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Press release

"QUADRIGA" Data Competence Centre Launched

Logo des Verbundprojektes QUADRIGA

Handling data confidently in an increasingly digitalised world is the goal of QUADRIGA, the new Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Centre for Digital Humanities, Administrative Science, Computer Science and Information Science. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is part of the joint project, which is being funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with around three million euros.

Other partners are the University of Potsdam (network management), the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin and the Gesellschaft für Informatik. The project, which will initially run for three years, brings together research, learning and networking locations via data-based case studies and educational programmes.

The data competence centre unites the four disciplines of digital humanities, administrative science, computer science and information science along the data types of text, table and moving image at the Berlin-Brandenburg research location. QUADRIGA creates meeting places for society, politics and administration to collect, process, use and analyse data, while scientists at all career levels are provided with resources for the confident handling of data.

"I am particularly pleased that one focus of the project is on administrative data, which, like research data, can also form the basis for subsequent use and reutilisation and has so far usually received too little attention. By integrating information science as a basic science, we can also draw on existing expertise in the field of data science and data stewardship to provide qualified support for the application domains of digital humanities and administrative science," says Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth, Professor of Library Science at the Department of Information Science, summarising her commitment to QUADRIGA.

Case studies are used to address specific issues in the research centres. In turn, data sets, standards and methods are to be transformed into digital educational programmes in the learning locations. Assessment tools connect research and learning locations on the basis of an optimised data competence framework and enable researchers to assign their data competences along the data flow. The project managers want to use their own search tool to bundle the educational programmes on the QUADRIGA Space data skills platform.

The project was acquired as part of the guideline for funding projects to establish data competence centres in science. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam's share of the funding is approximately 260,000 euros.

Information on the project

Project management University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth
Department of Information Sciences

Network management University of Potsdam
Dr. Bettina Buchholz
Potsdam Graduate School