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WiSe 24/25 - Jetzt bewerben

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We have free study places!
Vier Studierende laufen fröhlich über den Campus

Here we go!

All information about starting your studies at the FHP
Start of studies
Nahaufnahme der Hände zweier Studierenden, die zusammen an einem Siebdruck arbeiten

Practical study

Our laboratories & workshops
Laboratories & Workshops


More events
Occupational Health and Safety Officer Training
27/09/2024, 9.00 am – 11.00 am
Health and Safety Instruction – General
Zielgruppe: University members, Lecturers, Employees
Location: House 2Room 0.14
International Office Info Event
27/09/2024, 11.00 am – 3.15 pm
Info day 2
Zielgruppe: Students
Location: House DRoom 119
Institute for Applied Research Urban Futures Workshop
27/09/2024, 9.45 am – 4.00 pm
Promotion Day 2024
Zielgruppe: Lecturers, Employees, Students
Location: Campus
International Office Info Event
28/09/2024, 1.00 pm
City tour & Potsdam Museum with FHP Connect
Zielgruppe: Students
Zwei gut gelaunte Personen mit Fahrrädern vor den geöffneten Türen eines Regionalzuges
© Klima-Bündnis

On your bikes, get set, go – STADTRADELN with Team FHP!

Improve your own well-being, reduce the burden on our roads and the climate? By 29th of September, we want to cover as many everyday journeys as possible by bike. 

Regardless of whether you have already taken part in STADTRADELN , would like to get involved, study and work at the FH Potsdam or not: everyone is welcome to join in and support us at any time until the end of the campaign. Register now and search for "FHP" under "Join an existing team".

Stay up to date: Number of our team members, kilometres driven, CO₂ savings and ranking at a glance.

Register now & cycle along!

Departments & Degree Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

For 30 years, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has offered a diverse range of courses with a personal working atmosphere in the departments of Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design as well as Information Sciences.

Social and Educational Sciences

Department 1 was the first department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and is also the largest department with approximately 1,000 students.

Social and Educational Sciences


The various degree programmes and focal points of department 2 are interlinked via a cultural and (cultural) design claim.


Civil Engineering

Department 3 has been training young people to become civil engineers for 25 years and has seven laboratories that are used for research and study.

Civil Engineering


Characteristic of department 4 is the close integration of its degree programmes in Interface, Communication and Product Design and European Media Studies.


Information Sciences

Department 5 is known for its study concept of partially integrative training of archivists, librarians and information managers – also called the "Potsdam Model".

Information Sciences

Degree Programmes

Find out about our more than 30 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and the various study options – from full-time face-to-face studies to dual degree programmes and part-time programmes.

Degree Programmes

Latest news

More news
Illustration einer Frau, welche am Laptop sitzt. Um sie herum schwebt ein kleiner Roboter, der die Hand hebt und eine kleine, ebenso illustrierte Rakete.


ZDT Annual Conference in November 2024: Save the Date & Call for Participation

The annual conference "ZDT-Forum: Digital University Brandenburg" on the 7th and 8th of November 2024 will provide insights into current digitisation projects and discuss the recommendations of the Science Council on the Brandenburg higher education system and the further development of cooperation…

Studentin benutzt einen Textmarker, um in einer Liste zu markieren. Zu sehen ist die Tischoberfläche, ein Block, diverse Stifte, sowie die Hände. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tastatur zu erkennen.
Service information


Closing Day of the University Library in October 2024

The university library will be closed on the 4th of October 2024.

Abstraktes rotes Bild
Study & Teaching


Adobe Promotion for Students

The FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association is launching an Adobe campaign at the start of the winter semester 2024/25.

Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
Study & Teaching


Places still available - Lottery procedure starts

There are still places available at the FHP for the winter semester 2024/25