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We live diversity & tolerance

We endeavour to make University of Applied Sciences Potsdam an inclusive, democratic and safe place to learn, work and be for everyone. Diversity is part of our university's identity.

Illustrations of the FHP logo in various colours and fonts

Survey: Anti-discrimination work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

We would like to find out more about your perspective on anti-discrimination work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Which topics are important to you? What would you like to see? We also want to know how you can and want to get involved in order to work together towards an inclusive university.

Graffiti auf der Panzerhalle mit Einhorn und Aufschrift "Schöner leben ohne Nazis" und großem Peace-Zeichen

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is... the teaching mission statement on "Democracy and pluralism. Teachers and students treat each other with respect and openness in an inclusive and familiar atmosphere. [...] Respectful interaction and appreciation, even in the case of conflicting views, are seen at the FHP as a quality feature and a guarantee for open, cooperative and responsible cooperation. With all openness to discourse and acceptance of diversity of opinion, the FHP opposes exclusionary behaviour and offers protection and support to all those affected by exclusion." (Teaching mission statement, 2020) In the context of current social developments, we want to emphasise our understanding of diversity and variety as well as our stance on discrimination and anti-democratic movements in particular.

Portrait Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund; Text: "Das Bündnis für Brandenburg fördert Vielfalt, stärkt Toleranz und ermöglicht den Bürger*innen des Landes eine aktive Beteiligung. Kurz gesagt: Es sichert eine gerechte, inklusive und zukunftsorientierte Gesellschaft für alle."

Strong alliance for an open-minded Brandenburg

Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, president of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, has signed the "Alliance for Brandenburg".

The alliance is committed to a diverse, cosmopolitan and democratic Brandenburg for all people, regardless of their ethnic origin, nationality, religion or world view.


Please take into account our procedure for reporting experiences of discrimination and use the memory protocol for experiences of discrimination, which is based on the template provided by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency.


Would you like to get involved in the topics of anti-discrimination, tolerance and diversity at the university? Then get in touch with our anti-discrimination officer!

Anti-Discrimination Commissioner

Room 128