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Familienangehörige mehrerer Generationen halten ihre Hände übereinander

Social and Educational Sciences Department

The Social and Educational Sciences Department was the first department of the university and started already in the founding year 1991 with the diploma program Social Work/Social Pedagogy. Since then, we have placed great emphasis on developing innovative study models in response to changes in professional practice due to societal changes. The range of studies has been constantly expanded and developed with innovative teaching methods to meet the changes in higher education and professional practice.

Degree Programmes

Drei Studierende im Gespräch

Social Work (BA)

With this scientifically sound and practice-oriented, professionally diverse and state-recognised training, you can work professionally in all professional fields of social work.

Social Work (BA)

Zwei fröhliche Kinder beim Malen mit Fingerfarben

Early Childhod Education (BA)

Help to shape the future of our society by acquiring comprehensive knowledge on how to successfully educate and develop children.

Early Childhod Education (BA)

Kette aus Papierfiguren mit Sprechblase

Social Work | Dual (BA)

Study while working: Practical research and transformation, personally and in the organisation, as a booster for professional practice.

Social Work | Dual (BA)

Internationale Studierende arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Laptop

Social Work | Dual-Digital (BA)

Study digitally and on campus with a focus on the digitalisation of social work.

Social Work | Dual-Digital (BA)

4 Personen stehen in einer Reihe Arm in Arm und lächeln

Social Work with a Focus on the Family (MA)

Qualify for working with and in families and their social environment.

Social Work with a Focus on the Family (MA)

Kinder sitzen an einem Tisch und arbeiten in Heften

Early Childhood Studies (MA)

Level Up! Early Education – Become a researcher, creator and developer in the early education of tomorrow!

Early Childhood Studies (MA)

Silhouetten von Menschen in bunten Farben

Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MA)

Get to know new ways of working with and for children and their rights, completely online or in blended learning with personal support.

Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MA)

Studierende sitzen in einem Kreis in Arbeitsatmosphäre und lachen

Social Management (MA)

Shaping the future of the social sector – continuing professional development and qualification for management positions!

Social Management (MA)

News from the department

More news
Gefaltetete Papierkrone auf hellblauem Hintergrund
Start-up Service Social and Educational Sciences CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering Design Information Sciences
Study & Teaching


Certificate Programme for Job Qualification starts – Apply now!

Job qualification next level: The Work@Heart certificate programme increases students' chances of successfully starting a career – flexibly, sustainably and parallel to their studies. Interested parties can ask their questions in an online information session on the 9th of July from 12 to 1 pm.

Studentin benutzt einen Textmarker, um in einer Liste zu markieren. Zu sehen ist die Tischoberfläche, ein Block, diverse Stifte, sowie die Hände. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tastatur zu erkennen.
Social and Educational Sciences
Service information


Overview of the History of Childhood in the Children's Home Available Digitally

The catalogue on the German history of childhood in the home is now available digitally for teaching and study and offers a compact and richly illustrated overview of the history of institutional education in Germany on over 100 pages.

Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
Social and Educational Sciences
Study & Teaching


The Real Lab for Migration Social Work on an Excursion to Italian-Speaking Switzerland

From the 18th to the 20th of April 2024, Switzerland's seven universities of applied sciences for social sciences hosted the International Course "Participation: Beyond Good Intentions. Inspirations, Approaches and Actions". Social work students and lecturers from three countries came together in…

#Demokratie! vertikal links von einem großen "D" mit kreisförmigem Farbverlauf und zehn Händen darauf.
Social and Educational Sciences CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE Civil Engineering Design Information Sciences
University policy

Press release

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam organises the Summer Semester 2024 under the Motto #Democracy!

Students and lecturers at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are organising a free themed semester on democracy and are exploring the future of the free democratic order. Questions of democracy, diversity and openness will be discussed as part of courses, action days and workshops.


More events
Social and Educational Sciences Conference
04/07/2024, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm
Self-Help in the Context of Addiction, the Penal System and Release from Prison
Zielgruppe: Professional audience
Location: House 3Room 008
Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences #Democracy! Topic semester
04/07/2024, 4.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Social Justice and Radical Diversity: Social Work Critical of Discrimination in a Pluralistic Democracy
Zielgruppe: University members, Lecturers, Employees, Students, Public
Location: Hybrid
Social and Educational Sciences, Student Counselling Service Info Event
05/07/2024, 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Zielgruppe: Prospective students
Location: Online
Social and Educational Sciences, Research & Transfer Exhibition
Opening and Discussion Impulses
Zielgruppe: Public
Location: House 17 / Casino


Social and Educational Sciences Department

Room 105


Prof. Dr. Frank Früchtel

Prof. Dr. Frank Früchtel

Professor of Theory and Methods of Social Work

Vice-dean for Teaching and Learning

Matthias Schreckenbach

Dipl.-Soz.Arb. Dipl.-Soz.päd. Matthias Schreckenbach, M. A.

Academic staff member for theory and practice of social work, family/youth and programme development Social Management (M. A.), curriculum planning


Prof. Dr. Lalenia Zizek

Prof. Dr. Lalenia Zizek

Professor of Education, Counselling, Support and Therapy in Childhood

Dean's Office

Dipl.-Betriebsw. Gundula Häusler

Dipl.-Betriebsw. Gundula Häusler

Social Work Coordination (B. A.), BASA Presence
Curriculum planning

Dean's Office

Dipl.-Kffr. Alena Kohlmann

Dipl.-Kffr. Alena Kohlmann

Coordination Early Childhood Studies (M. A.)
Part-time Social Work Coordination (B. A.), BASA-online
Study Coaching / Coordination Students4Students

Dean's office

Katharina Fischer

Katharina Fischer, B. A.

Coordination of Early Childhood Education (B. A.) / BABEK
Coordination Students4Students, Transfer Lab

Dean's Office

Madeleine Neidel, Mag.

Mag. Madeleine Neidel

Coordination of Examination Administration

Head of Department Office

Gabriele Moretto

Dipl.-Kauffr. Gabriele Moretto

Financial planning and implementation of financial processes at the department

Dean's Office

Kati Schröder

Kati Schröder, B. A.

Education Management Professional Teaching & International Affairs
Social Work Coordination, Focus on Family (M. A.), maps
Coordination Students4Students

Degree programme management

Dr. Jennifer Zimmermann

Dr. Jennifer Zimmermann

Dual Study Programme Development and Management


David Berger

David Berger, B. A.

Staff member of the eLearning Unit in the "Digitale Prüfungsformate" project