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Press release

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Hannah Jonas

Prof. Hannah Jonas

On the occasion of her appointment as Professor of Design Typology at the Department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Professor Hannah Jonas will give her inaugural lecture entitled "Typology – Thinking Space of Design".

Typology functions as an instrument of cognition for designing architects – explaining, enabling, expecting. Typology explains to us the relationships between architectures, through which we gain access to the cultural memory of architecture. It enables us to learn from these relationships and to design contemporary architecture on the basis of this knowledge. And it expects us to update our knowledge by applying it, thereby keeping it alive. Typology thinks past and present at the same time.

About the person

Hannah Jonas studied architecture at TU Berlin and has been Professor of Typology Design at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences since 2022. She has worked at David Chipperfield Architects in Berlin, London and Milan, at Staab Architekten in Berlin and on her own architectural projects. She taught at HafenCity University Hamburg as a research assistant, at the School of Architecture Bremen and msa Münster as a lecturer, was research coordinator at the Institute for Public Buildings at the University of Stuttgart and taught at the University of Wismar as a substitute professor.

Inaugural lecture
When: 30/01/2023, 6.00 pm
Place: House D / Room 011
Online: Live stream via Zoom

Meeting ID: 647 8910 9824
Identification code: 66200232

The inaugural lecture is open to the public. Interested parties are welcome. There will be a small reception in the foyer after the lecture.