With Business Etiquette to your Dream Job

Workshop with counsellor Andreas Hülsen for students who do not want to leave their career after graduation to chance and want to tackle their professional success in good time.
The phase between the last exam and permanent employment is an important transition. The job is the number one satisfaction factor for many people, according to many studies. How well you progress in your career depends on various factors – the labour market, the competitive situation and sometimes even chance. You cannot completely control these factors, but you can use your skills, your demeanour and the way you interact with others to recommend yourself for higher-level tasks and sound out opportunities. You can prepare for this transition in a targeted manner during your studies: At our workshop, participants learn step-by-step how to target any career opportunities after graduation.
Professional success does not only depend on professional qualifications and career aspirations – it also depends on the famous "first impression", clothing, soft skills, body language and communication skills. Much of this can be learnt for good self-management – this way you can use your strengths more effectively and work on "weak points". In this way, you may be able to achieve a "healthy and efficient job".
These are some of the topics:
- defining career goals based on personal values, skills and interests
- realistic assessment of career options
- how to observe the "rules of the game" of the organisation
- What motivational factors will guide me on the path to professional success?
The event is a free offer from Work@Heart in co-operation with the representative for university members with disabilities, Andreas Hülsen. Registration via e-mail to: 360gradzukunft@fh-potsdam.de