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Democratic Drinks: Democracy at the University

#Demokratie! vertikal links von einem großen "D" mit kreisförmigem Farbverlauf und zehn Händen darauf.

How do we experience democracy on campus? What are our experiences with democratic structures and processes? At the third Democratic Drinks event, we want to literally set off and talk about committee work and other forms of participation.

The aim of the Flex module "Soft skills for committee work" is to apply democracy efficiently in student committee work. Strengthening committee skills and knowledge about processes, structures and participation at the FHP are key contents. The module was evaluated as "indispensable" by students in the winter semester 2023/24. It will be introduced as a future state-wide programme at universities in Brandenburg.

Even beyond participation in university committees, people leave political statements on our campus. One instrument that often goes under the radar is stickers. Sometimes they comment ironically and creatively on campus and contemporary culture, sometimes they convey extremist content. The latter can be seen as a form of appropriation of space by extremist structures. We set out to map our perception of the sticker culture on our campus through collaborative photo documentation and in the process enter into a conversation about our perceptions of the campus and the limits of political forms of expression and discuss counter-strategies.


“Democratic Drinks” is a university-wide series of events during the Democracy Semester at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The individual dates encourage an open exchange on current topics of democracy with short inputs and small activities.

Students and lecturers at FHP are organising the 2024 summer semester together under the motto #Democracy! All members of the university are invited to actively engage with issues of democracy, diversity and openness through courses, events, research projects and workshops.

More information about the themed semester #Democracy!

Target audience: University members Lecturers Employees Students

26/06/2024, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm

Experiences and discussion about democratic structures at the university (details to follow)

Location: House 3
Room: 007