All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
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Press release
Fröbel Symposium 2025: #TOGETHER for good child protection
Under the motto #TOGETHER for good child protection, Fröbel Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH is organising this year's Fröbel Symposium in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The event will take place on 12th and 13th of March 2025 at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam…
Press release
Exhibition as part of the European Month of Photography
With Meet Me Halfway, the EMOP Special Young Scene is launching a format for the second time as part of the European Month of Photography Berlin that gives younger photographers a voice and a place. Following the success of the joint exhibition Drängende Gegenwart - Der Blick der jungen Generation…
Press release
Basic research on the high-fired plaster screed of the monastery church of St Marien and Cyprian in Nienburg (Saale)
In the monastery church of St Mary and St Cyprian in Nienburg (Salzland district), a very special late Romanesque gem has been preserved in the form of a richly decorated high-fired plaster screed floor. Discovered as early as 1926, there have been several attempts in the past to restore and present…
Press release
Female professors programme 2030: FHP receives award for gender equality concept
Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) has impressed the jury in the second selection round of the Female Professors Programme 2030 with its strong "Gender Equality Concept for Parity". In addition, the FHP was honoured with the title "University with Strong Gender Equality". The positive…
The FHP Mobil presented THE TIMES THEY ARE A-CHANGIN for the Environmental Festival 2024
The FHP Mobile became a cinema and showed animated, illustrative infographics on political communication at the Environmental Festival 2024.
The Potsdam Week of Impact at the FHP focusses on the Role of Universities in Society
On the 13th and 14th of February, InNoWest organised a Week of Impact at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam with a specialist seminar and a workshop on the topic of impact orientation in science. The aim was to bring together participants from science and science-related organisations to…
Sports Reception 2025 - Potsdam universities honour successful athletes
Two Olympic gold medals and one bronze in Paris! There was great jubilation at the medals won by canoeist Jacob Schopf and rower Maren Völz. The two university students are among the 72 athletes from Potsdam's universities who will now be honoured once again in a special way at the 2025 Sports…
Review of the "Zukünfte der Liebe" Event
How could love be lived in the city of the future? What kind of togetherness do we want in a digitalised society? With these questions, lecturers and students from the Departments of Design and Social and Educational Sciences celebrated the diversity of love on the 14th of February 2025 and…
Review of the Online Event "Digital Strategy for Archives and Public Libraries"
On the 12th of February 2025, the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries organised an online event on the topic of "Digital Strategy for Archives and Public Libraries". This was aimed jointly at employees of Brandenburg's archives and libraries. The aim was to provide insights…
Press release
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam appoints first transfer professors
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) was the first university of applied sciences in Brandenburg to introduce transfer professorships in order to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology between science and practice. This innovative model enables professors to focus more on co…
Press release
New further education programme "Systemic organisational transformation" starts in autumn 2025
Shaping change processes in organisations innovatively and implementing them sustainably: With the new continuing education programme "Systemic Organisational Transformation", the Central Institution for Continuing Education (ZEW) at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences offers specialists and…
Press release
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and S&P company cluster sign cooperation agreement to promote science and practice
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FH Potsdam) and the S&P company cluster have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement. The aim of the partnership is to develop innovative solutions for current and future challenges in the fields of construction, architecture and digitalisation through…