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Design Department

Product Design (BA)

Blick in die Modellbauwerkstatt

Almost every object in our immediate environment is a design object. There are hardly any products left that have not been involved in a design process - whether they are chairs, mobile phones, trams, entire workplaces or infrastructural systems. Design is thus a central aspect of our product society, but also of our individual self-image: designed objects are part of our identity.

Product designers therefore have a decisive influence on the comprehensibility, sustainability, attractiveness, and last but not least on the acceptance and thus also on the social and economic success of a product.

Bachelor of Arts
Full time
Course language:
Standard study period:

8 semesters, including a practical semester

Start of study:
Winter semester
Application deadline:

15/06 - 15/07 (free of admission)

Admission requirements:
General university entrance qualification/ entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences/ equivalently recognised prior vocational training, passed aptitude test

240 ECTS credits

Module Manuals & Regulations
  • Our house with our satellite on wheels

    Außenansicht vom Designgebäude Haus D der FH
    Außenansicht des Designgebäudes der FH;P © Bernd Hiepe
  • The eye eats with you – our canteen

    Platz vor der Mensa
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • We don't just play with shapes

    Studierende beim Vopllyballspiel
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Studying with us always leads to the top

    Ansicht vom Foyer von Haus D
    Foyer im Designgebäude der FHP © Bernd Hiepe
  • Movement as a formality

    Ansicht vom  Haus D Seminarraum
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Pressure rules with us – in the 3D lab

    Studierende im 3-D Lab
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • We get our hands dirty in our plaster and ceramics workshop

    Studierende in der Keramikwerkstatt
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Head and handicraft in our model making workshop

    Studierende in der Holzwerkstatt
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Heavy metal – our metal workshop

    Studierende in der  Metallwerkstat
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Juki is not a dessert, but the name of a sewing machine in our TexLab

    Studierende im TexLab
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Good in shape in our bank premises

    Studierende in der Modellbauwerkstatt
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Art with physical effort – our studio

    Studierende im Atelier beim Zeichnen
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • We always cut a good figure in our FotoLab

    Studierende im Fotolabor beim Fotografieren
    Werkstatt „Fotostudio“ im Designgebäude der FH;P © Bernd Hiepe
  • Cyberspace in the 3D DigitalLab

    Studierende im Seminarraum
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Vision needs form through 3D digitisation

    Studierende in der Interface Werkstatt
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • You have to start somewhere – Basic Skills

    Studierende in der  VR Werkstatt
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • The good form, a question of expression – the Riso screen printing workshop

    Studierende in der Siebdruckwerkstatt an der Risomaschine
    © Bernd Hiepe
  • Realitycheck – Future simulation, our VR Lab

    Studierende in der Werkstatt mit VR Brillen
    © Bernd Hiepe

Gestaltung in der Transformation: Ein Grundsatzpapier für ein zeitgemäßes Produktdesignstudium

Produktdesign steht aktuell vor großen Herausforderungen. Zum rasanten Wandel durch digitale Neuerungen, wie Big Data, Industrie 4.0, Internet of Things, Machine Learning, Quantencomputing, Virtual Reality und künstlicher Intelligenz, müssen zukünftige Designer*innen auch die sich verändernde Umwelt durch den Klimawandel, ethische Fragen im Blick haben. Den sich rasant ändernden Gegebenheiten muss das Produktdesignstudium mit einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz begegnen, der auf Inter- und Transdisziplinarität basiert, und der Nachhaltigkeit und Digitalisierung zusammenbringt.

Folgende Anforderungen an das Studium lassen sich formulieren:

Zunehmende Digitalisierung und Vernetzung von Produktionsprozessen bieten vielfältige Chancen, Ressourcen effizienter zu nutzen und schädliche Umweltauswirkungen zu reduzieren. Die Studierenden sollen befähigt werden, nachhaltige Materialien und Fertigungstechniken zu identifizieren und zu nutzen, wie beispielsweise den Einsatz von 3D-Druckverfahren zur Minimierung von Materialverschwendung oder die Verwendung biologisch abbaubarer Materialien bei Einwegprodukten. Die vielfältige Einbindung der Thematik der Circular Economy im Studium soll die Studierenden befähigen, den Designprozess nachhaltig im Sinne eines Circular Designs zu denken. Dies betrifft beispielsweise einen effizienten und suffizienten Umgang mit Materialien sowie eine Orientierung an Konsistenz und Regeneration. Das Produktdesignstudium soll dazu befähigen, zur gesellschaftlichen Zukunftsfähigkeit beizutragen und die Möglichkeiten zukünftiger Gesellschaften nicht einzuschränken.

Das zeitgemäße Produktdesignstudium soll die Studierenden außerdem ermutigen, langlebige Produkte zu entwerfen, die leicht zu warten und zu reparieren sind, um einen nachhaltigen Gebrauch zu ermöglichen. Hierzu tragen etwa modulare Designs bei, die es Nutzer*innen ermöglichen, einzelne Komponenten auszutauschen, anstatt das gesamte Produkt zu ersetzen. Produktdesign soll zum Handeln im Sinne eines Werteerhalts beitragen. Um eine Transformation der Gesellschaft voranzutreiben, braucht es nicht nur Produkte, sondern vielmehr Gestaltungsprojekte, die Lebens- und Konsumverhalten nachhaltig verändern. Gesellschaftliches Umdenken im Sinne von Nachhaltigkeit kann nur gelingen, wenn eine strukturelle Änderung des Konsumverhaltens schon im Design angelegt ist.

Die physische und digitale Welt sind sowohl in unseren Artefakten als auch unserem gestalterischen Handeln eng miteinander verwoben. Physische Produkte stellen die Schnittstelle in digitale Welten dar und gleichzeitig entstehen unsere Produkte in eben diesen digitalen Räumen. Zum einen müssen wir uns mit neuen technischen Möglichkeiten auseinandersetzen, wie neuen Formen von Mechanik, Sensoren und Computerchips, und wie diese sinnstiftend in unsere gebaute Welt integriert werden können. Zum anderen müssen wir im Digitalen neue Formen der Gestaltung, wie die kooperative Zusammenarbeit mit künstlicher Intelligenz, reflektiert in unsere Arbeitsprozesse überführen. Es ist an den Designer*innen, neue Gestaltungswerkzeuge und Prozesse zu konzipieren, um innovative Produkte an der Schnittstelle der physischen und digitalen Welt zu entwickeln. Ebenso wichtig, wie die Potenziale der neuen Datentechnologien zu nutzen, sind jedoch Kompetenzen für einen kritischen Umgang mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Die Studierenden sollen befähigt werden, ethische und soziale Auswirkungen von KI im Design einzuschätzen und im Design- und Produktionsprozess zu reflektieren.  

Das Erforschen regionaler, historischer Eigen- und Gegebenheiten im Studium stellt eine Verbindung zu regionalen Produktionen her, sei es im Handwerk, Manufaktur oder Industrie. So erfolgt eine Sensibilisierung für zirkuläre ökonomische Modelle und Konzepte, die Objekte, Nutzer*innen und Distribution in ein neues Verhältnis bringen können. Die Kooperation von Hochschule und Praxis stellt einen großen Mehrwert für Studierende dar. Sie schafft einen Diskurs vom Hochschulexperimentierraum zur „pragmatischen“ Realität. So kommt die Rolle des Produktdesigns bei der Schaffung von Identität und Kultur zum Tragen. Die Studierenden sollen ermutigt werden, Produkte zu entwickeln, die individuellen Bedürfnissen und kulturellen Kontexten gerecht werden. Die Reflexion von Traditionen und Werten einer Gemeinschaft und globaler Austausch und Vielfalt sollen sich dabei nicht ausschließen, sondern wechselseitig fördern. „Produkt & Craft Design“ bezeichnet in diesem Zusammenhang die Gestaltung von Objekten und Produkten an der Schnittstelle von Handwerk und Produktgestaltung. Im Gegensatz zum Kunsthandwerk setzt das „Produkt & Craft Design“ nicht nur auf tradierte Verfahren, sondern auch auf deren Transformation durch Experiment, wissenschaftliche Methoden, die Einbeziehung neuster Technologien und digitaler Manipulationen von Material und Herstellungsprozessen.

Die Studierenden sollen dazu ermutigt werden, bei der Entwicklung von Produkten ungerechten Geschlechter- und sozialen Verhältnissen entgegenzuwirken. Die Reflexion der Benachteiligung von Gruppen und Personen aufgrund von deren Geschlecht, Hautfarbe oder anderen Merkmalen im Produktdesign ist für gesellschaftliche Transformation zu mehr Diversität und Inklusion zentral. Bei der Gestaltung müssen unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse und körperliche Unterschiede berücksichtigt sowie Chancengleichheit und Teilhabe gefördert werden, beispielsweise durch den Entwurf barrierefreier Produkte, die Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten und Bedürfnissen mehr Zugang und Nutzung ermöglichen. Ebenso könnten Produkte entwickelt werden, die erschwinglich und zugänglich sind, um sozioökonomische Unterschiede zu überbrücken.

Das Konzept Do-It-Yourself (DIY) gewinnt immer mehr an Bedeutung, da Menschen zunehmend ihre eigenen Produkte gestalten und herstellen möchten. Ein zeitgemäßes Produktdesignstudium sollte die Studierenden dazu befähigen, professionelle Unterstützung und Anleitung in diesem DIY-Prozess anzubieten. Beispielsweise könnten Designvorlagen, Tutorials und digitale Tools entwickelt werden, um den Nutzer*innen bei der Gestaltung und Herstellung ihrer eigenen Produkte zu helfen. Gleichzeitig ist Design eng mit Ästhetik verbunden und kann als stilistische Ressource dienen, um Emotionen, Identität und Markenwerte zu vermitteln. Ein zeitgemäßes Produktdesignstudium sollte die Studierenden dazu ermutigen, eine breite Palette von stilistischen Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten zu erkunden und zu verstehen. Beispielsweise könnten Produkte entworfen werden, die unterschiedliche ästhetische Vorlieben und kulturelle Trends ansprechen.

Im Master-Studiengang nähern sich Studierende konkreten Berufsfeldern und Anwendungen in Wissenschaft und Forschung. Die Rolle von Design ist im Rahmen von Forschungsprojekten jüngst deutlich in den Vordergrund getreten, der Bedarf an qualifizierten Produkt- und Industriedesigner*innen in angrenzenden Wissenschaftsbereichen gestiegen. Im Master-Studiengang können sich Studierende mit Forschungsfragen beschäftigen und arbeiten teilweise aktiv in Forschungsprojekten mit. Das Masterstudium ermöglicht die theoretische oder angewandte Vertiefung eines bereits an der Hochschule entwickelten Bachelorthemas. In Projektteams sind Gestalter*innen insbesondere dafür qualifiziert, Szenarien zu entwickeln und zu visualisieren. Aufgrund ihrer holistischen Betrachtungsweisen von Fragestellungen und ihren ausgereiften Kommunikationskompetenzen sind sie in diesem Kontext ideale Vermittler*innen, welche interdisziplinäre Teams bereichern. Die Kooperation mit Partner*innen und Unternehmen ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des Masterstudiums. Die Studierenden werden darin unterstützt, sich mit eigenen Arbeiten, Ideen oder Materialentwicklungen an Institutionen für angewandte Forschung, wie beispielsweise Fraunhofer, zu wenden und gegebenenfalls im Rahmen der Beantragung von Drittmitteln die eigenen Projekte weiterzuverfolgen.

Die Bereiche, in denen Gestalter*innen in Wissenschaft und Forschung tätig sind, sind vielfältig, etwa im klassischen Produktdesign oder der nahen Materialforschung zur Entwicklung, Erprobung und Verwendung neuartiger Materialien, um nachhaltigere, klimafreundlichere Produktionskreisläufe zu erreichen. Die Erforschung und Umsetzung neuer Produktionsverfahren, beispielsweise in der Erforschung von Mensch-Roboter-Interaktions-Systemen gehört ebenso dazu wie Designforschung, bei der Gestalter*innen über für und durch Design, mittels Designmethoden und Artefakten wissenschaftlich
arbeiten. Ob an Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten oder Unternehmen, Gestalter*innen sind an der Gestaltung von Zukünften aktiv beteiligt. Nach dem Abschluss des Masterstudiums steht der Weg zur Promotion offen.

Antworten auf drängende und unbequeme Fragen der Zeit

Gestaltung zielt auf Attraktivität – was uns attraktiv erscheint, scheint erstrebenswert, plausibel und kann - bestenfalls - verzaubern. In diesem Sinne liefert gute Gestaltung attraktive Antworten auf Fragen, die uns interessieren, selbst, wenn wir erst über die Antwort, dem Produkt der Gestaltung, mit der Frage konfrontiert werden. Gestalten heisst demzufolge zuerst, Fragen stellen - die Fragen leiten uns über den Prozess der Gestaltung zur Form. Ernstzunehmende Gestaltung heute widmet sich deshalb den drängenden und manchmal unbequemen Fragen der Zeit – gerechtes und sozialverträgliches Leben, Gestalten und Wirtschaften innerhalb planetarer Grenzen.

© Rebekka Eversmann

Concept | The Potsdam Approach

Attitude in design

Contemporary design, as we understand it, is essential in relation to the representation of cultural identity. It addresses the sustainability of developments, the question of sharing in the wealth of our resources – both spiritual and material. Design is transformation: it provides the blueprint for translating ideas of the world into attractive possibilities. These are challenging and also pressing questions that move us, these are the questions of our time. That is why we challenge ourselves and our students. What counts for us is a level of excellence that can be measured against international standards. We are guided by originality, which means nothing other than an inspired understanding of design and quality. Attitude in design – that's what the Potsdam approach stands for.

From object to subject study

The Potsdam approach pursues student-centred teaching in which the development of competences, a culture of thinking, self-organised and active learning and research curiosity are the starting points. It thus follows the path in favour of a learning culture instead of a teaching culture. By conveying the object of observation as the result of structural interrelationships, the Potsdam approach strengthens problem awareness, personal goal setting and an understanding of the possibilities of constructively influencing one's own environment. The approach thus conveys knowledge of systems, goals and actions. The Potsdam approach thus contributes to professional personality and opinion formation.

From recipe to method

In view of a practice-oriented education, the Potsdam approach contributes to closing a theory and practice gap in the design disciplines through pragmatic, solution-oriented methods. The aim is to introduce students to design tasks in a structured and progressive way. Here, awareness of communicative functions and the meanings of our designed environment as well as its dynamics in terms of plausibility and topicality plays a central role. In its application, the approach supports the development of a differentiated communication and technical language about design. It encourages students to adopt a critical, discursive and interpretive approach to evaluating design, opportunities and consequences.

From ideology to reflection

By addressing the degree of subjectivity and structural dependency to which communication and perception are subject, the approach enables students to reflect on the interaction between their own task, their own environment and their own competences. This forces the development of a critical awareness of problems that follows challenges and opportunities rather than liabilities and rules. Nevertheless, this does not happen without a stop. The basis is a curriculum that is based on the many years of know-how of teachers who are aware that a good structure is characterised by the fact that it is plausible, grows with the students and adapts to the challenges.

From the I to the We

Studying in Potsdam means learning with and through others. Discourse is at the centre of the Potsdam approach. Efficiency in this context means learning with and through others. An approach to design is made possible that does not require in-depth basic knowledge. Instead, the design process is understood as "basic-oriented". For this purpose, theoretical basics and practical skills are taught and retrieved within the framework of the respective assignments. This updates the students' level of knowledge and horizon of experience. In order to do justice to this dynamic in the best possible way, the Potsdam approach advocates face-to-face study.

From form to position

The Potsdam approach is interested in the evidence of questions, both general and specific, in relation to the development of design, backgrounds and conditions as well as the understanding of problems of the subjects concerned. We understand design as fundamentally context-based and primarily as the medium that helps the future take shape. In this sense, we see designers as creators of restlessness and meaning. Attitude in design – this is what the Potsdam approach stands for.


More projects

Drängende Gegenwart × Luckenwalde – Photographic and Textile Works

The exhibition ‘Drängende Gegenwart - Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument’ and ‘Drängende Gegenwart - textiles in transit’ combines photographic and textile works. The exhibition opening took place on the 6th of June 2024. The exhibition itself was on display at the Luckenwalde branch until the 27th of June 2024.

LAUBE focuses on Sustainability, Social Issues and Biodiversity

The allotment garden is changing – one driver of this change is the demographic development, which results in a generational change.

MORARI – Redefining Comfort at Station

Morari (Latin for linger) is a six-part urban furniture series developed in collaboration with Jesse Altmann, Valentina Lenk and Klara Schneider, which questions the comfort at bus stops using Potsdam as an example.

sepulcrum – Biodegradable Urns for Humans or Animals

In the "sepulcrum" seminar, contemporary and biodegradable urns for humans or animals were designed in cooperation with the family business and urn manufacturer Völsing. In a final presentation with jury meeting at the Baumschulenweg crematorium, the best urn designs were awarded prizes.

Is this degree programme right for me?

In the product design degree programme, you will receive a basic theoretical education on the one hand and an insight into the practical work of product designers in workshop units and project work on the other. During your studies, you will develop solutions for given or self-selected tasks.

You bring these qualities with you

  • Enjoy design, art, culture, media, people and technology
  • Fun in developing new ideas and concepts
  • Creativity, independence and curiosity
  • Ability to communicate and work in a team

Podcast of the Campus Specialists

Rebekka and Toni explain everything prospective students need to know about the product design and communication design degree programme. In addition to tips on aptitude tests or the study process, they give insights into their student life.


Let yourself be inspired! In our virtual showcase you will find current projects and works from the courses of study of the design department.

Key visual of the Open Day with department symbols: "Shape the world of tomorrow. Open Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. 24/05/2025, 10 am - 1 pm)"
© Mandy Puchert

Information day 2025: We are opening our doors

Open Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam: On the 24th of May 2025, you will get to know the diverse study programmes at our university, explore the campus and gain exclusive insights into our modern laboratories and workshops.

Take the opportunity to talk to students and lecturers in person and look forward to a varied programme.


The colleagues at the student counselling service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions about studying. If you have specific questions or concerns about the bachelor's degree programme in product design, please contact the subject counselling service.

Subject Counselling Service

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Study Structure

Course of studies

The bachelor of arts degree programme in product design is a full-time programme lasting eight semesters. At the centre of the study programme are:

  • Common, generalist basic training
  • Individual, interdisciplinary course selection
  • Integrated lectures and exercises
  • Technical and craft practice in the workshops and laboratories
  • Interdisciplinary project work and with practical partners
  • Supervised student projects and exercises

Find out more about the concept, design principles & theory of our design degree programmes here.

In the module handbooks, study and examination regulations and statutes of the design department (valid until summer semester 2025), you will find the module overview, a detailed description of the modules and study contents, the study plan and the statutes for determining the course-related aptitude for the study course in product design. New study and examination regulations will apply from winter semester 2025/26. They will be published shortly. 

Course of study and modules

In the first semesters, design basics, sound technical skills and theoretical principles are taught, project experience is gained and professional orientation is provided. The design and workshop modules provide basic training tailored to the course. The courses of all three degree programs Interface, Communication and Product Design are taught across all degree programs. The course demands and promotes individual focus areas through a distinctive system of electives.

The "Reflection" module is at the center of the course. In a discussion with lecturers, you present your career to date, draw up a summary and plan your further studies.

The following semesters are strongly characterized by design work in predominantly project-oriented tasks. Here you can set your own focus. You have the opportunity to specialize and deepen certain topics or skills. Or you can opt for a broad-based course of study and take part in many different courses in different areas or other design courses. Our compulsory elective principle makes both options possible for you.

An entire semester is reserved for the internship. Here you can gain practical experience in agencies, companies or in research.

The Bachelor's thesis, which is completed during the eighth semester, concludes your studies.

(The module structure was adapted as part of the reaccreditation process and will apply from winter semester 2025/26 - SPO2025).

All seminars in the area of Design Fundamentals take place across courses and semesters, i.e. together with students from Interface, Communication and Product Design who are in their first three semesters. We recommend completing the seminars in this module group at the beginning of the course.

Screenshot of the Design Fundamentals module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The seminars in the area of "Foundation Classes" are about teaching elementary, i.e. decidedly not (yet) applied, design basics through the development of representational and technical skills (101 Basics = basic representation techniques), through the development of an understanding of formal-aesthetic-content interactions (102 Context = perception and differentiation) as well as the creative and methodical ability to act for designing (103 Process = design processes and methods).

Our professors for Elementary Design Prof. Klaus Keller, Prof. Alexandra Martini (focus on "3D") and Prof. Myriel Milicevic (focus on "Form and Process") teach here.

In the "Studio" area of the design basics, artistic presentation techniques are practiced and creative explorations are undertaken. In the studio area, students draw, paint and collage on location - the focus is on the experience of composition, proportion, situation, body, space, body, light, color ...

Our academic staff Maria Kleinschmidt and Anna Rosinke teach here. 

In "Design I", job-related knowledge and qualifications are thematised and the most important tools, processes and methods of product design are taught.

Due to the open study structure, you already have the opportunity to follow your own interests here. You can already set content-related focal points or study in different subject areas.

In this module group, you must complete 5 assessments in the first part of the programme, at least 3 of which must be from product design. The other assessments can then be completed in interface and communication design. Not all four product modules necessarily have to be taken.

Screenshot of the Design 1 module from the study and examination regulations for the Product Design Bachelor's degree programme.

For orientation purposes, the course offerings are briefly structured and described here: 

Entry (recommendation for the 1st and 2nd semesters):

  • Prof Jörg Hundertpfund, ‘Starter Kit’ in Module 231 Object + Intention: ‘What is product design?’. In addition to dealing with objectification, the materialisation process of an object, in which 2D and 3D visualisation techniques are presented, among other things, aspects of the ‘actual state’ of an object are comprehensively examined.
  • Prof. Hermann Weizenegger, ‘Line, Surface, Body & Function’ in Module 234 Synthesis + Product: Designing requires methods for developing a repertoire of forms and knowledge of materials and production processes. In weekly exercises, low-complexity objects are designed from semi-finished products in ad-hoc modelling.
  • Prof. Silvia Knüppel, ‘soft objects’ in module 234 Synthesis + Product: The course examines the relationship between traditional textile techniques - such as knitting and embroidery - and their possible applications in a spatial context, works out concepts and develops a repertoire of textile artefacts.  

Extension (recommended for the 2nd and 3rd semesters): 

  • Prof Holger Jahn, ‘one planet design basics - urban transformation’ in Module 231 Object + Intention: Product design not only focuses on the object to be designed, but also sees itself as a driver of transformation. The course teaches the basics of sustainability, climate crisis and planetary boundaries (ecological footprint) and a sound understanding of sustainability.

 • Prof. Dr Sebastian Meier, ‘Parametric Design’ in Module 232 Idea + Plan: We not only design for the computer, but of course also with the computer. This course therefore teaches the basics of designing with computer code. Digital designs are realised in 2D and 3D on the basis of JavaScript.

In the module group "Theory I", the basic professional-scientific knowledge is taught and tested. The goal is a basic knowledge of analytical, historical, contextual as well as operational (strategic, economic, procedural, legal) methods, practices, facts and theories. The seminars are offered across all degree programmes.

Screenshot of the Theory module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The subject canon of the theory module group offers an analytical approach with the modules Design Theory and Design Research (301), a historical-sociopolitical approach with History of Design and Culture (302) and an operational approach with Design Management and Media Law (303).

In this module group, our colleagues Prof. Dr. Marion Godau (History of Design and Culture), Prof. Dr. Helga Schmid (Design Theory and Design Research), Prof. Dr. Nico Heise (Media Law) and Prof. Dr. Enrico Sass (business start-up and management techniques) teach full-time.

Our workshops – like the entire degree programme – are interdisciplinary per se, but there are, of course, workshops that are strongly associated with the respective degree programmes and teaching areas. Here, the technical and craft basics of the respective trades are taught. Each student can take an individual workshop portfolio that also extends beyond the boundaries of their own subject area.

Screenshot of the workshops module from the study and examination regulations of the Product Design Bachelor's degree programme.

From this module group, 12 ECTS credits are required.

The Product Design degree programme places great emphasis on workshop practice and offers students a comprehensive infrastructure that is supervised by workshop teachers.

The ‘3D Digital Model Making’ and ‘3D Analog Model Making’ modules are basic workshops that support the seminar work. These modules teach the basics and skills of model making. The spectrum ranges from classic analogue model making to digital CAD (computer-aided design) and CAM (computer-aided manufacturing). 
The safe handling of machines, production tools and materials is taught using a wide variety of working models and deepened through practical implementation. In addition to practical work - usually with different materials and manufacturing processes - students experience the complex process of design, planning and realisation. The aim is to gain confidence in dealing with the workshop situation and the machines in order to successfully realise prototypes.

In ‘3D Manufacturing’, the use and properties of materials (material library) are at the centre of teaching. The focus is on the introduction to basic manufacturing processes and material-appropriate design. Various materials such as wood, metal, plastic and textiles are presented in seminars and workshops on the basis of traditional and contemporary/new materials and techniques. The relevant design aspects and manufacturing processes are also taken into account.

Screenshot of the Theory module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The module group "Perspectives" includes the module Project Weeks (501 + 502), which is the first course for students in the first semester as one of the few compulsory courses at the beginning of the winter semester. In addition, events are developed and carried out in interdisciplinary teams in the Project module (503). The Flex module (Flex 01-13) enables students to participate in university-wide, interdisciplinary courses – i.e. also from other departments of the university of applied sciences.

The "Reflection" module plays a special role in the degree program. In a discussion with lecturers, students present their career to far, draw up a summary and plan their further studies. The quality of the presentation, reflection and documentation is particularly important.  The module therefore focuses on personal discussions between students and lecturers. The aim is to reflect critically and constructively on previous studies and to develop ideas for the further course of studies.

Screenshot of the Reflection module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The content of the module is largely developed independently. However, the department organizes an information event in preparation. The discussion is held with three lecturers from the Department of Design and lasts approximately one hour.

In the module group "Design II", the skills learned so far are applied and deepened within the framework of larger projects and designs. We understand "designing" as a cultural practice that allows different approaches through design: Product design as problem solving, as speculation, as design research and as artistic practice. All four design approaches move thematically in the domains of "Society and the Public Sector", "Mobility and Urbanism", "Culture and Transformation", "Consumption and Production", "Science and Technology" or "Economy and Trade". This allows students to focus their own course portfolio on specific areas of knowledge.

Screenshot of the Design 2 module from the study and examination regulations of the Product Design Bachelor's degree programme.

The courses in the module group "Design II" are taught across all degree programs. At least 4 modules from Product Design must be taken - up to three modules can be taken from the Interface or Communication Design degree programs.

In the "Theory I" module group, theoretical and scientific knowledge is expanded and deepened. The aim is to acquire a sound knowledge of analytical, historical, contextual and operational (strategic, economic, procedural, legal) methods, practices, facts and theories. The seminars are offered across all degree programs.

Screenshot of the Theory 2 module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The canon of subjects in the theory module group offers an analytical approach with the modules Design Theory and Design Research (801), a historical-socio-political approach with History of Design and Culture (802) and an operational approach with Design Management and Law (803). The module “Advanced Studies” (804) enables students to realize more extensive theoretical-scientific projects.

This module group is taught full-time by our colleagues Prof. Dr. Marion Godau (History of Design and Culture), Prof. Dr. Helga Schmid (Design Theory and Design Research), Prof. Dr. Nico Heise (Design Law) and Prof. Dr. Enrico Sass (Business Start-up and Management Techniques).

A 6-month internship is integrated into our curriculum; however, the time within the second degree program and the internship location can be chosen freely. For quality assurance purposes, the internships are supervised by the respective internship supervisors.

Screenshot of the Internship module from the study and examination regulations for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Design.

The Bachelor’s thesis, the individual final thesis, is represented by a cluster: the conception and design as part of the Bachelor's thesis itself, the overview of the work as part of the Bachelor’s portfolio and the presentation and argumentation as part of the Bachelor’s colloquium.

Screenshot of the Bachelor's thesis module from the study and examination regulations for the Design Bachelor's degree programmes.

Exemplary study programme

The teaching concept of the Department of Design offers students a highly individualised course of study. Each semester, students have the opportunity to freely choose their courses (according to the module plan). They have the opportunity to set their own priorities in their choice of subjects and courses and thus individually develop and deepen their own inclinations and competences. We present a possible course of study here for your orientation. However, your individual path through the degree programme can and should deviate from this plan!

exemplary study programme in product design
© Department of Design
Teaching Areas & Workshops

Teachers in the product design degree programme

Gruppenfoto der Lehrenden des Studiengangs Produktdesign
© Simon Lou Schüler

The five teaching areas & main topics in product design

"Design and Attitude"

"Design and Attitude" poses the question of the ethical dimension in design. In this sense, designing the future means designing perspectives. Design is always geared to the future and, in order to be taken seriously, must be "appropriate" in time; it must detach itself from a monovalent optimism of progress and understand the signs of the times.

By means of design, paradigm shifts become visible and liveable. But the applied design itself must also readjust. The development horizon has expanded. An isolated understanding of problems and issues is not compatible with a global perspective. Questions of the development context, development perspectives and possible effects beyond the design object move to the centre of the discourse. "Product & Perspective" understands the product as standing in context, as part of an option, but also as part of an issue: design as the result of a transformational process of negotiating technology, application and social perspective.

"Design and Transformation"

"Design and Transformation" deals with the role of product design against the background of new development, communication and manufacturing scenarios. On the one hand, this refers to the exponential development of new materials and technical processes and the effects on the classic product development and production context. On the other hand, it refers to corresponding, mostly web-based developments that describe new design, production and distribution horizons (e.g. open source, internet of things, manufacture 4.0, space lab, construct lab, co-working, digital prototyping). These processes in particular, which are emerging alongside traditional development contexts, outline a space of possibilities that is already becoming concrete, both culturally and economically, and which has a considerable influence on product design. In this context, among other things, the resources of industrial and artisanal production are renegotiated in relation to technical-semi-craft approaches. The classic service provider designer in the expert debate is being replaced by a new type of designer. This new type of designer is no longer confronted with users, but with critical prosumers who first want to be convinced of a special design competence. Designers must be able to recognise the possibilities of the new conditions and translate them into modern design statements through the use of contemporary media and technologies. By taking up initiatives, recognising avant-gardes, not only in product development, they must prove themselves to be experts in cultural development, as well as in communication and the use of current strategies of product conception.

"Design and process

The understanding of problem solving usually associated with the term design process is no longer sufficient against the background of current development scenarios. The development of new materials and technical processes have an impact on the classic product development and production context. In addition, web-based developments describe new design, production and distribution horizons that suggest new methods and instruments for controlling product development processes. Designers, as the ones who are supposed to translate a project into a product, increasingly have the role of linking multi-process aspects of a development and translating them across disciplinary and communication boundaries - away from a doctrine of feasibility towards a discourse of plausibility. They must be in a position to formulate, organise, integrate or themselves perform many aspects of development, from post-industrial production to critical reception. They have the role of mediating contemporary product development.

Prof. Jörg Hundertpfund

"Material & Material Culture"

Material culture refers to the totality of devices, tools, weapons, buildings, clothing, jewellery and other material things produced by a culture or society. Historical artefacts give us information about ways of life and cultural techniques. Material creates identification for people, e.g. in professions and regions. Material must be thought of holistically, i.e. its origin, properties, processing possibilities and recyclability should be included. In particular, it is about which atmospheres and which old and new aesthetic qualities can be created by material. Material is always an indicator of a social mood and should be seen as anthropological. Material has narrative qualities and appeals to all the senses.

"Object/Series & Production Society" or "Autonomy of Production".

Objects and products can be created in different contexts - in the studio, start-up, craft, manufacture, in industry and research institutions. Production takes place in a wide variety of social and cultural spaces. Objects and goods are created by hand, with 3D printers, robots and CNC-controlled machines. A cultural space is attached to productions, they are subject to a production atmosphere and are guided and judged by experts. Questions need to be asked about this: How are production and production relations changing in the age of digitalisation? Which new production strategies and tools are available to designers and which do they have to reinvent (maker culture)? In which interdisciplinary constellations can innovation take place without values? What new spaces for action and experimentation must be developed for the future? What new understanding of the role of designers will result from this?

Prof. Hermann Weizenegger

"Experimental Design"

Experimentation is an indispensable tool in the laboratory kitchen of contemporary design education. It opens up new spaces and creates new expressive possibilities to see or do things in a way they have never been seen or done before. Experimental design methods offer the opportunity to develop new forms, perspectives and their combinations, to put the forgotten and the traditional into a new context and to overcome known boundaries to explore new fields.

"Textile & Design"

Contact with textiles is an integral part of our everyday lives. In a product design degree, the examination of and knowledge about textiles cannot be missing. Textile products have always been an important area of product design as well as an important economic factor with great potential and many future-oriented dimensions.

Healthy Materials & Circular Economy

As designers, we have a special influence on the manufacturing processes and thus also on the sustainability of products. Cradle to Cradle is a design concept in which products are always returned to the cycle, thus saving CO₂ and producing as little waste as possible. Healthy materials are the prerequisite for a functioning circular economy. Material compositions and manufacturing processes of our everyday consumer goods must be made more transparent to enable self-responsible purchasing decisions.

Prof. Silvia Knüppel


The car and other fossil-based mobility solutions have left a lasting mark on our society and our built environment. In the sense of a holistic mobility turnaround, we need radical solutions that rethink mobility from the ground up. For a mobility that is oriented towards people and the environment, we need innovative concepts that range from new means of transport to mobility platforms to social change and are dedicated to a holistic mobility turnaround.


What does it mean to design products - especially in times of climate change, conflicts over raw materials and environmental pollution through waste? Design has made a significant contribution to the emergence of our current consumer culture. How can we as designers show new ways of producing and using products? What do concepts like cradle-to-cradle or the circular economy mean for the design process? How can we promote sustainable user behaviour through the design of products and services?

One Planet Design

The artefacts and processes we designers are involved in shape our physical world and our society. The lifestyle of industrialised nations is pushing the planet to its limits (planetary boundaries). Not only on an ecological level, but also socially, we are facing major global challenges for an inclusive and sustainable future.

How can we as designers take a stance in this discourse and contribute to the path towards a better future through our work?

Prof. Holger Jahn

»Digital design process«

Modern design processes are completely digitalised. The digital presents itself to us as a space of endless innovative possibilities. But the real potential of the digital is reserved for those who know how to shape the space through data and code. Digital sovereignty in design is based on a deep understanding of digital structures, limitations of the digital and an empowerment to shape the digital space in a self-determined way.

»Knowledge transfer in form and space«

In times of abstract topics like climate change, financial crises and globalisation, we need new forms of knowledge transfer - formats that go beyond unidirectional educational offers, holistically designed mediation offers that address us humans with all our senses and needs. How can we, as designers, make a positive contribution to the conception and design of innovative mediation formats and techniques?

»Product as interface«

Physical and digital space are ubiquitously interwoven. The devices we use, the vehicles that transport us or even the buildings we enter are equipped with sensors, displays and controls. How can we shape the interplay between the physical and the digital? What influence do the two dimensions have on each other?

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier

Tools & Skills

The professionally equipped teaching workshops of the design department in the Laboratory and workshop building (LW) allow students and researchers to realise their own projects with professional equipment. These can be realised practically with hands, machines and the support of various digital processes. The direct contact allows creative work for the further development of product processes or design strategies. This supports our claim of a solid craft and technical education and manifests the idea of a practice-oriented degree programme.

Wood Workshop / 3-D Analogue

Whether it's a piece of furniture, a prototype or a mock-up, in LW/Room 018 and LW/Room 019 wood and wood-based materials can be brought into almost any dimension and shape. A large selection of professional machines and tools for sawing, drilling, milling, turning/turning, sanding and joining are available. Anne Boenisch imparts comprehensive knowledge which is necessary for the safe, independent use of the workshops and provides support in many ways.

Metal workshop / 3-D analogue

Steel and metals have comparatively high strength values. Therefore, particularly stable machines and tools are available in LW/Room 022. This workshop is also run by Anne Boenisch is in charge. A cross-cut saw, a pillar drilling machine and a universal milling machine are available for processing metal profiles and pipes. Sheet metal can be processed using guillotine shears, lever plate shears, a swivel bending machine and a beading machine. Bending and rounding machines are also available.

TexLab / Technology & Material

In order to design textile products with sustainable material cycles, knowledge of textile processes and fibre science is essential. The TexLab teaches the technologies of sewing, embroidery, weaving, knitting and tufting, which are applied in designs or deepened in the form of material developments. The lab is supervised by Prof. Silvia Knüppel and Samira Akhavan . The equipment of the lab includes hand knitting machines, dobby looms, an embroidery machine and industrial sewing machines.

Plastic Design / 3-D Analogue

Through modelling, moulding, mould making and casting, in the modelling workshop in LW/room 138 under the expert guidance of Jörg Misch both form studies and design prototypes or small series can be created. The focus here is on the materials clay, plaster and industrial plasticine/clay and ceramics. A vacuum thermoforming unit enables the moulding of plastic sheets. In addition to the most beautiful terrace at the university, the workshop has a kiln with which ceramic objects can be fired and glazed.

PrintLab / 3-D Digital

3D printers build models layer by layer, mostly from plastic or hard wax. By adding many layers, a three-dimensional model is created. Several fused filament fabrication 3D printers are available in the 3D-PrintLab. After successful participation in the 3D printing introductions, the FFF 3D printers are available to students 24/7 for independent use. 3D printing is an important tool in the project courses to check final models and moulds or to create tools (positive or negative moulds) for further production steps. The lab is led by Sebastian Reichel.

PrintLab / 3-D Digital

3D printers build models layer by layer, mostly from plastic. By adding many layers, a three-dimensional model is created. A Big MSLA Printer Phenom L and a 3D printer BigRep ONE are available in the Digital Model Making Lab. In the Peopoly Phenom L, which works with the MSLA process, a liquid photopolymer is cured in thin layers with the help of UV light. Additive manufacturing with the large-scale BigRep ONE fused-film 3D printer (FFF) enables the innovative production of design models, prototypes and products in the digital age with an installation space of 1.2 sqm.


CNC Milling / 3-D Digital

The 3-axis CNC milling machine and the 5-axis high-speed CNC milling machine produce three-dimensional models from model building foam or wood materials. The milling paths are calculated with 3D programmes. Successful participation in the introductory course CNC milling technology is a prerequisite for students to use the CNC milling machine. The results are final models or tools (positive or negative moulds) for further model making. The lab is led by Sebastian Reichel .

ComputerLab / 2-D Digital

A core competence for designers is to be able to communicate their designs and ideas. The digital design of documentation and presentations in Adobe programmes such as InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop is part of the tools of the trade. On the one hand, introductory courses in all important design programmes take place in the ComputerLab, on the other hand, the room can be used by students for independent work. The Lab is run by Peter Kerscher is in charge.

Ad-hoc Model Making / 3-D Analogue

A quick bit of gluing or spontaneously cutting a first form study out of cardboard - these are things that are part of the daily routine in design studies and especially in model making. Work that doesn't require large machines can be done in the ad hoc workshop, where the tables can also get dirty. Materials such as wire, modelling clay, corrugated cardboard and paper are ideal for quick mental exercises to communicate initial ideas.

Studio / 2-D Analogue

Colour and drawings are creative means of expression in the designer's toolbox, not only in the design process. In the studio, the students work under the direction of Maria Kleinschmidt and Anna Rosinke, the students deal with the artistic potential of colour and drawing at the easel and on paper in a practical, analogue way.

Constructive Drawing / 2-D Analogue

In constructive drawing, Torsten Redlich teaches the essential aspects of design drawing, from perspective constructions to two- and three-dimensional freeform drawing and rendering techniques. The aim is both to be able to visualise ideas freehand using simple techniques and to develop a technical understanding of the development of forms at the interface of design and engineering.

Laser / 3-D Analogue

The laser is a popular tool with our students to easily produce two-dimensional surfaces from fabric, plywood, plastic or cardboard. The laser beam also allows the surfaces only to be burned, which means that typography and graphics can be displayed on the material. The system can be used to produce models for basic projects, simple volume models using frame construction or prototypes up to small series.


Professor for Product & Perspective
Professor of Mobility and Design
Head of Model Making Workshops
Professor for Design of Knowledge Transfer
Head of the modelling, painting and metal construction workshop
Honorary Professor for Transformation Design
Career Prospects

Career prospects

The fields of activity of a product designer are diverse. Traditionally, he/she works in the development or construction department of a company or in a design studio or in an office for industrial design. However, the profession is changing and not only requires a designer to be constantly willing to learn – both in terms of design and theory – designers also have the responsibility to formulate competent statements about sustainable perspectives that result in tried and tested and inspired product scenarios – the modern type of designer emphasises versatile creative professionalism.

Designers between product & craft design

The term product & craft design refers to the design of objects and products at the interface between craftsmanship and product design. The focus of the mostly independently run smaller ateliers or studios lies entirely in the examination and specialisation of material, manufacturing process and distribution. Designers in the product & craft sector usually combine technology and regional craftsmanship with communicative impact in an unusual, poetic and contemporary way, exhibiting their work in galleries and museums as well as at trade fairs. In contrast to arts and crafts, "Product & Craft Design" not only focuses on traditional processes, but also on their transformation, experimentation and the inclusion of the latest technologies and digital manipulation of material and manufacturing processes.

Designers between design & technology

If we take a closer look at the "Design & Technology" type of designer, we are dealing with experts who are proficient in the latest digital design and construction tools as well as in the use of rapid prototyping technologies, physical computing, basic knowledge and practice on CNC-controlled production machines. On the other hand, trade and industry are in a state of constant change (4.0) and requirements of the most complex kind are emerging - from tools to machines, the various process technologies and material properties derived from them. Designers not only master the technological and syntactic form, but also the semantic, as they mediate between construction and aesthetics. As team players, they find a field of activity as freelancers or employees in companies such as start-ups, craft businesses, agencies and industry.

Designers in the context of transformation

The term transformation in design refers to the replacement of the classic service provider designer in the expert debate by a new type of designer. Who, firstly, no longer faces users but critical prosumers who first want to be convinced of a special design competence and who, secondly, must be able to organise, integrate or even perform many aspects of development up to post-industrial production, which were previously differentiated by division of labour. This describes a competence that helps to represent, communicate, implement and integrate the transformational processes of society. This refers to the translation of a contemporary attitude towards sustainability and participation in a responsible, transparent and imaginative reinterpretation of product development.

Designers between art and application

The term author design describes a profession in product design in which designers work as team or solo freelancers and dedicate themselves to the creative design of objects, products and exhibition designs out of their own interest. The product designs are often produced in small series by craft businesses and exhibited and distributed in galleries, museums and at trade fairs, or sold to companies in return for licence fees. The designs emerge from the creative, reflective and critically scrutinising mindset of the designers; they are usually not subject to any specifications from clients or other constraints. In contrast to the purpose-free art object, they still have a utilitarian or functional character when "formally considered". In auteur design, the concept, the materials or even the act of design itself usually take centre stage and not just the functional or utility value. The often unusual design approaches of auteur design often provide the impetus for rethinking traditional forms, product types and user scenarios and therefore often serve as pioneers for far-reaching design developments.

Designers between the analogue & digital worlds

As modern designers, the physical and digital worlds are closely interwoven in our artefacts and in our creative work. Physical products represent the interface to digital worlds and at the same time our products are created in these very digital spaces. On the one hand, we have to deal with new technical possibilities, such as new forms of mechanics, sensors and computer chips, and how these can be meaningfully integrated into our built world. On the other hand, we need to reflect on new forms of design in the digital world, such as cooperative collaboration with artificial intelligence, and integrate them into our work processes. This creates a whole range of tasks for designers to conceptualise new design tools and processes in order to develop innovative products at the interface between the physical and digital worlds.

Designers in theoretical and applied research

Designers are also increasingly finding their way into science and research, where they are active at various levels. From classic product design-related materials research, e.g. in the development, testing and use of new materials in order to develop more sustainable, climate-friendly production cycles. From the research and development of new production processes, e.g. in the research of human-robot interaction systems. All the way to design research, in which designers conduct research about, for and through design, using design methods and artefacts. In this context, designers often take on the role of mediators and communicators and use their holistic approach to questions to enrich interdisciplinary teams. Designers are actively involved in shaping the future in this area – whether at universities, research institutes or companies.

Scannertisch mit Bildschirm
© Max Stein

Transfer & Research in Product Design

The product design degree programme researches and cooperates at the interfaces of material, product, service, system and space with a focus on innovation, digitalisation, education for sustainable development and shaping the socio-ecological transformation. It is involved in collaborative projects and initiatives such as the "Innovative University" project InNoWest. The focus is on the cooperation and implementation of practical projects with regional partners from the economy and the promotion of innovative start-ups.

The degree programme offers diverse opportunities to design, develop, realise and produce objects, scenarios and environments. An important component is the project study as well as the multidimensional examination of the systemic challenges of our time.

Topic-specific workshops and laboratories are available for teaching, transfer and development activities: tex lab, one planet design lab, material knowledge lab, mobility design lab. These offer the opportunity to learn about and apply basic and future-oriented technologies and materials.

Prototype from the research project PaSyMobil - Mobile Participatory Modelling for Urban Systems © mobility design lab


Stefan Rechsteiner, Velt Studio GmbH – shoe and bag label

"What still inspires me today is how many inspiring people met, how teachers and students understood each other as like-minded people and realised projects together. Friendships have grown out of this that are more than just a professional network."

Mark Braun, Studio Mark Braun - Product Design & Professor Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar

"... but also the openness of the FHP to encourage students to take advantage of Erasmus programmes in their main studies, to do internships or to study at other universities in parallel as a guest student has helped me to advance my own personal and professional development. In detail, this was my stay at the Design Academie Eindhoven or the cooperation with Burg Giebichenstein Halle. What I learned there I was then able to combine ideally in my diploma at the FHP. Not to forget the FHP's start-up programmes, which prepared me very well for my entry into self-employment.

Anton Rawhles – Co-Editor-in-Chief Form GmbH

"When I think of my time at the FHP, the people I met there are what I remember most. Workshops, infrastructure, reputation - all good and important. But what really has a lasting effect on my life are friends and professors who have shown me new perspectives and supported me. The open structure of the FHP is not an empty promise. I think it's great that the FHP pays more attention to the individual needs of students than to bureaucratic processes, for example. This practical and applied realism helps me every day to cope with my professional everyday life. As for my attitude as a designer: to consider design both as a discipline that can be criticised and as a critical discipline is something I learned at the FHP."

Inés Lauber, Studio Inés Lauber – Fooddesign

"I also really enjoyed the fact that access to the workshops was basically possible 24/7 and that you only had to adhere to opening hours in exceptional cases. Even though I put food at the centre of my work, the exposure to many different materials during my studies still had a strong impact on me. Studying product design definitely trained my sense for design, but also for aesthetics, and at the same time taught me to think in a solution-oriented and far-sighted way. But I was also able to take away that it is absolutely possible to dream and make seemingly crazy things come true."

Sina Gwosdzik & Jakob Dannenfeldt, Studio Jäll & Tofta – Kitchen and Interior Design

"The wide range of courses on offer at the time and the various opportunities to try things out in the workshops at the FHP. In the meantime, I understand design more and more as a method for solving challenges. In product design studies, the challenges were often on an aesthetic or functional level. Now I use the same methods to develop approaches to solving the social and ecological challenges of our time."

Sofia Souidi, Studio Sofia Souidi – Research & Material Development

"I liked the opportunity to study in an interdisciplinary way and to be able to choose my own courses. I also liked the well-equipped workshops with free access. Since the course was very free, studying in Potsdam helped me organise my projects myself and get in touch with manufacturing companies."

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More courses
Department Degree programme Teaching language Start of study Application deadline
Communication Design (BA) German Winter semester

15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)

Design (MA) German Summer semester, Winter semester

15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)

Registration for the qualifying examination:

by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester

European Media Studies (BA) German Winter semester

until 15/07 at the University of Potsdam (admission restricted)

European Media Studies (MA) German Winter semester

until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam

Interface Design (BA) German Winter semester

15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)

Product Design (BA) German Winter semester

15/06 - 15/07 (free of admission)

Application & Contact

Dates & requirements for your application

The most important deadlines, dates and admission requirements for the bachelor's degree programme in product design are compiled here. You can find out which steps you need to take for a successful application in the next section.


  • 24th of May 2025: Open Day at the FH Potsdam
  • by the 01st of April: register for the qualifying examination
  • by the 15th of July: apply for matriculation
  • by the 15th of July: application for a higher semester in order to continue a started degree programme at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Access requirements

  • General university entrance qualification according to the Brandenburg university act: General universityentrance qualification or entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences or previous vocational training recognised as equivalent
  • Passed aptitude test

This is how you apply!

In the following, we explain which aspects you should pay attention to from the registration for the qualifying examination to the matriculation (enrolment).

Online registration for the qualifying examination

After registration

  • You will receive the date of the examination and the topic of the homework assignment. You should work on the assignment independently and present it during the qualifying examination.
  • Fill out the enclosed application form and upload it digitally. You will receive the upload link by e-mail.
  • For the aptitude test, create a portfolio with a maximum of ten of your own creative works or recent work samples.
  • Work on the homework assignment. Be creative , avoid clichés and convince with your concept. Formalities are important, but your innovative ideas are of particular interest.

Note on the portfolio

In order to get to know your creative abilities and get a clear idea of your interests, your portfolio should present an authentic picture of you and show that you are able to communicate your ideas effectively. The following are accepted as work samples:

  • Visual material up to DIN A0 format or digital: drawings, sketches, photographs, paintings
  • Three-dimensional visual objects: Models, sculptures, installations
  • Computer representations: Renderings, web designs, websites, computer codes, graphic software
  • Films, games, videos, animations, music pieces, stories

Insights & Tips

On the website of the campus ambulance you will find many helpful tips and answers to questions about the aptitude test in the field of design: What should be considered for the homework? What are the requirements for the portfolio? How does the examination proceed?

The campus ambulance team, consisting of students, offers you advice and is on site during the exams to ensure a pleasant atmosphere between all the new impressions.

The artistic-design aptitude test takes place online. You can find the dates for the aptitude test on the page about the organisation of studies at the design department. In the aptitude test, you will have an interview with the responsible examination board and present your homework as well as the portfolio with your work samples.

Assessment criteria

  • Creativity, intensity
  • Ability to reflect and abstract, problem orientation
  • Technique and craft
  • Motivation and identification
  • Communicative skills
  • Design-specific talent

After the aptitude test

After the aptitude test, the individual examination boards will confer and decide whether aptitude has been established. In the following weeks, you will receive a letter informing you of the result. If you have successfully passed the aptitude test, you can apply for enrolment.

For detailed information on determining the artistic aptitude for the bachelor's degree programmes in interface design, communication design and product design, please refer to the statutes for determining the aptitude for the degree programme, which you can find on the page of the module handbooks and study and examination regulations of the design department.

Do you have a university entrance qualification and have passed the aptitude test? Then you have the opportunity to submit an enrolment application for the upcoming winter semester from 15 June to 15 July on the MyCampus university portal of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Once you have submitted your online application for enrolment, please submit the printed and signed application together with all required documents in paper form by the deadline. The day of the enrolment deadline is decisive for the submission of the documents, whereby the date of receipt by post at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is decisive.

Documents to be submitted

Submit the following documents with your enrolment application:

  • Officially certified copy of the university entrance qualification or the university degree certificate
  • Proof of health insurance coverage for students or proof of exemption from compulsory health insurance coverage: Information on health insurance for applicants
  • Proof of payment or order confirmation of semester fees
  • Photo for issuing the Campus.Card
  • Exmatriculation certificate from the last university attended, if applicable

Please refer to the enrolment application form to find out whether you need to submit any further documents.

Do you have questions about the enrolment process at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? We have compiled frequently asked questions and answers regarding enrolment and admission.

Start your studies

After you have successfully completed the application process, we recommend that you take a look at the start of studies page of the design department. There you will find important information and dates regarding the start of your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Further information

The following links provide you, and especially international applicants, with further information on the topics of application and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

International applicants

You would like to apply for studies from the first or a higher semester and have acquired your school-leaving qualification and/or university degree abroad? Then you can have degrees and achievements acquired abroad recognised and study with us.

Application & Enrolment Procedure

The application and study service provides information and advice on general questions regarding the application process, admission and enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, application for a higher semester, but also on topics such as compensation for disadvantages, part-time studies, waiting semesters and hardship applications.

Contact & Services

The student counselling service provides information and advice on general questions about studying as well as on topics such as choosing a degree programme, application, enrolment and study organisation.

For subject-specific questions on module content, credit transfer, examinations or specialisations in the product design degree programme, the subject counselling service is the right place to go.

Subject Counselling Service

Student Financing

Room 3.02a

Family Affairs Commissioner

Room 026

Office hours

Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement

Contact Persons Department of Student Affairs