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Prof. Dr. Dipl. Psych. Karsten Krauskopf

Professor of Psychology in Social Work
Prof. Dr. Dipl. Psych. Karsten Krauskopf
Committees & Offices
Head of the Family Centre of the FH Potsdam
Head of the dual-digital Bachelor's degree programme Social Work (BASA Dual-Digital)
Office hours
  • currently no supervision of theses due to leave of absence to substitute for the Chair of Rehabilitation Psychology at HU Berlin 
  • office hours possible again from April 2025

Selected projects

SIB-Social Space: Inclusively Confronting Guilt Distance – Development of an Instrument for Multiprofessional Case Diagnostics in the Social Space

The phenomenon of "school distance", in the sense of an impressive form of exclusion, has so far been insufficiently researched at the interface of school and youth welfare. This project is dedicated to the topic of school distance from a basic research and an application-oriented perspective.

Interdisziplinäre Sprechstunde für die Landeshauptstadt Potsdam

Aufbau und Evaluation eines multiprofessionellen Teams zur Unterstützung mehrfachbelasteter Familiensysteme und Vernetzung im Sozialraum

KindeL – Communication in the First Months of Life

This pilot project aims to bring together two previously unconnected strands of research and counselling practice. Research on mother-infant interactions (little is available on fathers) clearly shows the interdependence of self-regulation and external regulation. This means that both – including the infant! – actively participate in the dialogical regulation of the interaction and the…

Evaluation Study of the Parents' Information App "elina" in the Elbe-Elster District

The Parents' Information App is a digital information platform developed by the Elbe-Elster district that is aimed at pregnant women or parents with newborns and small children up to the age of 3. The aim is to provide comprehensive, mobile and easily accessible information on services offered by the district on the topics of pregnancy, birth and family.

Psychoanalytic-Interactionally Oriented Parent-Child Groups

The aim of this research and development project is to develop structured, group-based interventions over a period of 24 sessions, accompanied by mixed methods impact research.

Early Counselling for Parents with Infants and Toddlers in the State Capital Potsdam

Problems in the developmental phase of early childhood experience and behaviour (approx. 0 - 3 years) bear special characteristics. Above all, a sharp delineation of individual behavioural and functional areas is not yet possible. In addition, there is the immense dependence of the infant on its caregivers. This is expressed by the British paediatrician and psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott: "There is…

Event Series "Elternwissen" with the Healthy Kids Network Potsdam

Events for parents with infants and toddlers aged 0 to 3 years with topics about parenting and child development in the first three years of life

#GesellschaftBilden in the Digital Age. Perspectives of Social Work on Technological Challenges

The project establishes a cross-university network on digitalisation in social work as a subject of cooperative research and teaching.