All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
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Press release
Start for SeDOA consortium: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam involved in DFG-funded national service centre for Diamond Open Access
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the establishment of a national service centre for Diamond Open Access (SeDOA) in order to strengthen the German infrastructure for scientific open access publications and improve international networking. The aim of the project is to further expand…
Press release
Project start: TDR4HAW - Transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences
On 01 November, the research project "TDR4HAW. Transdisciplinary research at universities of applied sciences - status quo and potential of a sleeping giant" was launched on 1 November. The Potsdam University of Applied Sciences is the project's lead organisation, which will be funded over the next…
Archive Guide to German Colonial History with new Offers
Since 2019, the web portal "Archive Guide to German Colonial History" has provided access to metadata on colonial history holdings from over 450 archives. It has been updated with new indexing data, a thesaurus, maps and the Kurrent typewriter to promote research into colonial history.
Press release
VEStOR project strengthens OpenRewi e. V. and promotes networking in the OER community
As part of the VEStOR project (networking, expanding and strengthening the OER community OpenRewi), OpenRewi e. V., the only community for open legal educational materials in law to date, is being expanded and strengthened. Networking with other OER communities is also being promoted.
Press release
"QUADRIGA" Data Competence Centre Launched
Handling data confidently in an increasingly digitalised world is the goal of QUADRIGA, the new Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Centre for Digital Humanities, Administrative Science, Computer Science and Information Science. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is part of the joint project…
Press release
Standardising the Management of Research Data: Joint Project provides Impetus for Implementation
Research projects generate large amounts of data – often in the form of tables, measurements and surveys. These are increasingly available in digital form and can be accessed by partners inside and outside the universities. In order to make the information findable and usable in the long term, TH…