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Resident Satisfaction in Disability Care

Participatory development of a survey instrument to determine the satisfaction of residents in assisted living projects for people with disabilities

Lächelnde Frau mit Down-Syndrom
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Cooperation project

The aim was to create a computer-based questionnaire to determine the satisfaction of the residents of an inpatient facility for people with disabilities with their residential facility. The questionnaire was developed in cooperation with Fliedners (LAFIM), a project of the Diakonie in Brandenburg.

Due to the participatory approach, the residents were involved in the development as much as possible. The survey instrument was oriented towards views, interests and wishes. The particular difficulty was to develop a questionnaire that would be understood by all residents and at the same time cover their needs.

Important topics in the project were, among other things, the target group-related measurement of satisfaction. It turned out that the topic of home is especially important for the residents. It was important for us to realise that it is not only about evaluating the facility, but that the residents' perspective is central. For them, the facilities studied are synonymous with their own home. The questionnaire therefore had to be formulated from their point of view.


Project management

Prof. Dr. Stefan Thomas
Professor of Empirical Social Research and Social Work

Project participants

Theresa Herkt