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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

Projects sorted by project period

Organisational unit
Degree programme

    ÜberAl – Transitions of Deaf and Hard of Hearing People in Working Life

    The research project funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation is investigating the challenges and needs of employees who sign during career transitions.

    Early Help in a Clinical Setting for (Expectant) Parents with Mental Illness and at Risk of Addiction

    The measure "Early help in a clinical setting for (expectant) parents with mental illness and at risk of addiction " is being developed in order to transfer parents under stress from inpatient to outpatient structures, to strengthen cooperation within early help and to ensure support during pregnancy and parenthood.

    Fatherhood in the Penal System

    A pilot study on the construction of parenthood by fathers in prison.

    #GesellschaftBilden in the Digital Age. Perspectives of Social Work on Technological Challenges

    The project establishes a cross-university network on digitalisation in social work as a subject of cooperative research and teaching.

    SocialGestures – Gestures as Cultural Markers: The Importance of Tact Gestures for Social Preference and Learning in Childhoos and Early Childhood in France and Germany

    SocialGestures is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Université Grenoble Alpes. The project was developed jointly and is being carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the German Research Foundation (GR 4756/3-1).

    Self-help in the Context of Addiction, Penal System and Release from Prison

    The study examines addiction self-help services in prison and after release from prison.

    Me — We — Potsdam-Bornstedt: Biography of a District

    In the spirit of the question formulated in the seminar title about the "biography of a district", Potsdam-Bornstedt was to be researched by means of an interdisciplinary and intergenerational approach in order to work out the urban and socio-spatial development of the district and ultimately make it presentable.

    students4students Peer-2-Peer-Mentoring (s4s)

    The "students4students" project was launched in 2021 at the Department of Social Sciences and Education to offer students in their first and second semesters continuous support. The aim is to provide students with targeted counselling to help them succeed in their studies. From winter semester 2023/24, a three-year support and research project will be carried out with funding from the European…

    laeneAS: The Rural Educational Environments of Young Refugees in Vocational Training

    laeneAs identifies educational barriers and develops innovative educational offers for refugees in two rural real labs in Bavaria and Brandenburg.

    My Family, Corona and Me.

    Family resilience on the test bench – What is and can become. Brandenburg's families in focus.

    Children's Rights Studies Online (CRS Online)

    Development of three digital modules on children's rights issues

    FUX-XR@FH;P: Extended Reality (XR)

    The aim of the project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund, is to bring together virtual and real environments.