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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualität

Organisational unit
    DAAD-Preisträger Hadi Daaboul mit Blumenstrauss und Urkunde

    Press release

    DAAD Prize 2024 goes to Hadi Daaboul

    Hadi Daaboul, a student on the "Childhood Studies and Children's Rights" Master's programme at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, was awarded the DAAD Prize 2024 for his outstanding achievements and remarkable social commitment.

    Gruppe internationaler Studierender, die sich lächelnd umarmen
    Campus life


    Webinar for International Students - Health Insurance in Germany

    The information sessions organised by Techniker Krankenkasse inform international students about important information and necessary steps to ensure a smooth and well-insured start in Germany.

    Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf mit Teilnehmer*innen der Weiterbildung "Aktionszentriertes Coaching" auf dem Campus der FHP
    Further education


    Action-centred Coaching: Focus on Action

    The "Action-centred Coaching" training course starts in November 2024. In this interview, Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf explains how scenic and playful methods in coaching help to discover alternative courses of action and break down rigid patterns. Find out which target groups are addressed, which…

    Person arbeitet am Laptop zu nachhaltigen Umwelt-Themen
    Further education


    Fits into Every Day: Flexible Courses from the Virtual Academy for Sustainability (VAN)

    Sustainability is an important social issue and concerns everyone. More and more companies are therefore also focussing on sustainable development within their management. Job applicants with the relevant qualifications can increase their chances through further training programmes such as those…

    Rednerpult in einem Hörsaal der FH Potsdam
    University policy


    Gender-Equitable Appointment Procedures

    President signs voluntary commitment to a resolution of the German Rectors' Conference

    Bunter Hintergrund mit Text "Werkschau 20. bis 21.07.2024 Fachbereich Design"
    Study & Teaching

    Press release

    Art, Design and Technology: Werkschau at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam on 20th and 21st of July

    Works from the past winter and summer semesters will be presented at the annual exhibition of the Department of Design at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The focus will also be on the results and experiences of the thematic semester #Democracy!

    Studentin lernt in der Bibliothek der FH Potsdam


    Registration for the Long Night of Writing is now open for FHP students

    Register now for 18th of April and benefit from the "Long Night of Writing"! The student counselling service and the library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are once again offering the opportunity to advance your own writing project with input lectures and the chance to concentrate on…

    Frau lehnt gegen offenes Fenster
    Further education


    Holistic Coaching: Systemic Approaches in Health Management

    Katja Schönitz, an expert in occupational health management, knows the tools and strategies that companies need to create a positive working environment. In July 2024, she will complete the certificate course for systemic constellations and shares in an interview which holistic approaches she has…

    Bild mit dem Titel der Ausstellung


    MitBestimmen. AbStimmen. BeStimmen.

    From the 1st of July 2024 to the 22nd of October 2024, six video explainers designed and animated as part of the seminar "Animated infographics in political communication" will be shown at the Brandenburg State Centre for Political Education. The exhibition answers important questions about the…

    Ein Besucher der Werkschau vor Fotografien


    16th GIF Young Scientists' Meetings (GYSM) Hebrew University with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    From 18th to 21st of June 2024, an international research workshop on "Remembering Genocides and Violent Conflicts: Intergenerational Memory and Post-History in Contemporary Societies" took place at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.

    Studierende der FH Potsdam vor dem Landesarchiv NRW in Duisburg


    Students attended the Conference "Archive Pedagogy in Migration Society" at the NRW State Archive in Duisburg

    Germany is a country of immigration! On the 14th and 15th of June 2024, representatives from archives, schools and other educational institutions met in Duisburg for the 35th Archive Pedagogy Conference on the topic of "Archive Pedagogy in Migration Society"!

    Euro-Scheine aufgefächert auf einem Tisch
    Study & Teaching


    News about BAföG

    The Studentenwerk Potsdam has summarised all the latest news and important information about the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) for students.