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- Dipl.-Ing. Jasmine Alia Blaschek
Dipl.-Ing. Jasmine Alia Blaschek
Jasmine Alia Blaschek studied architecture at the University of Technology in Vienna. Her thesis "Ausgerechnet Lehm – Praktische Perspektiven für den Lehmbau in Österreich" focussed on the steps needed to increase the use of earth building materials in Austria. This thesis was honoured in 2016 by the Dachverband Lehm e. V. umbrella organisation for earth building.
Since 2016, Jasmine Alia Blaschek has been working for the Berlin-based engineering firm ZRS Ingenieure GmbH in the fields of specialist planning, expert reports and laboratories. All projects are in the field of earth building. As ZRSI project manager for the conservation work led by the German Archaeological Institute in Uruk (southern Iraq) on clay architectural remains up to 5,500 years old, Jasmine Alia Blaschek is responsible for the conception, planning, execution and documentation of the work.
Together with Prof. Christof Ziegert, she runs the annual course on earth building for ZRS Ingenieure as part of the nuBau user-oriented building conservation master's programme at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Her role there is to create and update course materials, supervise students, assess student work and organise the practical laboratory course on building earth testing.
Her work for ZRS Ingenieure has resulted in scientific publications, including at the international earth building conference LEHM2020 of the Dachverband Lehm e.V. and in the Mauerwerkskalender 2023.
Since April 2024, she has been strengthening earth building at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in teaching and research. She is keen to convey all aspects of earth building in a practical way. From the winter semester 2024, there will be a regular range of practical exercises as an interdisciplinary course for the departments of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Restauration and Design with a focus on earth building.
- Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2023). Konservierung von mesopotamischen Lehmsteinbauten in Uruk (Südirak), der ersten Metropole der Menschheit. In Mauerwerk-Kalender 2023: Instandsetzung – Erdbeben – Lehmbau (Seite 127-151). Berlin: Ernst & Sohn GmbH.
- Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2022). ZRS Architekten Ingenieure. Interview geführt von Birgit Rieder. Netzwerk Lehm Österreich. http://netzwerklehm.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/zrs-architekten-ingenieure.pdf
- Ziegert, Christof & Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2021). Der Lehmbau schießt gerade durch die Decke! Interview geführt von Mariella Schlüter. DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift. https://www.dbz.de/artikel/dbz_Der_Lehmbau_schiesst_gerade_durch_die_Decke_-3692483.html
- Ziegert, Christof & Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2021). Zukunftsfähiges Bauen mit Lehm. In DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift. Ausgabe 2021-10. https://www.dbz.de/artikel/dbz_Zukunftsfaehiges_Bauen_mit_Lehm_Jasmine_Alia_Blaschek_und_Christof_ Ziegert-3753930.html
- Margarete van Ess, Jasmine Alia Blaschek, Christof Ziegert (2020). Denkmalschutz des irakischen archäologischen Architekturerbes – Aktuelle Erhaltungsprojekte in Uruk (Südirak). Dachverband Lehm e.V.. https://www.dachverband-lehm.de/lehm2020_online/pdf/lehm2020_b_van-ess-blaschek- ziegert_de.pdf
- Ziegert, Christof & Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2017). Standardization of a Natural Resource: The Example of Industrial Earth Building Materials in Germany. In Cultivated Building Materials: Industrialized Natural Resources for Architecture and Construction (pp. 40-45). Berlin, Boston: Birkhäuser. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783035608922-005
- Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2017). Jasmine Blaschek. Interview geführt von Marius Valente. Netzwerk Lehm Österreich. http://www.lehmbautagung.at/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Jasmine-Blaschek_Neu.pdf
- Blaschek, Jasmine Alia (2015). Ausgerechnet Lehm - praktische Perspektiven für den Lehmbau in Österreich. Diploma Thesis, Technische Universität Wien. reposiTUm. https://doi.org/10.34726/hss.2015.26164
Building materials out of earth can make significant contributions to the necessary building revolution (energy-efficient, resource-conserving and climate-adapted construction). Recognising and exploiting the potential of this building material should support and accelerate this process. As part of the project, the rheological and health properties of earth building materials will be investigated and improved in line with the material and in compliance with regulations.
Furthermore, the doctoral position will expand the range of courses in earth building in the future, which will be represented by the Chair of Building Materials (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Pistol) and the Honorary Chair of Earth Building (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christof Ziegert), the only one of its kind in Germany. This will strengthen the Design ∙ Build ∙ Preserve profile line and promote the unique selling point of the regular teaching programmes in earth building at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and support them in the area of research.
I am looking forward to the expansion and development of interdisciplinary teaching programmes for the departments of civil engineering, architecture, restauration and design with a focus on earth building. Students will be taught the various field and laboratory tests for the suitability and processing of building earth in a practical way. In the future, students will also be familiarised with the creation of formulas for refurbishment building materials made of earth adapted to the existing building stock as well as the necessary technical steps for the refurbishment of solid earth buildings through practical exercises. The aim is to incorporate the results of the doctoral project into teaching, to deepen the theoretical knowledge imparted by Prof. Klaus Pistol and Prof. Christof Ziegert at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in these practical exercises and consequently to be able to correctly assess, plan, monitor and instruct complex projects in earth building.