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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

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    Porträt von Susanne Stahl

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Susanne Stahl

    On the occasion of her appointment as Professor of Editorial Design at the Department of Design, Prof. Susanne Stahl will give her inaugural lecture "The book you want to design no longer exists" on the 11th of December 2023.

    Definition Menopause in Lexikon unterstrichen
    Design Equal Opportunities Commissioner

    Press release

    Gender Prize of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam goes to Hyeonji Kim

    Hyeonji Kim, a graduate of the Department of Design, was awarded the FH Potsdam Gender Prize for her Master's thesis "Designing a Customizable Period Tracker With a Human-Centered Approach and Data Visualisation to Support Menopausal Transition".

    Porträt Bärbel Arnold

    Press release

    Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Bärbel Arnold

    To mark her appointment as Honorary Professor of Conservation and Restauration at the Department of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Prof. Dr. Bärbel Arnold will give her inaugural lecture "Conservation and Natural Science – A Journey through Time and Forgetting".

    Das Bild zeigt ein Patrouillenboot im südlchen Mittelmeer zwischen Italien und Tunesien.

    Press release

    Volkswagen Foundation funds Research Project "Boundary Values: Operational Relationships of Climate and Migration" at the Department of Design

    The Volkswagen Foundation has approved funding totalling EUR 346,900 for the research project "Grenzwerte: Operative Verhältnisse von Klima und Migration". The project is embedded in the programme "Aufbruch – Neue Forschungsräume für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften" in the Exploration profile…

    Dr. Jens Mittelbach, Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth, Dr. Daniela Mertzen
    Information Sciences

    Press release

    Certificate Course in Research Data Management receives the State Teaching Award 2023

    The certificate course "Research Data Management for Students", organised by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, the University of Potsdam and the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, has been awarded the 10,000 euro State Teaching Prize for excellent university teaching…

    Gruppenbild mit Agentur BRANDCODE bei der Preisverleihung der Splash Awards
    Marketing und Content-Management

    Press release

    Innovative Digital Presence: Agency BRANDCODE wins Splash Award 2023 for FHP Relaunch

    The Munich agency BRANDCODE has been honoured with the prestigious Splash Award. The coveted award recognises the best Drupal projects in Germany and Austria and honours outstanding digital projects and innovative solutions. The relaunch of the university website was realised by their own…

    Rednerpult in einem Hörsaal der FH Potsdam
    Senate Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
    University policy

    Press release

    Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier is the new Anti-Discrimination Officer at FH Potsdam

    In a unanimous decision by the Senate of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Meier was elected Anti-Discrimination Officer in October. This decision underlines the university's ongoing commitment to equal opportunities and the creation of a respectful environment…

    Die Preisträgerin des DAAD Presies, Phantina Sholi hält ihre Urkunde und ein Strauß Blumen hoch. Sie steht in einem grün bewachsenen Garten.
    International Office

    Press release

    Awarding of the DAAD Prize 2023 to Phantina Sholi

    Phantina Sholi, student in "Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (M. A.)", was awarded the DAAD Prize 2023 for her outstanding academic achievements and her remarkable intercultural commitment.

    Ausstellungsplakat EMOP 2023 - Drängende Gegenwart

    Press release

    Drägende Gegenwart – Exhibition as Part of the European Month of Photography

    Drängende Gegenwart: Der Blick der jungen Generation is a joint exhibition of photography training centres in Berlin and Potsdam, which have joined forces at the invitation of the European Month of Photography Berlin (EMOP Berlin). The exhibition includes moving photographic works by five graduates…

    Visualisierungsprojekt "Verschwundene Ortschaften"
    Study & Teaching

    Press release

    Disappeared Villages: A Brief History of Open-Cast Mining

    Since the end of the Second World War, over 300 villages in Germany have been demolished for lignite mining and over 120,000 people have been resettled. With the help of a data visualisation in scrollytelling format, interface design student Tim Hönig tells the story of German open-cast mining and…

    Stampflehmhaus: Modern eingerichtetes Zimmer mit Küche, Esstisch und Fensterfront

    Press release

    Lecture Series "Sustainable Building": The Cradle to Cradle Principle – The Reused Building Materials of the Future

    In the joint lecture series "Sustainable Building" organised by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, architect Jörg Finkbeiner will present the topic "The cradle to cradle principle – The reused building materials of the future".

    Das FHP Mobil vor Haus D auf dem Campus der FH Potsdam

    Press release

    Lecture Series "Sustainable Building": Rethinking Materiality: Looking at Natural Resources alongside Human Resources

    In the joint lecture series "Sustainable Building" organised by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the 3rd event will focus on the potential of natural resources. Prof. Dr. Anupama Kundoo (FHP) will speak on the topic of "Rethinking materiality…