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Social and Educational Sciences Department Profile: Forming Society

MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family

Acht Personen stehen in einer Reihe Arm in Arm und lächeln
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Families are a central point of reference for all people as they grow up and live (together). The Master's degree programme in Social Work with a Focus on the Family responds to the growing demands on the family as an institution and qualifies you for various activities with families, in families and in their social environment. This opens up a wide range of career prospects for our graduates.

Master of Arts
Part time
Distance learning program (part-time)
Course language:
Standard study period:

6 semesters

Start of study:
Winter semester
Application deadline:

15.05. – 22.06. (NC degree program)

Admission requirements:
First professional university degree and professional activity of at least 15 h/week

120 ECTS credits

Module Manuals & Regulations
The Study

Social Work – Focus on family!

Regardless of their specific historical forms, families fulfil essential social functions. They are resources for coping with problems and crises, are a place of protection and retreat and offer economic stability. However, families can also be places where violence and oppression prevail.

Families are becoming the focus of political attention in the context of demographic developments, such as declining birth rates and longer life expectancy, but also as a starting point for dealing with, if not solving, social conflict situations.

The extra-occupational degree programme Social Work with a Focus on the Family is primarily research-oriented and interdisciplinary. Right from the start, reference is made to your current professional practice. The central topics of the Social Work Master's programme range from the transfer of academic knowledge to the acquisition of leadership and counselling skills. The Master's programme consists of attendance and self-study phases, and you will also be in regular contact with your supervising lecturers and receive additional support from mentors.

The Master's programme has been accredited since 2007 and gives you access to the higher civil service.

Is this degree programme right for me?

The part-time degree programme is the ideal supplement if you want to take on a management role in the field of family work, work in an advisory capacity or go into training and research.

You have the following qualities

  • a keen interest in researching knowledge and developing your own questions
  • a high degree of empathy and communication skills
  • interest in co-operative and collaborative work
  • willingness to engage in online-based learning during the self-study phases
  •  willingness to engage in creative thought processes and activities
Key visual of the Open Day with faculty symbols: "Helping to shape the world of tomorrow. Open Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. 24/05/2025, 10 am - 1 pm)"
© Mandy Puchert

Information day 2025: We are opening our doors

Open Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam: On the 24th of May 2025, you will get to know the diverse study programmes at our university, explore the campus and gain exclusive insights into our modern laboratories and workshops.

Take the opportunity to talk to students and lecturers in person and look forward to a varied programme.

  • I want to take on a new professional challenge – and the Master's programme is preparing me very well for this. The combination of different disciplines and the space for exchange and discussion during the programme provide me with a lot of exciting input.

    Christina, 28 years old
  • I would like to develop myself further through my studies: My goal is to become self-employed alongside my job and start a project in the field of social work/music.


    Sylvia, 35 years old
  • What I particularly like about the Master's degree programme in Social Work is the mixture of online study and three periods of attendance per semester. On the one hand, this allows me a high degree of self-determined learning – on the other hand, I have the direct exchange on site.


    Kristina, 48 years old


The colleagues of the Student Counselling Service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions concerning the study program. If you have specific questions or concerns about the degree program, please contact the Student Counselling Service for the MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family or the Program Coordination.

Program Management

Program Coordination

Coordination M. A. Social Work, specialising in family
Coordination B. A. Education and Childhood Education

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Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MA) English Winter semester

Note: This degree programme will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25

Early Childhood Studies (MA) German Winter semester

15/06 – 15/10 (free of admission)

MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family German Winter semester

15.05. – 22.06. (NC degree program)

Social Management (MA) German Summer semester

Note: This course of study will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25.

Career Prospects

Career Prospects

Due to the complexity of the family as an institution and the social work associated with it, a variety of professional positions open up for our graduates. In addition to the actual counseling work, graduates of the Master of Social Work can also take on management and leadership functions in institutions or focus on the area of educational work. Whether in practice, administration or education – the fields of work in social work are varied and the demand for specialists in public child/youth/family welfare and in related official areas as well as with independent institutions is constantly high.

Prospects in the area of supply and consulting

The degree program Social Work with a Focus on the Family will provide you with the specialized expertise necessary to become a counselor:

  • Casework
  • Group work
  • Organizational consulting
  • Policy consulting

Prospects in the area of management and control

The combination of practical experience as well as scientific expertise offers you, as graduates of the Master's Program in Social Work with a Focus on the Family the ideal prerequisites for:

  • the development and management of projects
  • the coordination of supporting organizations and professional associations
  • administrative and managerial positions in the educational and social sectors, especially in state or non-state child/youth/family welfare institutions
  • national, regional and municipal planning functions
  • quality management and evaluation

Prospects in the field of education and research

As a graduate of the master's program in Social Work with a Focus on the Family, you can also find exciting career prospects outside of social institutions, for example in

  • Continuing education and training
  • Practice research
  • Evaluation research
  • Teaching
  • Doctorate

These degree programs might also interest you

More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MA) English Winter semester

Note: This degree programme will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25

Early Childhood Studies (MA) German Winter semester

15/06 – 15/10 (free of admission)

MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family German Winter semester

15.05. – 22.06. (NC degree program)

Social Management (MA) German Summer semester

Note: This course of study will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25.

Study Contents

Course of studies

The knowledge and competence transfer in the MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family takes place in a blended learning format. The daily study routine includes phases of self-study as well as attendance phases at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. With its focus on independent and self-determined learning via the online portal, the program can also be completed as a distance learning program.


1. – 3rd semester Social work science, practice research and reference sciences, family support services, social profession and quality development, self-reflection, leading & guiding
4th – 5th semester Family support services, action strategies and forms of work in the field of families, action research project
6th semester Master thesis, master colloquium

Study contents

In the currently valid module handbooks, study and examination regulations and statutes of the social and educational sciences department, you will find the module overview, a detailed description of the modules and study contents, the study plan as well as the statutes for conducting the selection procedure for the social work with a focus on the family degree programme.

Teaching formats

The attendance events primarily serve as an introduction to the topics, reflection, exercises and exchange with each other. As a rule, eleven attendance events take place per semester. Between the classroom sessions, you will work independently and will be supported by a learning platform as well as accompanied by instructors through online coaching:

  • seminars on campus
  • colloquia on campus
  • online-based self-study
  • mentoring/presence and online coaching
  • research workshops

Subject modules

  • social work science
  • practice Research
  • reference sciences
  • social profession and quality development
  • help for upbringing: family-supporting/supplementary offers
  • strategies of action and forms of work in the field of family
  • action research project: Implementation of a self-selected project, which links the theoretical contents of the study with questions from practice.

Projects from the department

More projects

Certificate Programme "Fan- und Zuschauermanagement" (FZM)

The aim of the certificate programme is to provide scientific, conceptual, strategic and action-oriented skills for managerial, planning, coordinating and evaluating activities in the field of fan and spectator management.

ÜberAl – Transitions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People in Working Life

The research project funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation is investigating the challenges and needs of employees who sign during career transitions.

Early Help in a Clinical Setting for (Expectant) Parents with Mental Illness and at Risk of Addiction

The measure "Early help in a clinical setting for (expectant) parents with mental illness and at risk of addiction " is being developed in order to transfer parents under stress from inpatient to outpatient structures, to strengthen cooperation within early help and to ensure support during pregnancy and parenthood.

Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics

The aim of the project, which is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund, is to set up an interdisciplinary test and experimental environment for social robots.

Attendance Dates

Attendance dates MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family

The attendance times, which are of particular importance in the interlocking of the blended learning concept, all take place on site at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Exams and presentations are part of the attendance days, so that no special exam days have to be taken outside of these times. For most federal states, there is the possibility of educational leave. Please contact the program coordinator for this upon enrollment, as the forms must be applied for in some cases.

The Master's degree programme in Social Work with a Focus on the Family is recognised in most countries with educational leave legislation.

Please find the current attendance times on the German pages.

Application & Contact

At a glance

The most important deadlines, dates and admission requirements for the Master's degree programme in Social Work with a Focus on Family are summarised here. You can find out which steps you need to follow for a successful application in the next section.

Deadlines & Dates

  • 24th of May 2025: Open Day at the FH Potsdam
  • until 22nd of June: Submit online application

Admission requirements

  • first professionally qualifying university degree (180 ECTS credit points): in the Social Work, Education and Childhood Education degree programme or in a similar social science degree programme
  • professional activity: at least 15 hours/week in the relevant area of the Master's degree programme
  • obligation to participate in externally offered supervision: at least 20 hours with recognised professionals during the entire course of study


How to apply!

In the following, we explain which aspects you should consider from the online application to enrolment.

Applications can be submitted online from 15th of May to 22nd of June via the MyCampus portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Documents to be submitted

When applying online, the following documents must be submitted as PDF files in the application portal:

  •  degree certificate(s) and Diploma Supplement, if applicable
  •  essay
  •  curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • proof of the type, duration and location of practical work experience in the field of social work or in a field of education and upbringing in childhood
  • proof of relevant work experience related to the family focus of the degree programme of at least 15 hours/week during the course of study
  • proof of further education and training and own publications, if applicable

Notes on the essay

  •  In 4 to 5 pages, the essay should provide information about the motivation and identification with the chosen degree programme as well as the intended professional activity.
  • In addition to the motivation for the study programme, the previous professional biography and the professional self-image developed in the process should be presented in detail.


After completing your online application in the MyCampus university portal, you will receive a personalised checklist with the following information:

  • a list of all supporting documents that you have uploaded as PDF files in accordance with the information you provided in your online application
  • information on the further course of the procedure

Selection procedure

Applicants who fulfil the admission requirements take part in the procedure for the allocation of study places. In the allocation procedure, the number of study places to be allocated is deducted in advance:

  • Applications from applicants who were unable to accept an earlier admission due to service and all applicants who are members of the national squad of a national sports association of the German Olympic Sports Confederation,
  • 11 % for applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification,
  • 3 % for applicants who are to be considered on the basis of hardship criteria.

The remaining study places are allocated 90% according to the result of a university selection procedure and 10% according to waiting time. The result of the university selection procedure is determined on the basis of the following criteria (weighting in brackets)

  • Grade of the professionally qualifying university degree (60 %)
  • Essay (40 %)


Following the university selection procedure, the award procedure is carried out. Applicants with a correspondingly high ranking will receive a temporary offer of admission in the MyCampus university portal, which they must actively accept.

After accepting the offer of admission, you will find your letter of admission in the MyCampus university portal. If you do not accept the offer of admission by the deadline, the ranking list will continue to be processed and the study place will be reallocated.

You have accepted the offer of admission and received your letter of admission? Then you have the opportunity to submit an enrolment application for the coming winter semester in the MyCampus university portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Once you have submitted your online enrolment application, please submit the printed and signed application together with all required documents in paper form by the deadline. The day of the enrolment deadline is decisive for the submission of the documents, whereby the date of receipt at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is decisive.

Documents to be submitted

Submit the following documents with your enrolment application:

  • University entrance qualification
  • if applicable, further documents according to the enrolment application

Do you have any questions about the enrolment procedure at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? We have compiled frequently asked questions and answers on enrolment and admission.

Further information

Under the following links you, and especially international applicants, will find further information on the topics of application and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

International applicants

You would like to apply for a degree programme from the first or a higher semester and have obtained your school-leaving certificate and/or university degree abroad? Then you can have your qualifications and achievements from abroad recognised and study with us.

Application & enrolment procedure

The Application and Study Service provides information and advice on general questions about the application process, admission and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, as well as on topics such as compensation for disadvantages, part-time study, waiting semesters and hardship applications.

Contact & Services

The Student Counseling Service provides information and advice on general questions about studying and on topics such as choosing a degree programme, application, enrolment and study organisation.

The Academic Student Adivce is the right place to go for subject-specific questions about module content, credit transfer, examinations or study specialisations in the Social Work, Family specialisation degree programme.

Academic student advice & head of the degree programme

Study programme coordinator

Coordination M. A. Social Work, specialising in family
Coordination B. A. Education and Childhood Education

Student Financing

Room 3.02a

Family Affairs Commissioner

Room 026

Office hours

Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

Contact persons Study and Assessment Administration Service