Shape your successful career in the archives sector with our part-time basic qualification programme. The further training programme provides people, who work in archives without a specialist qualification, knowledge and skills that are equivalent to training as a specialist in media and information services (FaMI), specialising in archives. Next course starts in 2026.
Specialist for Media and Information Services
March 2026 – December 2028
Vocational training qualification, a job in the archive sector during the basic archive qualification period
Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin
At a glance
Over the course of two years, there are a total of five four-day face-to-face sessions at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (from Wednesday to Saturday). On these dates, the lecturers introduce the respective subject matter, impart basic knowledge for independent processing of the teaching materials, offer practical exercises and consultations. In addition, a total of 12 online events are held on two days each (Friday and Saturday) and tasks are set for self-study.
After completing the basic qualification, it is possible to take a final examination in accordance with Section 45 (2) of the Vocational Training Act (external examination) in the training occupation of media and information services specialist, specialising in archives at the Brandenburg State Academy for Public Administration, State Examination Office for Administrative Careers. Alternatively, it is possible to obtain a certificate.
Focal points
Overview of profession-specific basics
- Subject-specific basics
- Obtaining media and information
- Cataloguing media and information
- Storage and technical processing/storage
- Providing and communicating media and information
- Public relations and archive management
- Business and social studies
Working method
- Theoretical and practice-orientated inputs
- Work on case studies and participants' topics
- Plenary discussions, small group work, exercises, presentations
Target groups
Employees in archives or archive-like institutions without professional qualifications. The entry requirement is a job in an archive or an archive-like institution.
Dates & Times
The training programme takes place over five days (Wednesday to Saturday) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Two-day online events supplement the programme on Friday and Saturday.
The seminar times are both on campus and online from 09:00 to 17:00.
Press release
Neues Weiterbildungsangebot: Fachangestellte*r für Medien- und Informationsdienste – Fachrichtung Archiv
Im März 2024 startet die berufsbegleitende Qualifizierung zum/zur Fachangestellten für Medien- und Informationsdienste (FaMI), Fachrichtung Archiv an der Zentralen Einrichtung Weiterbildung (ZEW) der Fachhochschule Potsdam. Während des Online-Infoabends am 23.11.2023 werden Programm und Inhalte der…
The Distance Learning Programme Archive and DDM presented themselves at ARCHIVISTICA and the German Archive Day in Bielefeld
Over 100 table discussions and consultations were held over the three days, which led to follow-up enquiries from the specialist community within a very short space of time.
Registration & Information
ZEW – Further Education Unit
Project management
Weitere Kurse
Fernweiterbildung Archiv
Archivangestellte im mittleren Dienst können sich hier innerhalb von vier Jahren weiterqualifizieren. Nach erfolgreicher Weiterbildung ist der Abschluss zum Bachelor of Arts (Archiv) möglich.
Archive im Informationszeitalter
Der Kurs richtet sich an Archivar*innen, die ihre Bestände vor dem Hintergrund des digitalen Paradigmenwechsels sichtbar machen und eine effektive Öffentlichkeitsarbeit entwickeln möchten.
Archive für Einsteiger*innen
Der Einführungskurs vermittelt Grundlagen und Grundbegriffe der Archivarbeit. Sie lernen hier, wie Archive aufgebaut sind und wie man in ihnen recherchiert. Keine Vorkenntnisse nötig.