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All Persons of the Design Department

On this page you will find all professors, academic and non-academic staff and committee members of the Design Department.
Former professors are listed here.

    Name Info
    Professor of Elementary Design – Form and Process
    Representative for internationalisation
    Jörg Misch
    Modelling Workshop Manager
    Prof. Christina Poth
    Professor of Typography
    Equal Opportunities Commissioner
    Prof. Anne Quirynen
    Professor of Media Design and Moving Image
    Vice-Dean for Special Affairs: Head of Degree programme European Media Studies (B. A.)
    Chairwoman of the European Media Studies Study Committee
    Programme Director European Media Studies (B.A.)
    Workshop and Laboratory Management Digital Model Making
    Anna Rosinke
    Academic Staff Member with Focus on Teaching (Studio/Colour)
    Qasem Safariallahkheili
    Scientific Associate
    Torsten Schöbel
    Academic Staff Member Specialising in Teaching
    Basics of Digital Media
    Dipl.-Des. Jan Schütze
    Head of the Video lab
    Profilfoto Susanne Stahl
    Professor for Editorial Design
    Prof. Sven Völker
    Professor of Experiment and Strategy
    Pro-dean and head of the communication design program
    Dr. Katrin von Kap-herr
    Academic Staff Member in the Degree Programme European Media Studies
    Honorary Professor for Lighting Design
    Felix Walser
    Academic assistant for digital typography
    Prof. Hermann Weizenegger
    Professor of Industrial Design
    Vice-Dean for Special Affairs: Head of the Product Design Programme
    Head of Product Design
    Prof. Reto Wettach
    Professor for Design of Physical and Virtual Interfaces
    Commissioner for Research and Transfer