International – Creating Space for Encounters
You are studying or working at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and would like to gain experience in other countries? Or you would like to study at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? We support you in your plans – with contacts, information and advice. We stand for cosmopolitanism and internationality. We establish partnerships, inform about exchange opportunities and plan events with space for encounters: think globally – act regionally.
News and announcements in the international office
More newsPress release
Delegation from the German-Jordanian University (GJU) in Dialogue with the Student Committees of the FH Potsdam
On the 9th of December 2024, a delegation from the German Jordanian University (GJU) visited the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) to gain insights into the structures and work of student self-administration. The group, consisting of three students and the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr…
Press release
Delegation from The Technical University of Kenya on a return visit to FH Potsdam
As part of a Fact Finding Mission 2024 funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is welcoming a delegation from The Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) from 2 to 7 December 2024. The aim of the visit is to deepen bilateral relations, in…
Press release
FHP delegation visits the Technical University of Kenya
A delegation from Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) travelled to the Technical University of Kenya (TU-K) in Nairobi at the beginning of the week to explore the potential for strategic cooperation. The two Vice Presidents for Research and Transfer and for Digitalisation and…
Master's student Hadi Daaboul among the "100 minds of science"
Hadi Daaboul, a Master's student at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, is one of the "100 Heads of Science 2024" - an award presented by the science editors of Tagesspiegel and Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten to individuals with special…
Dates of the international office
More eventsGet involved
FHP Connect
Every semester, under the motto FHP Connect, international events and excursions take place for students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
International students can contact the FHP Connect team at any time with questions about studying and living in Potsdam.
Buddy Programm
In the Buddy Programme, students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam support new international students with questions about studying at and everyday life in Potsdam and Berlin.
The Buddy Programme starts annually in the winter semester.
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is in intensive exchange with the Brandenburg universities, the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK), the Studentenwerk Potsdam and the DAAD in order to support Ukrainian and Russian students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in the best possible way. The International Office bundles offers for students as well as important news on the topic.
Think globally – act regionally
Global thinking and the recognition of diversity and heterogeneity are indispensable for the joint solution of social challenges that can no longer be mastered on a national level. Internationalisation is an overarching, strategic cross-sectional task for the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in order to ensure and increase the quality of studies and teaching, research, transfer and continuing education. The Internationalisation Strategy 2022–2027 sets out the most important goals along the way.
Erasmus+, das Mobilitätsprogramm der Europäischen Union, wurde 1987 ins Leben gerufen, um die Zusammenarbeit von Hochschulen innerhalb der EU und anderen europäischen Ländern zu stärken. Die neue Erasmus+ Programmgeneration 2021-2027 stellt als horizontale Themen die Digitalisierung, Green Erasmus, Inklusion und Civic Engagement in den Fokus des Programms. Die Erasmus+ Programmländer sind die 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten plus Island, Liechtenstein, Norwegen, Türkei und Nord-Mazedonien und Serbien. Das Programm fördert in drei Leitaktionen Mobilität im Hochschulbereich, Kooperationsprojekte und Projekte zur Politikunterstützung.
Informieren Sie sich genauer zu den Leitaktionen und der Erasmus Programmgeneration 2021 – 2027.
An der FH Potsdam ermöglicht Erasmus+ die Mobilität von Studierenden, Dozierenden und Hochschulmitarbeiter*innen. Mit einer Förderung der EU können akademische und persönliche Erfahrungen in anderen europäischen Staaten gesammelt werden und deren Studien- bzw. Praktikumsangebote sprachlich, kulturell und fachlich genutzt werden. Erasmus+ soll die Chancengleichheit und Inklusion fördern. Deshalb kann die entsendende Hochschule für Studierende und Lehrende mit einem Grad der Behinderung von mindestens 50 sowie für Studierende, die ins Ausland mit Kind gehen, eine Sonderförderung zahlen.
Der Austausch und die Kooperation mit europäischen Hochschulen basiert auf inter-institutionellen Vereinbarungen mit Partnerhochschulen. An beiden Partnerinstituten gibt es eine*n Erasmus-Hochschulkoordinator*in und mehrere Erasmus-Fachkoordinator*innen, die den Austausch fachlich betreuen und koordinieren.
The international office introduces itself
The international office (IO) of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is a central service facility and the first point of contact for international matters. With its advisory services, it addresses all members of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as well as prospective international students and visiting scholars. One of the focal points of the International Office's work is the internationalization of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in close cooperation with the university management, the departments and committees, and the Work Group "Internationales".
You can get information from us...
- on studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for prospective international students
- on study-related stays abroad, international internships, semesters abroad, short stays
- on the organization and financing of stays abroad
- to establish and expand partnerships, networks or cooperation projects with universities in European and non-European countries
- to support measures for international students, PhD students and visiting scholars and staff
The international office team
Please see the Privacy Policy of the International Office.