Prof. Dr. Marianne Reeb was born on 28/08/1963 in Karlsruhe and has lived in Berlin since 1983
Graduate in business administration and doctorate in economics
Honorary professor in the Arts Management and Cultural Work degree programme since 12 December 2012
since 2004 Head of the department Customers and Markets of the Future, Focus Passenger Cars, at Daimler Research Society and Technology
Since 1995 at Daimler Research, from 2000 head of the specialist area Society, Consumption and Markets at Daimler Research Society and Technology in Berlin
Main topics: Future and trend research, product innovations, strategic marketing research, future lifestyles and customer needs.
04/89 - 10/84 scientific assistant at the TU Berlin, Department of Marketing, Prof. Trommsdorff, doctorate on the topic of "Lifestyle Analyses in Strategic Market Research"
since 1997 seminars/lectures on various topics at the FH Potsdam, course of studies in cultural work
Member of the University Council of the Ostwestfalen/Lippe University of Applied Sciences
Member of the Schmalenbach Society for Business Administration, Marketing Working Group
Reeb, M., Lebensstilanalysen in der strategischen Marktforschung, DUV 1996.
Reeb, M., Zukunftsszenarien für das Auto. In: „Was uns bewegt“, Ausstellungsbegleitende Veröffentlichung von Vitra, 1999.
Reeb, M. (mit Minx, E.), „Zukunfts- und Trendforschung – Anforderungen an zukunftsorientierte Marktforschungsmethoden“, in Thexis 2.2005.
Reeb, M. „Vorsicht Zukunft“ in High Tech Report 2006.
Diverse Beiträge zur konzerninternen Publikation „Deltareport“ (Beispiele: „Erlebniswelten der Zukunft“, „Wertewandel und Zielgruppen“, „Corporate Trend Research“).