christin Roland
    Third-party funding officer
    Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rosin
    Lecturer for Freehand Drawing, Constructive Sketching
    Fire Safety Officer
    Anna Rosinke
    Academic Staff Member with Focus on Teaching (Studio/Colour)
    Mandy Rößler
    staff member for travel expenses and travel management
    Administrator for Media Technology /FHPCast
    Deputy Telephony Administrator
    Profilfoto Anna Röthig
    Branch Manager
    Qasem Safariallahkheili
    Scientific Associate
    Prof. Dr. Tanja Salem
    Professor of Theory and Practice of Childhood Education
    Head of the degree programme Early Childhood Education (B. A.)
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Profilfoto Julia Sammler
    Coordination ZEW
    Lutz Sanne
    Manager of the Brandenburg State Agency for Archives and Public Libraries
    Prof. Dr. Enrico Sass
    Professor for Business Start-ups and Management Techniques
    Head of Start-up Service
    Sebastian Saule
    Member of the Board of the Fördergesellschaft der Fachhochschule Potsdam e.V.
    Ioannis Savvidis
    Design Teacher for the Conservation and Restoration Degree Programme
    Katrin Sawitzki
    Staff member of the Student Counselling Service
    Prof. Dr. Armin Schachameier
    Professor of Social Work Theories and Methods
    Vice-Chairman of the Faculty Council
    Academic Staff Member
    Laboratory Engineer in the Water Laboratory
    Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer
    Part-time Professor "Digitisation of Archives and Collections"
    Honorary Professor for Administrative History of Brandenburg
    Anna Scheller
    Coordination & Organisation ZEW