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Action-Centred Coaching

Practical, action-orientated, integrated
Zwei Frauen im Gespräch in einer Coaching Situation
© Adobe Stock

Action-centred coaching is, like the name suggests, action-oriented, but also relationship-focused and sensitive to private and professional roles. Based on a humanistic view of the human being and psychodrama, our training offers a profound understanding and methods for practical application in your own field of work. In the individual modules, we work on many exemplary questions for coaching processes. For this purpose, we integrate approaches from systemic counselling, psychodynamic conflict theory, transactional analysis and theme-centred interaction.


25/04/2025 – 04/07/2026

Free places
Registration end:
Certificate Course
University certificate



Studies/vocational training + professional experience, practical connection with a counselling focus

Participation fee:

3,490 euros (5 % discount for FHP alumni)

Educational leave:

Recognised in Brandenburg and Berlin

Our Lecturers
  • Prof. Dr. Dipl. Psych. Karsten Krauskopf

    In addition to action-centred coaching in social professions, the further education programme promotes self-reflection as a central element of coaching skills. It picks up the concrete questions of the participants and conveys the teaching content directly to them. The combination of action and reflection in the group offers enrichment for your professional development and can expand your coaching skills in an experiential way.

    Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf, Dipl.-Psych.
    Scientific management
  • Porträt von Frau vor Hauswand
    © Vanessa Lehmann

    I have found the methods of psychodrama very enriching in my own development process. I use this basis to support people both in individual coaching sessions and in group processes.

    Vanessa Lehmann, Psychological Psychotherapist
  • Porträt von Frau vor Wand
    © Janine Graf

    Together with the group, we work psychodramatically, i.e. based on concrete situations, on the participants' personal and professional issues. New insights are gained through experience, trial and error and feedback from the group.

    Janine Graf, systemic supervisor and coach (DGSV)

At a glance

The core of action-centred coaching is a humanistic attitude based on the psychodramatic theory of J. L. Moreno. The emotional level is the starting point for a coaching approach that promotes a change of perspective and empathy. Our training programme focuses on the following areas:

  • action-orientation: participants learn to support clients in actively exploring and finding solutions to their issues
  • examination of relationship and role patterns: this involves recognising and reflecting on patterns of action
  • humanistic approach: emphasising the individual needs and potential of each client, with a focus on helping them to help themselves

The programme is aimed at coaches and consultants as well as specialists and managers in social and educational institutions or in human resources and organisations.

Participation requirements

  • completed university degree/vocational training and relevant professional experience
  • completed additional qualification in the field of counselling or several years of counselling experience
  • practical experience for the duration of the training programme
  • reflected own behaviour in groups and willingness to engage in self-awareness processes

Send us an overview of your professional career and qualifications by e-mail. We will check in advance whether you fulfil the participation requirements.

Study focus

  • Introduce, accompany and finalise coaching processes for professional and personal issues
  • Develop a self-image as a coach
  • Get to know creative and action-centred methods for clients
  • Develop working hypotheses, clarify assignments and try out targeted interventions
  • Applying the acquired knowledge in peer groups accompanying the course

Work method

  • theoretical and practice-orientated inputs
  • practical work: work on case studies and key topics of the participants
  • peer group and individual case work, intervision groups
  • case work, exchange in plenary, practice in small groups, practice under live supervision

Modules & contents

In the first module, we get to know each other, the aims of the training and the action-centred approach. Together, we clarify key framework conditions and develop fundamental principles. In doing so, we get straight into action and reflection.

  • framework conditions
  • indication
  • warming up
  • aims of coaching & supervision
  • differentiation from psychotherapy
  • developing and testing hypotheses

In the second module, participants acquire the basis for shaping their role as action-centred coaches. We emphasise the teaching of a humanistic view of the human being and the development of a reliable concept of abstinence. To this end, participants are familiarised with the core elements of J.L. Moreno's role theory of sociometry.

  • role as a coach
  • abstinence
  • humanistic view of man
  • dealing with the limits of my offer
  • psychodrama theory
  • vision (business card)

In this first method module, we introduce the basic methods of action-centred coaching by applying and discussing them step by step using concrete cases and case studies from the circle of participants.

  • warming up
  • doubling
  • role reversal
  • mirroring
  • sociocultural atom etc.

In the second method module, participants will learn methods of action-centred coaching that are particularly relevant for working in an individual setting. These will be applied and discussed step by step using specific cases and case studies from the circle of participants.

  • chair work
  • table stage
  • monodrama/individual setting

In the third method module, participants expand on methods of action-centred coaching that are important for working in and with teams and groups. These will be applied and discussed step by step using specific cases and case studies from the circle of participants.

  • constellations
  • group dynamics
  • roles in groups etc.

After the participants have learnt about and tried out different methods in a practical way, we will take a closer look at how we establish, rethink and correct action-guiding hypotheses when working with clients. In doing so, we will show how these can be linked to other theoretical and methodological principles.

  • systemic foundations
  • psychodynamic foundations
  • mentalisation
  • working with inner parts
  • guiding questions for the work etc.

In this module, the focus is on applying coaching methods in individual and group settings. Participants apply the methods to their own topics and examples from their practice and reflect on their experiences in order to further deepen their coaching skills. The focus here is on self-awareness.

This module delves deeper into specific topics and invites you to accompany clients in conflict situations. We work out how to approach sensitive topics as a coach and how to work on areas of tension and dilemmas that refuse to be resolved simply.

  • internal (topic – counter-topic, conflict dynamics) and external conflicts
  • child protection/ confidentiality
  • delicate situations

  • special features
  • "diagnostics"
  • power and powerlessness

In this module, the focus is once again on applying coaching methods in individual and group settings. Participants apply the methods to their own topics and examples from their own practice and reflect on their experiences in order to further deepen their coaching skills. The focus here is on self-awareness.

Looking back on what they have experienced and learned, the participants reflect on their role as action-centred coaches. The farewell to the group and the training is taken as an opportunity to look at the design of closures in coaching processes and to develop strategies for dealing with difficult and "unfinished" processes.

  • dealing with challenges at the end of coaching processes
  • goodbye in the group
  • conclusions in coaching/supervision
What our participants say
  • The course has broadened my understanding of systemic work and helped me a lot in my personal and professional development. I would particularly like to emphasise the professional competence and empathy of the course instructor, Dr. Andrea Berreth. I was very impressed by her commitment and experience and I can recommend her and her work without reservation. I am very grateful for the valuable experience I was able to gain in this course and can only recommend participation to anyone who is interested in constellation work.

    Malte Patriok, participant in the Systemic Constellations further educaton programme
    April 2023
  • I am delighted with my Systemic Constellations certificate from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and am so grateful to have met kind and wise people through this experience and to have opened up a very exciting new field for my professional development.

    Participant in the Systemic Constellations training programme
    July 2023
Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf mit Teilnehmer*innen der Weiterbildung "Aktionszentriertes Coaching" auf dem Campus der FHP
© Gundula Häusler

Aktionszentriertes Coaching: Handeln im Fokus

Im November 2024 startet die Weiterbildung „Aktionszentriertes Coaching“. Im Interview erläutert Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf, wie szenische und spielerische Methoden im Coaching helfen, Handlungsalternativen zu entdecken und starre Muster aufzulösen. Erfahren Sie, welche Zielgruppen angesprochen werden, welche Kompetenzen Teilnehmende erwerben und wie Peergruppenarbeit das Lernen intensiviert.

Registration & Information

Weitere Kurse

Systemische Organisationstransformation

Sie arbeiten in der Organisationsentwicklung und möchten Ihre Einrichtung zukunftsfähig machen? Im Herbst 2025 startet unser neuer Kurs für Expert*innen, die mit Leidenschaft Einrichtungen transformieren.

Werkstatt für Systemische Aufstellungen

Systemische Ansätze sind aus der Coaching- und Beratungspraxis nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Werkstatt kann vorbereitend, begleitend zum Zertifikatskurs oder als alleinstehende Weiterbildung belegt werden.

Systemische Aufstellungen: Zertifikatskurs

Neue Impulse für Beratung und Coaching: Der Zertifikatskurs Systemische Aufstellungen vermittelt fundierte Methoden nach Varga von Kibéd & Sparrer, um Perspektiven zu erweitern und Lösungen sichtbar zu machen.

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