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Systemic Organisational Transformation

Innovative Design and Sustainable Implementation
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Complex change processes present organisations with considerable challenges. In this further education programme, you will acquire in-depth knowledge of systemic approaches and modern organisational models as well as their practical application. Participants will be able to successfully accompany change processes in practice, efficiently apply theoretical principles and achieve sustainable results.


16/10/2025 – 26/06/2026

Free places
Registration end:
University certificate

Completed studies + at least 3 years of professional experience in a field relevant to organisational development

Participation fee:

EUR 3,490: non-profit organisations (NPOs) and solo self-employed persons

EUR 3,890: commercial companies and organisations as well as solution providers

(5 % discount for FHP alumni)

Our lecturers
  • Profilfoto Dozentin
    © Marc Thürbach Photography

    In a complex world full of unpredictable changes, it is crucial to have the right tools and knowledge to skilfully manage these changes. This course empowers you to not only overcome challenges, but to bring about effective change.

    Gabriele Dreilich
    Management Consultant, HR Pioneers GmbH
  • Profilfoto Dozent
    © Elmar Bauer

    Establishing successful forms of cooperation is an elementary key to jointly supported areas of responsibility. Deepen your skills in systemic organisational transformation and pave the way to a sustainable and successful future with in-depth knowledge and innovative methods.

    Frank Hörhold
    Partner, Co-Founder, Entrepreneur, Workshop for Cooperation

At a glance

In this certificate course, you will learn how to professionally support people in development spaces. We offer a combination of sound theory and hands-on experience that will enable you to understand organisations systemically and shape change processes in a goal-oriented way.

The course is particularly relevant as companies and organisations are increasingly confronted with complex, dynamic challenges that require a profound, systemic approach. Our aim is to provide you with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to master both the structural and communicative aspects of change processes and thus effectively support the further development of organisations.

Focal points

  • systemic approach in organisational development
  • comparison and application of modern organisational models
  • communication strategies and their practical implementation
  • change management and resistance management
  • conflict management and mediation techniques
  • Lleadership concepts and team development in agile contexts

Working methods

  • interactive workshops in presence and remote
  • case studies and practical examples
  • simulations
  • peer learning and exchange of experience
  • self-reflection and supervision

Target group

  • Professionals in social work, social institutions and social profit organisations who (want to) accompany and shape change processes and transformations in their organisation
  • Managers/employees Organisational development, change management, transformation, agility, organisational consulting, coaching.

Modules & contents

  • introduction to the systemic approach
  • basics of systemic organisational development
  • fundamentals of cooperation
  • complexity management (e.g. Cynefin framework)
  • tasks and roles of the systemic organisational consultant

  • comparison of different organisational models
  • classic hierarchy versus modern approaches
  • holacracy and agile forms of organisation
  • Spiral Dynamics: development stages of organisations

  • various communication models and their application
  • analysing and solving communication problems
  • sender-receiver models in practice
  • responsibility in communication
  • One Voice Policy: Unified understanding in change processes
  • methods for making changes in organisations discussable


  • dimensions and processes in change processes
  • change management models and their application
  • stakeholder analysis and management
  • resistance management and promoting acceptance


Modules 4 and 5 are taught online. The seminar is organised interactively in changing small groups using a variety of methods. Short and concise inputs introduce the topics and are deepened through reflection and discussion. A long lunch break provides sufficient time to relax. The seminar times are Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm.


  • developing (de)escalation skills
  • fundamentals of conflict theory
  • conflicts as an opportunity for organisational development
  • mediation techniques for organisational consultants


Modules 4 and 5 are taught online. In the seminar, participants work interactively in small groups, using a variety of methods. Short and concise inputs introduce the topics and are deepened through reflection and discussion. A long lunch break provides sufficient time to relax. The seminar times are Thursdays and Fridays from 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm.

  • understanding and applying modern leadership models
  • shared leadership versus traditional leadership approaches
  • analysing and managing team dynamics
  • team development in agile organisations

  • presentation and discussion of practical projects
  • reflection on what has been learnt
  • outlook on future challenges in organisational development

Gabriele Dreilich:

Next Level HR

In: personalmagazin issue 03/2020, p. 46 - 50


Anke Brinkmann, Gabriele Dreilich, Christian Stadler:

New hybrid leadership: Strengthening orientation and trust

In: Changement issue 05/2022, p. 28 - 32


Gabriele Dreilich:

Agile personnel development: Making new learning possible

in: managerSeminare, issue 288, March 2022, p. 60 - 68


Anke Brinkmann, Gabriele Dreilich, Christian Stadler:

Leading virtual teams? Just ask! Clear answers at first hand

Munich 2022, UVK publishing house


Hanna-Lena Buhl, Gabriele Dreilich, Soumia El Mard:

Successfully attracting and retaining talent

T3n digital pioneers, February 2023

Dates & Schedule

Seminar times
Thu / Fri 9.30 am – 5.00 pm


Module 116/ – 17/10/2025
Module 213/ – 14/11/2025
Module 329/ – 30/01/2026
Module 4 (online)12/ – 13/03/2026
Module 5 (online)23/ – 24/04/2026
Module 628/ – 29/05/2026
Module 725/ – 26/06/2026


Registration & Information

Weitere Kurse

Aktionszentriertes Coaching

Sie möchten Ihre Beratungspraxis erweitern oder Klient*innen gezielt darin unterstützen, neue Handlungswege zu entdecken? Das Aktionszentrierte Coaching setzt auf Methoden aus dem Psychodrama. 

Systemische Aufstellungen: Zertifikatskurs

Neue Impulse für Beratung und Coaching: Der Zertifikatskurs Systemische Aufstellungen vermittelt fundierte Methoden nach Varga von Kibéd & Sparrer, um Perspektiven zu erweitern und Lösungen sichtbar zu machen.

Werkstatt für Systemische Aufstellungen

Systemische Ansätze sind aus der Coaching- und Beratungspraxis nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Werkstatt kann vorbereitend, begleitend zum Zertifikatskurs oder als alleinstehende Weiterbildung belegt werden.