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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

    Junger Mann mit roter Basecap schaut auf sein Smartphone.

    Leaving Care – Experiences of Care Leavers in Poland and Germany

    How do young people in Poland and Germany experience the process of transition from foster families and residential youth groups to independence?

    Blick in den großen Hörsaal der FH Potsdam vor Beginn der digitalen Klausur

    Digital Teaching: PeP – Electronic Examination Project

    In the interdisciplinary project "PeP – Projekt elektronische Prüfung", digital examination formats are to be developed, used and evaluated for 12 digitised lectures in four departments at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Measuring Equipment for Fast Electrical Recording of Mechanical, Climatic Parameters in Mobile and Stationary Use

    With the measurement technology equipment procured in this ERDF project from the InfraFEI 2021 funding programme, building reactions can be recorded, evaluated, analysed, assessed and findings derived.

    Modernisation of the Servo-Hydraulic Control of the Test Cylinder

    With the modernisation of the servo-hydraulic test cylinder control system procured in this ERDF project from the InfraFEI 2021 funding programme, the laboratory is able to carry out examinations of building structures, components and fasteners as part of research projects and final theses with a focus on building maintenance.

    Aufsteller mit dem "Spiel mit Grenzen – Mein Klima-Budget" vor dem FHP Mobil beim Potsdamer Umweltfest 2021

    Game with Limits – My Climate Budget

    The Game with Limits – My Climate Budget was developed by Prof. Holger Jahn and Tobias Jänecke as part of the materialnet research project and on the occasion of the 2021 Environmental Festival Potsdam. Since then, the Game with Limits has been used at various events. So far, more than 600 citizens have been reached and sensitised to the topics of climate, CO₂e, residual climate budget and self…

    Grafik mit Tablet und Smartphone, auf denen eine Vergleichsliste von Umweltkosten für verschiedene Materialien zu sehen ist.


    With Materialnet, the search and selection of materials and commodities as well as the evaluation of their technical suitability and ecological impact, works as easily and intuitively as online shopping.
    The platform prototype for Materialnet was funded as part of the Innovation Fund of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

    Junge mit Corona-Maske vor dem Gesicht, steht vor heller Wand

    My Family, Corona and Me.

    Family resilience on the test bench – What is and can become. Brandenburg's families in focus.

    Ansicht des Küster- und Pfarrwitwenhauses in Nehringen

    The Sexton's and Parish Widow's House in Nehringen

    The aim of the work was to record the state of preservation and the original construction phase as well as to develop a concept for the permanent preservation of the building.

    Kinder- und Babyspielzeug vor hellblauer Wand

    KindeL – Communication in the First Months of Life

    This pilot project aims to bring together two previously unconnected strands of research and counselling practice. Research on mother-infant interactions (little is available on fathers) clearly shows the interdependence of self-regulation and external regulation. This means that both – including the infant! – actively participate in the dialogical regulation of the interaction and the…

    Gezeichnete Pläne mit verschiedenen Ansichten der Löwen-Adler-Kaserne in Elstal

    The Löwen-Adler Barracks in Elstal

    Conversion concepts for the main building of the Löwen-Adler barracks in Elstal

    Strahlend grüne Pflanze in weichem Sonnenlicht

    Basics of Sustainability – Interdisciplinary Online Sustainability Course at FH Potsdam

    The sustainFHP team is developing the first interdisciplinary online sustainability course at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The offer is also aimed at international students, as the course is in English and can be studied asynchronously.