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Occupational Health Management for Social Institutions

Frau sitzt in Schneidersitz im Büro

The training course focuses on the questions of what is meant by occupational health management, why this is a very important institution for social organisations in times of a shortage of skilled workers and what role statutory health insurance funds play in setting up occupational health management.


March 2025 | October 2025

Free places
Certificate of attendance

2 x 8 UE Seminar

Participation fee:

1,190 euros (5 % discount for FHP alumni, 5 % discount for combined bookings)

Profilbild Birgit Wiese

Maintaining and promoting the health of every employee should be a matter of course for social organisations. This is the only way that professional work for society can continue to be carried out in and by social organisations in the future.

Prof. Dr. Birgit Wiese
Professor of Social Management

At a glance

In the field of social work, working conditions have changed for the worse in recent years due to demographic change, the resulting shortage of skilled labour and fiscal austerity measures. In addition, people who aspire to work in the field of social work have an increased risk of burnout due to their personality structure.

It is therefore very important for social organisations of all kinds to keep their employees healthy and able to work for as long as possible through occupational health management.

The aim of the seminar is therefore to provide an introduction to the importance, instruments and methods, players, structure and financing of occupational health management.

Focal points:

  • The right to health at work as a principle of the WHO (Luxembourg Declaration).
  • What is occupational health management?
  • Methods, instruments and legal regulations in connection with occupational health management.
  • The statutory health insurance funds as an important player in the development of occupational health management.
  • Financial support from the state and health insurance funds.


  • Prof. Dr. Birgit Wiese, Professor of Social Management in the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences at the FHP
  • Hedy Gerstung, social economist, systemic therapist, executive coach, expert for health management in organisations

Mode of operation

  • seminar-style teaching
  • group work

Target group

  • Social organisations that want to set up or expand a company health management system and are looking for information on this topic

Registration & Information

ZEW – Further Education Unit

Room 1.10
Coordination & Organisation ZEW