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Doing your Doctorate at the FH Potsdam

Would you like to do a doctorate after your Master's degree and are you interested in applied research topics? Would you like to teach and gain qualifications in the process? Or do you come from a practical background and want to return to campus because you are interested in application-orientated research and gaining teaching experience?

A doctorate will open up new career prospects for you both inside and outside the university.

Is a doctorate the right thing for me?

The following checklist can help you decide whether a doctorate is right for you.

1. Motivation & Goal

Why do I want to do a doctorate? What appeals to me about the doctorate? What goal am I pursuing with it?

2. Perseverance

Can I imagine spending at least 3 years (usually longer) on my chosen topic (mainly alone)? How did the work process go for my last academic thesis?

3. Financing

Do I have adequate funding for the entire doctoral phase? Do I have an employment contract, a scholarship or another funding option?

4. Supervisor

Do I have a supervisor with whom I can imagine working for at least 3 years? Does my supervisor have the capacity to look after me and organise regular meetings with me?

5. General Conditions for Doctorate

Would I like to have regular dialogue with my supervisor or other doctoral candidates? Which type of doctorate is suitable for me?

6. Workplace

Do I have a workplace where I can complete my doctorate and/or carry out experiments?

7. Private Conditions for Doctorate

How are my personal circumstances look like? Do I have opportunities to get support/help with caring issues/care, etc.? Do I have a supportive social network (family/friends)?

Doctorate Opportunities

Until 2024, universities of applied sciences did not have an independent right to award doctorates in Brandenburg, i.e. the doctoral procedure could only be registered at a university. A cooperative doctorate involves joint supervision by a professor at a cooperating university and a professor at the FH Potsdam.

Around 40 doctoral students are supervised at the FH Potsdam who are doing their cooperative doctorate together with a university in Germany or abroad. Through our personnel development and promotion of early career researchers, you will be integrated into a network of early career researchers that promotes exchange among peers and supports them with further training programmes.

A doctorate is usually carried out in a third-party funded project in a fixed-term position as a research assistant in the TV-L 13 salary group. The level depends on previous professional experience, which can be taken into account for the advertised position. In addition, the doctorate can also be financed by a scholarship or other means. The position is advertised publicly.

Current vacancies at the FH Potsdam

Following on from the concept of dual study programmes and in order to enable a successful triad of research, teaching and practice, the FH Potsdam is testing dual models of promoting young talent in the P³Dual project, with half-funded positions (50% at the FH Potsdam and 50% at the practice partner), which opens up career prospects within and outside the UAS Potsdam.

As a Doc Dual within the framework of P³Dual, you will be involved in one of our three profile lines "Digital Transformation – Urban Future", "Forming Society" or "Design ∙ Build ∙ Preserve". The programme enables you to fulfil the necessary appointment requirements (§42 BbgHG) for a FH professorship "on your way" to becoming a professor. At the same time, you will participate in our personnel development and promotion of young talent and be part of a network that supports exchange between peers.

All Doc Dual qualification positions within the P³Dual programme have been successfully filled.

Since 2024, the new State Higher Education Act has provided the opportunity to do a doctorate at the Brandenburg Doctoral College. This is currently being prepared. You will find out more shortly.

Steps to a Doctorate – Interest to Completion

If you are interested in doing a doctorate at the FH Potsdam, please contact a potential supervisor at the FH Potsdam. Together with the supervising professor, the first step is to identify a research topic that is suitable for a doctorate.

Your informative E-Mail should include information about your previous academic achievements, the topic of your Master's thesis and the field in which you would like to specialise. Therefore, illustrate how your research interests and experience can fit in with the professor's research. It is certainly helpful to know the relevant publications of the potential supervisor.

If you already have an exposé, please send this along.

Once you have found a supervisor, you can also discuss funding options with them, e.g. whether a position in a third-party funded project would be available or whether you need support in applying for a scholarship. External organisations and foundations offer various scholarship opportunities.

Since a doctorate at the FH Potsdam is currently only possible in the form of a cooperative doctorate, contact is made with a professor at a university in consultation with the selected supervisor at the FH Potsdam in order to find out whether they are suitable for joint supervision of the doctoral project. Normally, professors have good contacts with university professors in their field and can help in the search for a suitable supervisor.

A supervision agreement signed by all parties involved facilitates the coordination and communication process during the doctorate, as it provides for joint meetings to determine the topic, schedule and milestones, among other things, and defines the relationship between doctoral candidates and supervisors transparently for both sides. A supervision agreement is a prerequisite for doing a doctorate at the FH Potsdam.

The exact process of the doctoral procedure is regulated by the respective doctoral regulations of the cooperating university/faculty. Depending on the institution, they may differ in their structure.

Official admission to doctorate is based on the guidelines of the respective cooperating university/faculty and is regulated in the doctoral degree regulations of that university/faculty. These also regulate further requirements for admission, such as a (very) good university degree or examinations that must also be completed or proven at some universities.

The process of writing your dissertation can be divided into different phases (for orientation):

1. Orientation and planning phase

2. Research and material procurement phase

3. Survey and evaluation phase

4. Writing phase

5. Finalisation phase

6. Publication phase

Start creating a document in time and use it as a structuring aid. If you don't get into a writing flow, you can use the time to collect ideas in another subject area, read texts, revise or format pages.

If you have the feeling that you are not making any progress on your own, do not hesitate to contact other doctoral candidates or us.

Once you have successfully completed your dissertation, you submit your thesis to your cooperating university together with the relevant documents. The documents required are described and regulated in the doctoral degree regulations of your cooperating university. The individual universities may differ in some aspects.

In the course of this procedure, you will receive an invitation to the defence after your thesis has been assessed. Once you have successfully defended your thesis and it is ready to be printed, as well as your certificate of submission of a certain number of copies (regulated in the respective doctoral degree regulations of your university), the doctoral degree certificate will be issued and handed over to you.

Funding opportunities for early career researchers

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers Doctorate Finalisation Funding so that you can successfully complete your doctorate. The funding (TV-L E 13, 50% FTE) is initially for six months and can be extended to a maximum of 12 months. We explicitly encourage young female academics to apply. The criteria and the application procedure are set out in the guidelines for doctoral funding at the UAS Potsdam.

Further information on the application and procedure can be found on the website.

The Women's Promotion Fund is a gender-sensitive personnel development measure within the framework of the FHP's Women Professors Program III: Young female academics are to be offered incentives for publication, individual qualification, profiling and networking. The Central Equal Opportunities Office will inform you about funding conditions and application modalities.

The Innovation Fund offers funding opportunities to implement innovative and/or profile-building projects in studies and teaching as well as research and transfer. The approved funds can be spent on both personnel and material resources. Further information can be found on the Innovation Fund pages.

The Publication Fund for Open Access Monographs of the State of Brandenburg provides members of the eight Brandenburg colleges and universities with a funding opportunity for monographs and similar publication formats as well as innovative projects in this area.

Are you sitting in front of a blank page, struggling with writer's block or don't know exactly what a scientific paper should look like? Get support from an external writing consultant and let them coach you through your writing process.

If you are interested, please contact:

Are you doing a doctorate and you do have a supervisor at the University of Potsdam? Then you can take advantage of the Potsdam Graduate School's offer at the indicated cost price. Are you doing your doctorate with an employment contract at the FHP and/or do you have a supervisor at the FHP? Then you can also take advantage of this offer, but you must clarify in advance how the costs incurred for the FH Potsdam as a partner institution of the Potsdam Graduate School will be financed (e.g. project, personnel development budget for your department). If this has already been exhausted, please contact:

External organizations and foundations offer various scholarship opportunities that can also provide you with financial or non-material support during your doctorate.

Scholarship databases enable a targeted search for suitable funding opportunities.

The ZeM is a networking, research and funding center for the field of media studies and related fields. Free membership of ZeM is also open to our doctoral students.

Members can apply for various forms of support for their media studies activities, in particular cost coverage for the organization of scientific conferences, colloquia and workshops. In addition, the ZeM premises in the center of Potsdam can be made available free of charge.

Information and the application form for ZeM membership can be found here.
You can subscribe to the ZeM newsletter here.