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Transfer Coffee meets Morning Call

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Transfer Coffee meets Morning Call – InNoWest's digitalisation team and the Prignitz University Office in Wittenberge are organising a joint online format from 2025.

From the organisers' perspective, the previously independent formats "Morning Call" and "Transferkaffee" have many overlaps, which makes it worthwhile for everyone involved to join forces. The aim of the jointly organised format is to improve the transfer of knowledge between the universities in North and West Brandenburg and the regional stakeholders in the region. The formats are aimed in particular at local authorities, companies, civil society and institutions. The format impresses with its short expert inputs, the opportunity to talk to them and the focus on digitalisation topics.

In September 2024, the digitalisation team of the InNoWest network launched the online format "Transferkaffee" to improve the transfer between the network and universities. The Prignitz presence centre in Wittenberge has been running the "Morning Call" online format for some time with a similar objective. From the point of view of those involved, the planned joint event should primarily benefit the participants. In future, they will be offered a broader range of topics.

From January 2025, the joint monthly event will always take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 8.30 am to 9.30 am . The format starts with an expert input (approx. 30 minutes) and then offers plenty of time for questions and discussion.

The first topics have already been decided: In January, there will be two topics in one event, at which the InNoWest digitalisation team will present two of its current projects: Marvin Prigenitz (Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences) will present a prototype for an AI chatbot for municipal administration and Leonard Higi (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam) will present the data and visualisation tool MOSIDI (Modular Open Source Software for Data Interaction). Both prototypes can be tested and feedback from participants on their usability in their own municipality is welcome!

In February, Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß (Professor of Applied Data Science) from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) will give an input on fake news and how to track it down with digital tools.

In March, Prof. Dr. André Nitze (Professor of Business Informatics) from the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB) will present the topic "AI for beginners".

Please register in advance of the event. This way you will receive the link for participation.

Programme and registration

About InNoWest:

InNoWest is jointly implemented by the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) and the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences (THB). The project is being funded by the federal government and Brandenburg with up to 14.7 million euros until the 31st of December 2027 as part of the Innovative University funding initiative of the Joint Science Conference.

About the presence centre:

The Prignitz Presence Centre is the regional contact point for Brandenburg's state universities and connects the universities with the Prignitz region. Its main task is to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology between science, business, administration and society. The contact point supports the networking of companies and institutions with universities and helps to bring research results and innovations to the region.

Contact us

Contact persons for the event series
Diana Richter
Prignitz presence centre, Wittenberge site

Dr. Josephine Jahn
Stakeholder Management Team Digitalisation InNoWest

Press contact
Network communication InNoWest
Corinna Hartwig