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CAS Social Management

Management and leadership in social work
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Discover our highly specialised Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes in social management! From leadership and management, organisational development and financing to in-depth insights into contemporary leadership topics – our practice-oriented further education courses provide you with the tools for a successful career in leading positions in social institutions. Immerse yourself in innovative teaching methods, reflect on your leadership role and master current challenges in order to achieve your professional goals with conviction. Welcome to the CAS further education programmes that do more than just provide knowledge. You can choose between four different CAS programmes.

Free places
Certificate Course
University certificate

10 ECTS per CAS programme


Two years of work experience

Participation fee:

1,750 Euro per CAS programme

Educational leave:

Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin

Auf einen Blick

Was ist ein CAS?

Weiterbildungen, die mit einem Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) abgeschlossen werden, vermitteln spezifisches Wissen zu einem bestimmten Fachgebiet. 

Die CAS-Weiterbildungen werden mit Leistungspunkten nach dem European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) bewertet und sind damit europaweit anerkennbar.

Welche CAS gibt es?

Aktuell gibt es vier Module aus dem Masterstudiengang Sozialmanagement, die als CAS-Weiterbildungen angeboten werden (siehe unten).

Weitere Module des Studiengangs Sozialmanagement (M. A.) können bei Interesse einzeln gebucht werden.

Werden CAS-Zertifikate anerkannt?

Alle CAS-Programme können auf akademische Studiengänge (Bachelor oder Master) angerechnet werden.

Drei erfolgreich abgeschlossene Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Programme und eine zusätzliche Abschlussarbeit ermöglichen den Erwerb des Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS). 

At a glance

The Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) is an important additional qualification that increases your attractiveness on the labour market. It offers you the opportunity to enrich your professional career through lifelong learning and improve your career prospects in the long term.

The CAS programmes are made up of courses from the state-recognised and accredited Master's degree programme "Social Management – Management and Leadership in Social Work". Students who wish to complete the entire Master's degree programme have the option of having the CAS Social Management credited towards the overall degree programme. If the content is transferable, the knowledge acquired can also be credited to other degree programmes.

The CAS programmes meet the quality standards of a university degree course.

The completion of a CAS programme includes the writing of a term paper that is closely related to the practical application in the respective professional field. Successful completion of the CAS programme earns ten ECTS credit points.

At least 90 % of the prescribed contact hours must be completed and the necessary certificates of achievement must be successfully submitted for the CAS programme to be awarded.

Three successfully completed Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes and an additional dissertation enable the award of the Diploma in Advanced Studies (DAS). The three CAS programmes can be studied in any order and at any time. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam currently offers four CAS programmes in the field of social management. If you book the part-time DAS programme, you will receive a 5% discount.

CAS programmes in Social Management at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

  • Concept development
  • Organisational development
  • Marketing/public relations
  • Financial planning

"Create a solid foundation."

You will learn the "hard facts" of financial planning and take an in-depth look at concept and organisational development. In times of a shortage of skilled labour, topics such as marketing and public relations are also of central importance. True to the motto "Do a good job and talk about it".

  • Healthy leadership and management
  • Diversity management
  • Gender-equitable leadership and management

"Always be one step ahead."

You deal with important issues of our time. How can older employees work well for a long time in times of skills shortages? How should an organisation be structured to operate internally and externally across generations? How can your organisation respond appropriately to a diverse clientele? What about gender equality as required by law? None of these are "nice-to-have" issues, but challenges that you as a manager have to deal with and, in the best case, are happy to do so out of conviction.

  • Opening, management understanding and concepts
  • Personnel requirements analysis
  • Personnel development and retention
  • Volunteer management

"Explore your own leadership skills"

This CAS programme provides you with a comprehensive introduction to the basics required to manage an organisation. You will develop a theory-based approach to volunteer management. You will take your first steps in the area of personnel development using your own organisation as an example and you will be able to carry out qualified personnel requirements planning. It is particularly important to reflect on your own ideas of yourself as a future manager.

  • Understanding leadership
  • Personnel development and retention
  • Strategic management
  • Negotiation training

"What kind of leader do you want to be?"

This multi-faceted CAS programme is about developing your basis as a leader. At the same time, you will shape your individual leadership identity. You will experience an in-depth exploration of the topics of human resources, management and strategy development. This is supported by a successful mix of proven theory, practice-orientated elements and reflection on your own role.

Goals of the CAS programmes

Comprehensive development of leadership skills and practical expertise in social management:

  • Establishing solid leadership foundations: develop a profound understanding of effective organisational leadership, put proven leadership concepts into practice and shape your own leadership identity.
  • Excellent volunteer management: Learn strategies and methods for successfully managing volunteers to promote a motivated and committed team culture.
  • Promote staff development and retention: Targeted exploration of key factors in staff development and development of strategies to retain and motivate your staff in the long term.
  • Deepen your understanding of organisational development and finance: Expand your understanding of organisational development and financial planning to ensure your organisation thrives in a changing environment.
  • Developing skills in strategy and management: Strengthen your abilities in personnel management, strategic planning and general management in order to be able to act confidently and competently as a manager.
  • Overcoming current challenges in social work: Address current issues, including working effectively with different generations, promoting diversity and implementing statutory gender equality.

Dates & Schedule

CAS Social Management – Leadership and management compact

  • Unit 1 (in person) – Opening, understanding and concepts of leadership: 19th - 20th of April 2024
  • Unit 2 (online) – Staff development and retention:
    • Kick-Off: 25/04/2024 (17.30 – 19.00), Thursday
    • 24 – 25/05/2024
    • Follow-up: 20/06/2024 (17.30 – 19.00), Thursday
  • Unit 3 (in person) – Volunteer management: 14 – 15 June 2024
  • Unit 4 (in person) – Personnel needs analysis: 12 – 13 July 2024

CAS Social Management – Organisational Development and Financing compact (TBA)

CAS Social Management – Strategic Leadership in Social Work (TBA)

CAS Social Management – Forward-looking leadership and management in diversity (TBA)

Seminar times: 09.30 – 17.00, Friday – Saturday

Prof. Dr. Andrea Schmidt

"The CAS programmes focus on generating knowledge, changing your organisation and reflecting on your own self-image as a manager. Particularly because we have high academic standards at the university, theory is not an end in itself, but is always interlinked with your own professional practice. The content of our CAS programmes will enrich you and your practice."

Prof. Dr. Andrea Schmidt, Scientific Management

I already had very good experiences with the supervision and working methods at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam during my studies. The mixture of self-learning and guidance in this part-time programme suited me very well. With this further education, I qualify for a management position in my company.

Stefan Schliewe, graduate of the master's programme in social management
November 2022

Registration & Information

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Central Recognition and Recognition Counselling & Coordination ZEW