D+E∙PFiFF is the accompanying research project to the funding programme PFiFF (Pool zur Förderung innovativer Fußball- und Fankultur) of the German Football League (DFL).

German Football League GmbH
What is PFiFF?
The PFiFF funding pool is the result of an agreement reached in 2013 between the League Association and the DFB (German Football Association) as well as the Conference of Interior Ministers of the German Federal States. Since 2014, the German Football League has offered 500,000 euros per year within the PFiFF framework for the professional football leagues for projects to implement anti-discriminatory activities in civil society, for measures to combat right-wing extremist tendencies, but also for projects to support fans in their everyday lives, e.g. in coping with everyday problems or in relation to leisure behaviour. The funded measures are intended to provide impulses for the networked, broad-based and sustainable promotion of positive fan culture. They should encourage imitation in clubs, fan groups, initiatives and other institutions (e.g. schools). Fan groups/initiatives, fan projects, clubs, social/educational organisations and other institutions (e.g. scientific institutes) as well as individuals can apply with project concepts.
What does D+E∙PFiFF do?
With D+E∙PFiFF, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences scientifically accompanies the funding programme PFiFF. Prof. Dr Werner Steffan and Heinz-Joachim de Vries were involved in the conception and development of PFiFF and contributed scientific expertise. Both have taken over the management of the D+E∙PFiFF project at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
On an ongoing basis, the D+E∙PFiFF team advises the DFL on decisions regarding project applications. Project applications are recorded and their content evaluated using a documentation procedure that has been developed. Finally, projects funded by PFiFF are evaluated in a process-accompanying and results-oriented manner. Special focus is placed on specifically selected "lighthouse" or "best-practice" projects with reference character.
Telephone advice/application advice:
Andreas Klose
Telephone: +49 331 580-4130
E-mail: de.pfiff@fh-potsdam.de
PFiFF publications (some selected)
Duben, Dr Daniel (2016): Analyse der Notwendigkeit der Einführung einer Antidiskriminierungsstelle auf Verbandsebene. A study commissioned by the "Football & Fan Affairs" department of the German Football League (DFL).
Claus, Robert; Kahrs, Andreas; Lörcher, Daniel; Eckel, Annika; Giessler, Cristin; Hegemann, Björn; Resch, Sina; Strothmüller, Maik and Ebert, Julia (2016): raus aus dem ... Abseits. Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung in der Fanarbeit - Ein Ideenratgeber. Dortmund: Borussia Dortmund.
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung (Hrsg.) (2015): Fairplay statt Hass. Was wir gegen Menschenverachtung und rechtsextreme Ideologien im Fußball machen können. Berlin: Amadeu Antonio Stiftung.
Auer, Ulrich, Braun, Günter und Warndorf, Peter K. (2016): Kaum Handlungsbedarf, aber viel zu tun. Erste Ergebnisse des Projektes Dialogförderung Polizei - Fußballfans. Heidenheim: DHBW Heidenheim.