Advice & Information
The FAMteam of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam informs and advises university members on questions regarding the compatibility of studies, work and family.
Counselling services & contact points
We offer a wide range of counselling and support services for pregnant students and students with family responsibilities.
Financing options for families
For students with family obligations, there are various ways to finance their studies. Due to the increased need, there are numerous special regulations. We will give you an initial overview.
Further Information & Downloads
We regularly compile further interesting and useful links and downloads on topics such as financing, organising studies, maternity leave and care.
Counselling services of the FAMteam & other contact points
We advise students and employees of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Information and statements made during counselling are not legally binding and do not claim to be complete. We treat all enquiries confidentially and discreetly. At your request, we can also act as intermediaries in solving problems.
Staff members who are entrusted with supporting students and employees in the context of pregnancy, maternity protection and compensation for disadvantages can now find important information on the intranet.
We inform and advise you on the following topics, among others
- Pregnancy and studying with a child
- Maternity leave during studies
- Childcare
- Individual study organisation and semester planning in the case of family responsibilities: if necessary, to compensate for disadvantages in studies, semester off, part-time study options
- Semester abroad with a child
- Financing studies and parental leave
- Care and career or studies
You can also find information on topics such as semesters off, compensation for disadvantages in your studies and part-time study options on the website of the study service.
Other counselling centres
- AStA
- Social Counselling Studierendenwerk West Brandenburg
- Psychosocial Counselling Studierendenwerk West Brandenburg
- Care Support Points Brandenburg
- Care Support Points Berlin
- Online counselling for caring relatives
- Counselling centres for pregnancy and birth
- National Centre for Early Help (
- Municipal counselling on parenting issues in the case of separation and divorce
- Fathers in Berlin
- Fathers in Potsdam
- Federal Association of Single Mothers and Fathers
Family financing – Information for students with a child
Being or becoming a parent while studying – a financial challenge. In addition to the general financing options for students, there are also special solutions for families. We provide an overview.
Benefits according to SGB II during a semester off or part-time studies
If you apply for a semester off due to illness, pregnancy or bringing up a child, you are no longer entitled to BAföG. However, if a need for assistance is established, there is a claim to entitlement to assistance with living expenses according to SGB II - Citizen's Income.
Another reason for entitlement to citizen's allowance is part-time study. However, this is only to bridge the time until a job is found. The situation is different for part-time studies with compulsory attendance, as it can be more difficult to be gainfully employed here.
You are also entitled to an additional needs supplement:
- Pregnant women after the twelfth week of pregnancy
- Single parents with children
Parental allowance, child benefit, child supplement and maternity benefit
Government grants are complex. You can find a very good overview on the pages of the Studierendenwerk West Brandenburg. The social counselling service also awards student child benefits. It's worth taking a look!
One time help
In the following situations, costs may be covered by local authorities:
- Initial equipment of the flat
- baby equipment
- school trips lasting several days within the framework of school regulations
General information
Semester abroad
Pregnancy, maternity protection and birth
- Questions and answers on maternity protection (Familienportal)
- Pregnancy and Birth (BZgA)
- Fears and uncertainties during pregnancy (Schatten & Licht e.V.)
- Premature babies (Federal Association "Das frühgeborene Kind")
- Broschüre "Studieren ohne Sorgen" (PDF, 5.1 MB)Die Broschüre des Studentenwerks Potsdam enthält viele wissenswerte Informationen zu Themen wie Unterkünfte, Studienfinanzierung, Studienorganisation, Studieren mit Kind u. a.