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Press release

Feminism Today – Potsdam Universities with Documentary Film and Performance for Women's Week

Plakat Feminism WTF
© Filmmuseum Potsdam

The Equal Opportunities Offices of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF as well as the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities of the University of Potsdam invite you to a joint event in the cinema of the Potsdam Film Museum on the occasion of the 34th Brandenburg Women's Weeks. On the 14th of March at 6 pm, they will be showing the Austrian documentary "Feminism WTF", followed by a spoken word performance by Jessy James LaFleur. Admission is free.

The documentary film "Feminism WTF" by Katharina Mueckstein (Austria, 2023) analyses the wide range of topics that are currently negotiated under the term feminism. In the film, researchers from the political and social sciences, masculinity studies, gender, queer and trans studies explore the question of how existing power relations can be broken down. Among other things, they will analyse "why the myth of binary gender persists, why women do the majority of unpaid care work and what European colonialism has to do with sexism and today's racist stereotypes", according to the announcement. Last but not least, they ask: "Are capitalism and feminism a contradiction?" and "Do we need feminism to save the climate?". The director places the interviews in a cinematic dialogue with music video sequences whose aestheticised motifs break with conventional notions of pop feminism and create new images of the body and gender.
The film is followed by a literary performance by Jessy James LaFleur, whose poetry aims to shake things up and stimulate discussion. The founder of the "Spoken Word Academy" has been campaigning against the political shift to the right for 20 years and realises poetry projects for young adults throughout Europe and in several languages.
Film and performance are a contribution of the Potsdam universities to the 34th Brandenburg Women's Weeks. This political format, unique in Germany, offers more than 200 events from various initiatives and organisations. The aim is to provide information about existing discrimination, make demands on society and politics, network and encourage each other.

Time: 14th of March 2024, 6.00 pm
Location: Filmmuseum Potsdam, Breite Str. 1a / Marstall, 14467 Potsdam
Ticket reservation : Admission is free. Ticket reservation at the Filmmuseum Potsdam is recommended by phone: +49 331 27181-12; e-mail: or The cinema is barrier-free.

Sandra Cartes, Central Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, phone: +49331580-6315, e-mail:

Sonja Langela, Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities at the University of Potsdam, phone: 0331 977-4113, e-mail:

Prof. Dr. Ursula von Keitz, Central Equal Opportunities Officer at the Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, phone: +49 331 6202 253, e-mail:

Dr. Johanne Hoppe, Scientific and Artistic Officer at the Film Museum Potsdam, phone: +49-331-27181-36, e-mail:

Joint media information of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and the University of Potsdam.