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Small Editions in a small Bookshop

Study & Teaching
2 Fotos schwarz weiß nebeneinander, in und vor dem Buchladen Ivry books Berlin
© Minglang Sun

Small editions in a small bookshop – Photo books by students of the Department of Design of the FH Potsdam at Ivry Books

In the photography course "Working with images", Clara Bahlsen supervised the creation of a wide variety of photo books in small editions.

The aim of the course was to conceptually develop and realise a photo book from a large collection of images. Selection, sequence, rhythm, but also text, typography, choice of material and production possibilities were the topics. The photographic material did not have to be taken by the participants themselves; collaborations and working with found material from private and public archives were also possible.

On the 4th of June 2024 from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm, they could be discussed, leafed through and purchased in the fine little bookshop of our graduate Charly Hall at Großbeerenstraße 32 in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

What an exchange, what a joy!

Participating students: Marcia Friese | Jaqueline Grob | Vivienne Rischke | Samira Rehmert | Minglang Sun | Valerie Anna Martina Kemter | Paulina Kalinowski | Helene Kreller | Katharina Geist | Martin Zerr | Paula Slusariuk | Laura Günther | Clara Böckers

Concept: Prof. Wiebke Loeper | Clara Bahlsen

Ivry books berlin
