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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Projects sorted by project period

Organisational unit
Degree programme

    Metal in Flux. From Casting to Mould

    An exhibition project with the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin with the question: What potential do archives have for designers and what new types of design processes can be conceived in art casting?

    Pedagogical Architecture – Participation in School Building Construction

    How should learning and teaching be carried out in the future and what structural effects will result from this?

    Corpus for the Linguistic Analysis of Political Speeches from Romania

    Digitisation of political speeches from Romania.

    Topography of Violence

    Research cooperation with the Jewish Museum Berlin on the visualisation of anti-Semitic acts of violence between 1930 and 1938

    Digitisation of Archival Material in the Brandenburg State Archives (BLHA)

    Gentle digitisation and sustainable use of digitised files.

    Local Office Luckenwalde

    Cooperation between the TH Wildau, the city of Luckenwalde and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for a local office of the Brandenburg universities in the district town of Luckenwalde in the district of Teltow-Fläming.

    Monitoring and Comparison FHP-Annex1/2 (House D, House A)

    Two new buildings were commissioned on the campus of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in 2014 and 2017, testing future energy and technical standards for Brandenburg university construction.

    Early Counselling for Parents with Infants and Toddlers in the State Capital Potsdam

    Problems in the developmental phase of early childhood experience and behaviour (approx. 0 - 3 years) bear special characteristics. Above all, a sharp delineation of individual behavioural and functional areas is not yet possible. In addition, there is the immense dependence of the infant on its caregivers. This is expressed by the British paediatrician and psychoanalyst D. W. Winnicott: "There is…

    Schrankhaus – Tiny House

    As part of an Interflex project, students of Product Design and Urban Future explored, developed and depicted future living spaces.

    Researcher's World Blossin

    What is fire made of? Who actually determines what the words mean? Why do windmills turn? What is infinity? Children ask many questions about reasons, about causes and are inquisitive by nature.