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All Persons of the Department of Information Sciences

On this page you will find all professors, academic and non-academic staff and committee members of the Department of Information Sciences. You can see our organisational structure in the organigram. Former professors are listed here.

    Name Info
    Professor for Web Technology and Semantic Web Applications
    Vice Dean Department of Information Sciences
    Member of the Examination Board
    Professor of Library Science
    Vice Dean for Research at the Department of Information Sciences
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Ethics Committee
    Member of the Commission for Research and Transfer
    Employees in the VEStOR project
    Ulf Preuß, M.A.
    Head of Coordination Office Brandenburg-digital
    Lutz Sanne
    Manager of the Brandenburg State Agency for Archives and Public Libraries
    Prof. Dr. Felix Schäfer
    Part-time Professor "Digitisation of Archives and Collections"
    Honorary Professor for Administrative History of Brandenburg
    Profilfoto Carsten Schneemann
    Academic Assistant Project IN-FDM-BB
    Prof. Dr. Michael Scholz
    Professor of Archival Science
    Member of the Faculty Council Chairman of the Examination Board
    Academic Director of the Brandenburg State Centre for Archives and Public Libraries
    Prof. Dr. Angela Schreyer
    Professor for Content Management
    Vice Chairwoman of the Examination Board
    Member of the Department Council
    Prof. Dr. Karin Schwarz
    Professor of Archival Science
    Head of the Degree Programme Archive
    Internship Officer in the Degree Programme Archive
    Verbal Cataloguing
    Equal Opportunities Commissioner
    Dr. Thomas Stäcker
    Part-time Professor for Digital Humanities
    Corinna Stoll
    Programm Development and Study Organisation
    Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching at the Department of Information Sciences
    Member of the Faculty Council
    Member of the Examination Board
    Member of the Senate Commission for Studies and Teaching
    Project "RDMO"
    Profilfoto Christiane Strauß
    Staff Member Coordination and Professionalisation of Study Programme Matters
    Internship Representative of the Department of Information Sciences
    Sabine Stropp
    Staff Member of the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries
    Prof. Dr. Julia Maria Struß
    Professor for Applied Data Science
    Programme Director and Internship Officer in the Information and Data Management programme (BA)
    Prof. Dr. Marcus Stumpf
    Honorary Professor
    Part-time Professor for Digital Archiving