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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

    Logo des Projekts SmartUpLab – im Untertitel steht Decision, Support, Tools für intergrierte Mobilität

    SmartUpLab – Decision Support Tools for Integrated Mobility Systems

    SmartUpLab develops an intelligently networked tool environment to support the introduction of innovative mobility systems.

    Kita-Kinder experimentieren


    Recording and promoting the interest in natural sciences of 5 - 6-year-old children in the day care centre

    Mann und Kind umarmen sich, im Hintergrund strahlt die Sonne

    Comfort and Emotion Regulation

    Comfort Understanding in Preschool and School Children

    Erklärgrafik des Forschungsprojekts "Co-Act"

    CoAct – Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action

    The EU research project "CoAct" pursues an innovative approach to participatory citizen research. The focus is on the further development of a Citizen Social Science (CSS) and its research methods. CoAct is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program under the call "SwafS-15-2018-2019 - Exploring and supporting citizen science"


    Screenshot aus dem Film "Workshop - Schule Am Schloß - Gemeinsam diskutierten wir, wie sie werden soll" des Projektes Pädagogische Architektur - Wie soll in Zukunft gelernt und gelehrt werden und welche baulichen Auswirkungen resultieren daraus?

    Pedagogical Architecture – Participation in School Building Construction

    How should learning and teaching be carried out in the future and what structural effects will result from this?

    Druckfestigungsprüfung an einem Mörtelprism

    Reduction of Water Vapour Sorption of Clay Plasters through Stabilising Agents

    The influence of stabilising agents on the water vapour sorption of earthen building materials was investigated on a trial basis as part of the master's thesis.

    Broschüren zum Projekt "Freie Suche: Feminismus"

    Free Search: Feminism

    Literary exhibition and digital exhibition catalogue of the Equality Office on feminist media

    Schriftzug "Zugang Einbeziehung Teilhabe Anerkennung"

    Inter...what? Intersectionality! A Visual Introduction

    What is intersectionality? How are discrimination and privilege related? What does intersectional discrimination mean? These questions are answered in the web-based article "Inter...was? Intersektionalität! – Eine visuelle Einführung" answers them. With a combination of text, animated illustration and interactive data visualisation, it offers an introduction to the socially relevant topic of…

    Bildschirmfoto mit dem Text "Unbehagen an der Geschichte?" und Maus-Cursor hinter dem Fragezeichen

    Discomfort with History? Dealing with Contemporary Antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremism at Memorial Sites

    The qualitative study is interested in finding out how current antisemitism and right-wing extremism manifest themselves in memorials and what challenges and needs arise from this.

    Gesamtansicht des Gebäudes der eDas Gebäude der ehemaligen "Neue Wäscherei"

    Mural Painting | Ravensbrück Memorial Site, Former "Neue Wäscherei"

    In addition to a general inventory of all the rooms in the elongated building of the "former ehem. Neuen Wäscherei", a colour survey was carried out within the large dining room as part of the study project.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Korpus für die sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse politischer Reden aus Rumänien"

    Corpus for the Linguistic Analysis of Political Speeches from Romania

    Digitisation of political speeches from Romania.

    Buntes Bild mit vielen Symbolen und Texten aus dem Bereich Social Media wie unter anderem Tweet, Share, Blog

    News Appropriation in Times of Social Media

    Over a period of one year, the project "Nachrichtenaneignung in Zeiten Sozialer Medien" looked at the news activities of young people aged 14 - 19 years on digital platforms.