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EXIST-Women 2025: Another Funding Commitment for prospective FHP Founders

Pinkes Bild mit vereinten weiblichen Händen

The EXIST-Women funding line supports women interested in starting a business at universities and research institutions in the first phase of founding a company. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam also received another grant for 2025.

The funding line of the BMWK – Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection – has extended the EXIST Women programme and launched another call for applications at the end of last year. The FHP has sent a total of 16 female students and graduates into the race for the popular support programme. Due to the short-term budget freeze, seven of them are currently eligible for funding:

  • Maria Kezia Damerow, student (Department of Design)
  • Chang Han, student (Master Design)
  • Maria Chiara Sgarbi, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Noemi Mateus, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Leonie Daase, graduate (Master of Civil Engineering)
  • Adriana Schmitt, graduate (Department of Design)
  • Laura van Altena (research assistant at InNoWest)

All participants in this year's funding period receive benefits in kind and have access to mentoring and various networking events for 12 months. Depending on their initial situation, they also receive additional financial support for a period of three months and/or a child supplement.

EXIST-Women gives women the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the topics of start-ups and self-employment at an early stage. During the 12-month qualification programme in the funding period, the prospective female founders are supported in particular in the development of their entrepreneurial personality and the (further) development of their start-up idea.

We congratulate the applicants on their participation and hope that we will soon be able to give other women positive feedback.

Contact us

ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01